Flames of Change
My life is hell. No really. Ever since word got out that I can use telepathic magic, recruiters turned up on my doorstep. I kept turning them down and eventually, I was arrested for treason. I wasn't sure I hated the empire before then, but when that happened, I definitely was. Thinking my rich father could just hire a good lawyer to get me released, I went with them without even putting up a fight. Only there never was any court hearing. Instead I was just imprisoned here in this freezing shithole. It's always cold so inmates have to waste all their mana to not freeze to death, preventing the use of any form of magic. FUN. Meals are shit and too small and this entire thing is just meant to break people into submission. Jokes on them though, appearently telepathy comes with a VERY strong mental fortitude. Also I refuse to work for the assholes who imprisoned me here. They even took my name. As in I can't remember it. Good news though: It seems my solitude is coming to an end. Not because I have a grand escape planned or anything, I have long since given up on ever leaving this place. No the guards just hauled in the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She's unconscious right now, but I hope that we can be friends as soon as she wakes up. If nothing else, we have one common enemy... Warning: This story may contain dangerously lesbian foxgirls. Disclaimer: This synopsis is not narrated by the main character. She is a pretty important character, but not the main character.