Wives and Daughters

Wives and Daughters

类型: Classic
章节: 60章节
<built-in method update of dict object at 0x7fa308988d40>: 未知
分类: Classic


简介: 由伊丽莎白盖斯凯尔(Elizabeth Gaskell)著作的小说,最初于1864-1866年连载于《康希尔杂志》(Cornhill Magazine)。由于盖斯凯尔夫人于1865年突然辞世,该小说未完结,结尾部分由Frederick Greenwood续写。小说以19世纪中期的英国为背景,描述吉布森先生爱妻去世,和...


1. Chapter I The Dawn of a Gala Day 2. Chapter II A Novice Amongst the Great Folk 3. Chapter III Molly Gibson’s Childhood 4. Chapter IV Mr Gibson’s Neighbours 5. Chapter V Calf-Love 6. Chapter VI A Visit to the Hamleys 7. Chapter VII Foreshadows of Love Perils 8. Chapter VIII Drifting into Danger 9. Chapter IX The Widower and the Widow 10. Chapter X A Crisis 11. Chapter XI Making Friendship 12. Chapter XII Preparing for the Wedding 13. Chapter XIII Molly Gibson’s New Friends 14. Chapter XIV Molly Finds Herself Patronized 15. Chapter XV The New Mamma 16. Chapter XVI The Bride at Home 17. Chapter XVII Trouble at Hamley Hall 18. Chapter XVIII Mr Osborne’s Secret 19. Chapter XIX Cynthia’s Arrival 20. Chapter XX Mrs Gibson’s Visitors 21. Chapter XXI The Half-Sisters 22. Chapter XXII The Old Squire’s Troubles 23. Chapter XXIII Osborne Hamley Reviews His Position 24. Chapter XXIV Mrs Gibson’s Little Dinner 25. Chapter XXV Hollingford in a Bustle 26. Chapter XXVI A Charity Ball 27. Chapter XXVII Father and Sons 28. Chapter XXVIII Rivalry 29. Chapter XXIX Bush-Fighting 30. Chapter XXX Old Ways and New Ways 31. Chapter XXXI A Passive Coquette 32. Chapter XXXII Coming Events 33. Chapter XXXIII Brightening Prospects 34. Chapter XXXIV A Lover’s Mistake 35. Chapter XXXV The Mother’s Manoeuvre 36. Chapter XXXVI Domestic Diplomacy 37. Chapter XXXVII A Fluke, and what Came of it 38. Chapter XXXVIII Mr Kirkpatrick, Q.c. 39. Chapter XXXIX Secret Thoughts Ooze Out 40. Chapter XL Molly Gibson Breathes Freely 41. Chapter XLI Gathering Clouds 42. Chapter XLII The Storm Bursts 43. Chapter XLIII Cynthia’s Confession 44. Chapter XLIV Molly Gibson to the Rescue 45. Chapter XLV Confidences 46. Chapter XLVI Hollingford Gossips 47. Chapter XLVII Scandal and its Victims 48. Chapter XLVIII An Innocent Culprit 49. Chapter XLIX Molly Gibson Finds a Champion 50. Chapter L Cynthia at Bay 51. Chapter LI ‘Troubles Never Come Alone’ 52. Chapter LII Squire Hamley’s Sorrow 53. Chapter LIII Unlooked-For Arrivals 54. Chapter LIV Molly Gibson’s Worth is Discovered 55. Chapter LV An Absent Lover Returns 56. Chapter LVI ‘Off with the Old Love, and on with the New.’ 57. Chapter LVII Bridal Visits and Adieux 58. Chapter LVIII Reviving Hopes and Brightening Prospects 59. Chapter LIX Molly Gibson at Hamley Hall 60. Chapter LX Roger Hamley’s Confession