(Short Intro Chapter)
The skeletal remains of four pirates, still clad in buccaneer rags, hang from gallows erected on a rocky promontory. There is a fifth, unoccupied gallow, bearing a sign: PIRATES - YE BE WARNED.
The top of a billowing sail passes regally in front of them. On the landward face of the sail, apparently high in the rigging, is a man for whom the term 'swashbuckling rogue' was coined: Captain JACK SPARROW. He gazes keen-eyed at the display as they pass. Raises a tankard in salute. Suddenly, something below catches his attention. He jumps from the rigging and that's when we see that his ship is not an imposing three-master, but just a small fishing dory with a single sail, plowing through the water - the Jolly Mon.
He lands in front of a sleeping female with a flask in one hand and a pistol in the other.
This sleeping beauty is Captain Jillana Sparrow, or has everyone calls her Jill. The twin sister of Jack Sparrow.
Jill snores as Jack stares at her and he lightly kicks her boat.
Jill snorts and shoots up. "I'm innocent and don't touch my flasks." Jill looks down and notices that she's sitting in water. "I have appears to wet myself again."
Jack sighs and hands her a bucket. Jill sets her flask and pistol away and grabs the bucket and stands up.
Jill stumbles a bit and puts a hand up to her mouth.
Jack begins to bucket water out as Jill tries not to puke. Jack notices some hanging skeletons.
Jack drops his bucket and taps his sister on the arm as they two Sparrows look at the hanging skeletons. The twins take their hats off and rest them over their hearts.
"Oh, bugger." Jill whispers.
The two put their hats back on and sail to port.
As the two pass the ships and people they all stare at the two as they stand up at the crow's nest.
You are reading story PotC: Curse of the Black Pearl at novel35.com
Their ship sinks as they reach the dock and they both step on the dock. The two pirates walk down the dock and walk past the Harbormaster, who's carrying a ledge and is followed by a young boy.
"Wha..." The Harbormaster starts and he turns to the two pirates. "Hold up there, you two!"
The twins stop and turn around and walks over to the Harbormaster.
"It's a shilling to tie up your boat to the dock." The Harbormaster states.
The four look at the Twins mighty boat.
"Not my best parking job." Jill says.
"And I shall need to know your names." The Harbormaster says to the twins.
Jack looks at Jill and she looks at Jack and shakes her head. Jack rolls his eyes and reaches into a pouch and pulls out three coins.
"What do you say to three shillings," Jack sets the coins on the Harbormasters book. "and we forget the name?"
The Harbormaster looks at the coins then at the twins. "Welcome to Port Royal, Mr and Miss. Smith." He closes his book.
The twins give a half salute and walk away.
Jill notices a pouch on a stand and she grabs it and jiggles it. Coins jingle from inside. She chuckles and puts the pouch in a pocket and takes her flask out and takes a sip of it.
The twins walk down the dock, to look for another ship.