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Chapter 814: A Bird!

When the late-stage Spirit Immortal Never-Ending Clan elder chased into the ground, Wang Baole’s essence body, which had turned into a speck of dust, immediately teleported. Using his late-stage Soul Conduit realm cultivation, he instantly teleported far away. When he landed, he turned into a bird and let out waves of cries alongside a flock of birds flying past in the sky, flying towards the distance with the flock.Not stopping there, Wang Baole, who was still worried that he would be caught up to, transformed again after noticing that his Divine Sense deep underground collapsed and that the other Divine Sensees that he spread out all disappeared consecutively. He turned into a feather and floated down until he landed on the surface of a river. Then, he turned into a rock. After sinking to the river bed, he turned into a fish and quickly swam away using the river current.After fifteen minutes, when Wang Baole had already left that place, the bodies of the flock of birds all trembled as they collapsed and died together. Beside their corpses, the gloomy aggrieved Never-Ending Clan elder suddenly transmogrified. After sweeping around the surroundings and not finding Wang Baole, the anger in the Never-Ending Clan elder’s heart had already reached its peak.As a Spirit Immortal chasing after a Soul Conduit, the fact that the Soul Conduit escaped made him lose his reputation. What made him even angrier was the fact that he fell for a trap just now!This disciple specializes in transformation! The Never-Ending Clan elder gritted his teeth. Although he had an inkling of this previously, after gaining a deeper understanding of Wang Baole, he felt a deep sense of helplessness and couldn’t help but growl. He spread out his Divine Sense in a thousand-mile radius and, not caring about the consequences, formed an impact with his consciousness. Wherever the consciousness went, all life trembled and broke apart.But it didn’t include Wang Baole. Before the Never-Ending Clan elder appeared, he had teleported away again in his fish state, leaving that place. When he appeared again, he was already quite far away. Moreover, he transformed again, assuming the appearance of a Never-Ending Clan cultivator and speeding away.That wasn’t Wang Baole’s last transmogrification while escaping. While on the road after that, he sometimes transformed into small harmless beasts running on the ground. He also transformed into insects, hiding in some cracks at other times. There were even times he assumed the appearances of other Descenders. Using this method, he increased the distance bit by bit every time. Even though the distance increased wasn’t very much, under continuous stacking, the distance between the two finally got to a point where it was hard to give chase.Just like that, the late-stage Spirit Immortal Never-Ending Clan elder gave chase many times, but he still couldn’t catch Wang Baole. He even completely lost Wang Baole’s trail. Faced with that, the late-stage Spirit Immortal gave an order and sent a notice to all Never-Ending Clan branch teams, telling them to search all areas for the man wearing a pig mask.Even if that method wasn’t really effective, it was better than doing nothing. At the same time, the Spirit Immortal Never-Ending Clan elder thought in his heart that the branch teams were all bait. Once that pig head appeared and killed someone, he could then catch his trail again!All of the planet’s Never-Ending Clan members moved under the Spirit Immortal elder’s orders, searching frenziedly, and bringing with them an intense killing intent. And such searching was a previously unseen catastrophe for other Descenders.In reality, the entire Never-Ending Clan was looking for the pig head. At the same time, due to the orders of the Spirit Immortal elder, they all took precautions against one another. Hence, the sense of frustration in their hearts was also very intense, to the point that they attacked the moment they met a Descender. It was best if they beat them to death, and if they couldn’t, they would ask them where the pig head was!Because of that, the Descenders all felt hatred in their hearts. But they truly didn’t know where the pig head was. Therefore, in many areas on the planet, sieges and killing occurred often. This made all of the Descenders feel bitterness in their hearts, and it also left them with no choice but to give up on the mission. They started hiding continuously as they bided their time and waited for the mission time to be over so that they could teleport away and escape that dangerous place. At the same time, the hatred in their hearts increased, and they all had the same thought. That was… to look for the pig head after returning and kill him!This scene was witnessed from start to finish by the Flame Patriarch. On the one hand, he felt that Wang Baole using his transformation to escape showed his quick-wittedness. On the other hand, he felt an interest that he had never felt before upon seeing the hatred that the other Descenders felt towards Wang Baole.And while the planet descended into chaos, Wang Baole, who caused it all, felt pride in his heart as he transformed into a bird