Chapter 1229: Enormous Expenditure
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo StudioWhoosh!A strand of light appeared in front of Xu Que. Suddenly, he could seeglistening equipment in the System store.Xu Que smiled. Now, the defensive Inferior Celestial Artifacts on his bodywere almost useless. After all, even the Inferior Celestial Artifacts couldn’tkeep intact under great pressure for a long time. However, the equipment inthe System store was different. Magic Resistance Equipment would be veryefficient now. Also, the equipment in the store was quite cheap. As long as hecould enhance his ability to resist magic, he could keep moving forward onthis path.Just like crossing his Heavenly Tribulations, he used some equipment toprotect himself from being wounded by the thunder when his physique wasnot strong enough.“What? Young man, why do you stop? Don't tell me you have reached yourlimit! Holy sh*t! Try harder! Come closer, so that we can chat conveniently!”The dry corpse, who noticed Xu Que had stopped moving forward, couldn'thelp but shout at this time.Xu Que ignored him, for he was fixing his eyes on the equipment in theSystem store. When the System was upgraded to Version 10.0, many items inthe store were updated. He could find almost all the equipment whichappeared in the web fiction and games here. Now, he tried to find equipmentwith high magic resistance and low prices. When he saw some equipmentfrom several games, he couldn't help but smile.Then, in front of the shocked eyes of the dry corpse, Xu Que waved his handto take out a small stick from his crotch. The small stick was the AbyssalScepter from the League of Legends, which could increase the damage ofmagic arts and the magic resistance of the pressure. Then he put on theNegative Cloak, the Spirit Visage, and the Mercury’s Treads. Finally, he alsoput on the Eye of Phoenix and the Banshee's Veil.The Eye of Phoenix could also increase the replenishment of blood, whichwas quite suitable for the current situation.After putting on the six pieces of equipment that he had gotten from theSystem, Xu Que felt relaxed immediately. Now the pressure, which used to beso heavy, was indiscernible!He had only spent less than 10,000 Acting Tough Points to purchase all this,which was very cheap!“Hah, hah, hah, I am fully recovered! Now let me walk to the end once and forall!” Xu Que roared in high spirits.The dry corpse was shocked by Xu Que’s yelling. A strand of light appearedin his hollow eyes. Then he asked in surprise, “What are you doing?”“I am using a trainer!” Xu Que said proudly as he stepped forward.Flop!Flop!Flop!He walked five steps without stopping, and his body was still intact!The dry corpse was dumbfounded. His dry jaw almost fell to the ground. “MyGod! How…could this be? How did you do that?” he asked in surprise.Xu Que said with a wicked smile, “The Exploding Heavens Faction isomnipotent!”“The Exploding Heavens Faction?” the dry corpse asked with puzzlement. Itseemed he had never heard of such a sect.Bang!At the same time, a dull sound came from Xu Que’s body. The AbyssalScepter and the Mercury’s Treads exploded at the same time. Horriblepressure gushed in immediately. Xu Que changed his expression as hepurchased another three Eyes of Phoenix from the System store.In the peripheral area, the equipment could resist the pressure. However,several cheap equipments had been crushed by the pressure. Xu Que had toreplace all of them with the Eye of Phoenix, so that he could enhance hismagic resistance and the speed of blood replenishment. In front of theshocked eyes of the dry corpse, Xu Que put several ornaments which werelike eyes on his body. Then he walked another six steps casually and stoppedin front of the dry corpse directly.“This…” The jaw of the dry corpse, who was totally dumbfounded, had fallento the ground.When he reached this position, he had run out of his pills and elixirs. Then hespent seven days and seven nights to heal his wounds. Now, this young manwho had just reached the Human Celestial Stage arrived at his position withinone hour! This path would become more and more difficult for the others whotrod on it. This guy just went faster and faster on it, and he didn’t stop to takea break, which was totally unbelievable!But the dry corpse knew those strange ornaments and green armor were thekey factors for Xu Que to realize such a big progress. He was totally puzzledby Xu Que’s appearance.Xu Que’s body was still intact and full of energy. And it had no sign of beingdried up at all. He was still a handsome cultivator!“Holy sh*t! What the hell did you do?” The dry corpse couldn’t help but shoutexcitedly. His reaction was quite normal. After all, nobody had realized suchprogress without drying up his body. It was just so enviable.“Heh, heh, I've told you I am using a trainer!” Xu Que said with a wicked smile.After checking the integrity of the equipment on his body, he continued tomove forward.“Use a trainer? What do you mean?” The dry corpse asked with puzzlement.“I am cheating!” Xu Que said as he walked several steps.“How could you…cheat here?” The dry corpse was totally confused. Thisdivine place was set up by the God of Hell. How could someone cheat here?Bang!At the same time, Xu Que’s Spirit Visage and Banshee's Veil were crushedagain. Without any hesitation, Xu Que replaced them with a Witch’s Cloak anda new Spirit Visage. Instantly, his magic resistance was enhanced again. Buthe had reached his limit.He was quite serious now, for he was not able to enhance his magicresistance anymore. From now on, he had to spend a lot of Acting ToughPoints to resist the pressure.Whoosh!One step, two steps, three steps…Xu Que walked forward rapidly. Now, the corpses beside the path hadbecome skeletons.But he had only covered two-thirds of his path.Bang!Suddenly, the four Eye of Phoenixes on his body exploded at the same time.When the pressure gushed toward him, he put on new equipment to maintainhis magic resistance. Then he walked another step forward.Bang!This time, the Witch’s Cloak and the Spirit Visage exploded. Four Eye ofPhoenixes cracked. Xu Que replaced them with new equipment without anyhesitation. Then he moved forward again.Now, whenever he stepped out, his equipment would explode. At last, sixequipments would explode at the same time. Xu Que had to replace themwith new equipment again and again, which meant a lot of Acting ToughPoints had been consumed.The price for six equipments was over 10,000 Acting Tough Points. So he hadto spend over 10,000 Acting Tough Points for each step.His Acting Tough Points were being consumed rapidly as he moved forward.But the result was always worth the effort! After moving forward for more thanten steps, he had covered four-fifths of this path eventually. The end was justin front of him.Phew!Xu Que let out a sigh and smiled with difficulty, “Finally…I am almost there!”…..