Page 27

Firada had looked disapproving when I had praised the boy. Now, at this sign of deference from him, she relented. She spoke briskly. “Go to the bend of the stream where the three big rocks are. Dig in the sandy spot there. You may find blue mollusks. They are excellent for rebuilding a Great One’s strength. On the muddy bank, you will find fat grass growing. It will not be sweet anymore; spring is long gone. But the roots will be thick and nourishing. Fetch those as well. See that you wash them well before you bring them to him. When a Great One is as famished as this one is, he is sometimes too hasty in his eating. He may take in dirt or bones if the food is not prepared correctly before it is offered. And dirt and bones may clog his bowels or put him into a fever.”

“Yes, Aunt.” He looked at the ground. “Thus did I fear that he would swallow the pit of the fruit as well.” When Firada looked grim at this bit of cheek, he added quickly, “But I should have phrased my caution more respectfully. Thank you for your instruction, and for sharing your gathering places with me. Well do I know that often such places are guarded secrets.”

Firada was mollified. She sounded almost motherly as she said, “I wish you to do well at this, if you must attempt it, Likari.” Then, in a sharper voice, she added, “But you must not linger here talking while your Great One waits for food. Go. Hurry. Be back before he has finished what you have brought him!”

The boy nodded violently and scuttled away. Soldier’s Boy was only peripherally aware of his leaving, for the food still claimed most of his attention. I think Jodoli understood this. He waited until the mushrooms were gone and most of the clingfruit before he spoke again. “It is good that your feeder found mushrooms for you. They will help, and if he can find the blue mollusks, that will be even better. You will need your strength tonight if we are to travel swiftly.”

My mouth was full of fruit. Soldier’s Boy could not speak, so he raised my eyebrows at him.

“We cannot linger here. We must travel tonight. I spent magic to quick-walk here and to bring Firada, Likari, and Olikea with me, all in a single night! Tonight, we must begin our journey back. We will not make it with as much haste. Still, the season is too late for you and your feeder to travel in an ordinary fashion. You will have to spend magic to quick-walk yourself and Likari to the Wintering Place.”

Questions popped into my mind. Why were we going up into the mountains as winter was coming on? Surely it would make more sense to winter in the foothills than to travel to where the cold would be most extreme and the snow deepest? I was not sure Soldier’s Boy knew how to quick-walk, let alone how to take someone with him when he did it. Quick-walking was a Speck magic, a way to traverse a long distance very swiftly. Soldier’s Boy shared my doubts. He hastily crammed the last of the clingfruit into my mouth. As he chewed them, I felt suddenly steadier, more anchored in the world and in the day. He swallowed gratefully, but before he could ask Jodoli any questions, Firada asked one of her own.

“What of Olikea?” she asked gravely. “Will you quick-walk her back to the People?”

I saw Jodoli’s hesitation. “I wished to be full of magic when I spoke to Kinrove. I have already spent more than I intended in coming here and bringing all of you with me. Nevare intends to pay us back, but—”

Before he could say anything more, Soldier’s Boy interrupted. “Olikea came here on my behalf. And I suspect that she did not come willingly. I feel a debt to her. I will quick-walk her back.” He did not wish to be any deeper in Jodoli’s debt.

He looked doubtful. “Will you be strong enough to quick-walk yourself, Olikea, and Likari?”

“If I am not tonight, then I will have to stay here and rest and eat and try again.”

Olikea had not gone far. I suspected that she had lingered quite close by, listening to the conversation and watching how I interacted with her son. Now she emerged from behind one of the immense trees. She strolled toward us in a desultory way, but the glances she gave me were still full of both anger and injured pride. She would not look at me directly but instead addressed Jodoli. “I would prefer that you were the one to quick-walk me back to the People. Once we are there, I will bring food to you to pay you back. Or I will go now, to find food so that you will be strong when we travel tonight.”

A spark kindled in Firada’s eyes at her sister’s words. She moved, placing her body as a barrier between Olikea and Jodoli. She narrowed her eyes and her voice sounded like an angry cat’s snarl as she said, “I know what you are trying to do. It will not work! You angered your own Great One and he has rejected you. Do not think you can ingratiate yourself with mine! Jodoli has been mine since he passed through his trial! I have fed him, I have groomed him, and countless times I have rescued him from his own foolishness. Now that he stands ready to make challenge to Kinrove, do you think you will come wheedling with sweet words and tasty tidbits to steal him from me? No. Step back from him, sister. You had your chance and you wasted it. You will not take mine from me.”