again. He then landed in a forest and stood on a tree branch, raising his head to look at a group of Never-Ending Clan cultivators who flew past him in the sky above.This is bad, there are only ten hours left before time’s up. Wang Baole had a headache. On the one hand, he went on the mission to earn Red Crystals. On the other hand, he wanted to make use of the Demonic Eye Art’s killing to achieve a breakthrough in his cultivation.Previously, everything was going fine. He was earning Red Crystals while killing Never-Ending Clan members, all while pushing his Demonic Eye Art forward. One could say that he was feeling great. The Demonic Eye Art itself had also already reached a certain level, causing Wang Baole’s cultivation to increase a lot and reach the peak of the late-stage Soul Conduit realm.According to Wang Baole’s calculations, he felt that if he went on like that, he could definitely achieve a breakthrough in his cultivation before the end of the mission. After all, the cultivation levels of the Never-Ending Clan cultivators were all extraordinary and brought him many gains.Now I’m screwed! Wang Baole was a little depressed. Standing on the tree branch, he pecked his feathers while thinking about how to handle his current situation. And as he was thinking, suddenly, an extremely abrupt voice echoed in his brain.“Help me… Help me…”The appearance of that voice made Wang Baole’s body jolt and caused his eyes to go wide. He immediately flew up and looked at his surroundings. Instinctively, he spread out his Divine Sense and swept it through his surroundings. However, it returned empty-handed, and his expression turned ugly as a result.Even as the voice got weaker and weaker and completely disappeared, the extremely cautious Wang Baole didn’t notice any abnormalities in the surrounding forest. In the end, he landed on the tree branch again and narrowed his eyes.The second time! Wang Baole thoroughly remembered the voice that appeared in his mind. After judging that the sound was obviously clearer than before, he felt that it was too weird. At the same time, he felt the same as he did the last time, faintly feeling that the sound came from somewhere underground.Is it only audible to me, or… can everyone hear it? Wang Baole narrowed his eyes, and his expression changed slightly. As he pondered, he raised his head to look into the distant forest.At that moment, at the forest’s boundaries, as Wang Baole looked in that direction, a burly man wearing a bull mask was unleashing his full speed as he charged into the forest. After stepping into the forest, the burly man’s expression turned ugly. He kept turning his head to look behind him, though he didn’t decelerate as he sped deeper into the forest. Meanwhile, under the concealment of the mask, his aura quickly camouflaged with his surroundings. If Wang Baole didn’t lock onto it previously, it would have been hard to find him.It’s that guy? Seeing that familiar silhouette, Wang Baole laughed. He also saw that there were two teams of Never-Ending Clan members chasing behind the burly man. There were actually two late-stage Soul Conduit realm cultivators among them, and there was even one perfected stage Soul Conduit.This guy might have also disturbed a hornet’s nest. Why is he being chased by so many Never-Ending Clan cultivators? After noticing all of that, Wang Baole was a little shocked. Amidst his shock, the bull-masked burly man rapidly went under a big tree. He then unleashed an unknown technique, and his original extremely concealed aura actually completely disappeared in an instant. Moreover, he was obviously right there, but the Never-Ending Clan members seemed to not see him despite walking right in front of him.This astonished Wang Baole a little, so he narrowed his eyes and flew over with a flick of his body. He landed on a tree branch above the burly man’s head and prepared to take a close look.Very quickly, Wang Baole noticed that the burly man seemed to be holding something in his palm. The Never-Ending Clan pursuers returned empty-handed after searching, then sealed all teleportation and chased further away. Only then did the burly man finally take a deep breath. It seemed like he couldn’t maintain his state for long. After a moment, he opened his palm and revealed what he was holding onto, an emerald green leaf!The leaf looked very ordinary, seeming no different from normal leaves. However, considering it could make a person’s aura completely disappear, it was definitely no ordinary leaf. Wang Baole’s eyes lit up as he pondered about whether to greet the man and convince him to lend him the leaf. It was then that the burly man spat out a thick blob of phlegm towards the soil beside him.“That d*mned pig head. I’ve done this mission so many times, and I’ve never seen the Never-Ending Clan go so crazy. That pig head deserves to die. When I return, I’ll definitely rip his tendons and crush his bones!” Speaking softly with a vicious look and while gritting his teeth, the burly man prepared to leave with a flick of his body…But at that moment, the bird standing on the tree branch above him suddenly chirped loudly after shooting a slanted glance at him…

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