June 27

"The Lord hath sent strength for thee." (Psa. 68.28, P.B.V.)

The Lord imparts unto us that primary strength of character which makes everything in life work with intensity and decision. We are "strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man." And the strength is continuous; reserves of power come to us which we cannot exhaust.

"As thy days, so shall thy strength be"--strength of will, strength of affection, strength of judgment, strength of ideals and achievement.

"The Lord is my strength" to go on. He gives us power to tread the dead level, to walk the long lane that seems never to have a turning, to go through those long reaches of life which afford no pleasant surprise, and which depress the spirits in the sameness of a terrible drudgery.

"The Lord is my strength" to go up. He is to me the power by which I can climb the Hill Difficulty and not be afraid.

"The Lord is my strength" to go down. It is when we leave the bracing heights, where the wind and the sun have been about us, and when we begin to come down the hill into closer and more sultry spheres, that the heart is apt to grow faint.

I heard a man say the other day concerning his growing physical frailty, "It is the coming down that tires me!"

"The Lord is my strength" to sit still. And how difficult is the attainment! Do we not often say to one another, in seasons when we are compelled to be quiet, "If only I could do something!"

When the child is ill, and the mother stands by in comparative impotence, how severe is the test! But to do nothing, just to sit still and wait, requires tremendous strength. "The Lord is my strength!" "Our sufficiency is of God." --The Silver Lining.


“以色列的能力,是神所赐的”(诗六十八:28) 。



  “耶和华是我的力量” ——前进的力量。他给我力量践踏死亡的平地,行走永不转弯的长巷,忍受长期苦闷的单调生活。

  “耶和华是我的力量” ——往上的力量。他是我攀登艰难的力量。有了他,我攀登的时候,一点惧怕也没有。

  “耶和华是我的力量” ——往下的力量。当我们离开凉风习习的山顶,开始下到沉闷酷热的地区去的时候,我们的心最容易沮丧。所以当我们往下走的时候,我们更需要神的力量。有一位身体日趋孱弱的人,曾经说:“每况愈下,最使人难于支持”。

  “耶和华是我的力量” ——静止的力量。不要想静止是一件容易的事!当我们不得不安静的时候,常会对人说:“让我作点事,多好呢”!
