Chapter 6: Chapter 6 : Hunting and Realization

As Cain took a defensive stance like a boxer with his fists Close to his face , slowly his hands started to glow and was enveloped in Hellfire looking at that a translucent sheath started to appear on their bodies , Cain could sense they used mana veil on their body . Suddenly Two Goblins from the back shouted loudly "Kiieeeeek !!!"

Two Goblins rushed towards him infront aiming at him with their claws as it grew longer and started to grow. Similarly Two others rushed at him from his left and right side  and one dived towards him from above and another three goblins waiting for a chance to leap on him.

Cain lifted his arms and gave a uppercut to the goblin diving at him from above with his blazing fists . To his surprise the Flames which had caught on to the goblin died down as the veil covering the goblin came undone.

The Two goblins at the same time stabbed his abdomen and the two others stabbed him at his sides . The goblins started to giggle at the sight of Cain being stabbed , the goblin which was punched away also started to giggle at him.

Cain using this chance gripped the claws of the goblins in his abdomen as he started to smile at them. Taken aback the goblins instinctively moved back and the goblins at his sides ran away to the group . Gripping the large ears of the goblins ahead of him started to smash their heads together , unable to bear the pain the goblins pulled out their claws as Cain started to heal.

Cain continued to bash their heads together, slowly the goblins undid their mana veil to die atleast , but to their horror at the same time his hands went out of fire , as the goblins turned their eyes to look at Cain , what they saw was a creature smiling at them with drool dripping from his mouth with a bit of ecstacy in his face . As they turned to see their eyes to see the other goblins ,all they could see was the horrified expressions of the goblins looking at the creature bashing the heads of their brethren as slowly life left their eyes.

Cain couldn't understand what was happening all he could feel was joy , fun ,glory, relaxation as he killed the two goblins. Cain here and now had no shackles of society on him , no parents or friends who could stop him  . This was Cain in his primal state living for his own pleasure , Cain now understood what part of his soul was burnt by Artorix now.

The part which put a limiter on him , so he doesn't become a psychopath due to his sadistic tendencies. Here there was no one Variondrix he cared for so there was no one he wouldn't hesitate to kill.

Thinking this Cain was taken aback by this for a moment, but he thought 'This is good , i can be free , live like i want ,do what i want  and no one can question me '. to this thought Cain started to giggle which started to become louder and louder

"he... hehehe... hehehe.. heeee.. "Cain giggled as more drool started to flow from his mouth . He then turned towards the Lutix Goblins with his arms blazing in hellfire and glowing yellow eyes.

The goblins were petrified seeing this creature giggling and laughing and now looking at them like playthings to play with. The goblins now slowly came down from the trees and all of them bowed down to him instinctively , they knew this creature infront of them wouldn't let them run away let be years surely it would catch them.

Looking at this site Cain felt immense pleasure , he slowly walked to the goblins and started to drill his finger covered in hellfire into their heads .Cain could control hellfire on what to burn and what not to burn , through this he inflicted pain on them. Screams of pain and agony echoed through the forest , as Cain felt pleasure from this suffering in front of his sight . But as he went to the last goblin he became more ecstatic as the last goblin had died due to fear.

Cain looked at all the bodies around him , and touched them igniting hellfire on them. With a joyful and satisfied face filled with realization he looked into the sky and spoke

" At first I didn't understand why you choose me of all people Artorix  , hmmm...

but now i get it you cunning bastard . you who read my whole soul knew what i would become .

Knowing this you told me to do whatever i want , heheheh... hehe.. it's like a fox in a room full of rabbits and all the rabbits are its to kill  "

Cain then bowed down like a gentleman in his birthday suit and told "I won't disappoint you Sir Artorix , there will be a lot of fun things happening in Variondrix from now"


Meanwhile in the empire called United Republic of Frida [URF] ,

You are reading story Next in line to the Primordial at

There was a important meeting going on between three great beings namely:

Fluid Primordial Aquis  , Ruler of Aquonia Empire

Primordial of life Sophis , Ruler of Ardisia Empire

Primordial of matter Gaia , Ruler of Timberock Empire

[imgs in comments check it out]

This meeting was held in URF as this was a neutral country which was established by all five Primordials and which didn't follow any religion . This Country would be under protection of all 5 Primordials and followed a democratic system . But the main goal of this country was to be a meeting place for all primordials where they can speak only and not cause any conflicts.

URF was comparable in strength to the other 3 large empires only falling behind them.

All three primordials were looking at each other in silence , the one to break it was Sophis saying

"You both felt it too right , his presence completely vanished . I would be happy at this news but it felt somewhat unnatural"  now Gaia Intervened saying

"He most likely killed himself trying to find a heir for his position , since we blocked all souls from our world to reaching him . He might have taken a soul from another world .. Sigh...." leaving a heavy sigh Gaia Continued as she rested her head on her palms .

"This most likely took a toll on him and killed him in the process" suddenly Aquis in an irritated tone said

"He is a crazy bastard , he won't let us go . He might not be too much angry with us since it was his  foolishness which killed him , but surely he would have caused some trouble..... and its likely that his candidate might have survived and sure as hell even the candidate would have some screw loose in his head.... Sigh "

All three primordials sighed in the end looking extremely irritated they Sophis continued

"Blank isn't here today too. sigh let's prepare our candidates for the next primordial place ,and send out an order in both of you're countries to hunt any newcomer who is very highly proficient in Fire magic"

To this Gaia added "Yeah , we know don't go ordering around . I just want that candidate who Artorix Choose to be hunted or that person may as well became a big headache in the future"

Aquis  concluding said" This is all for this meeting right , i'll return and give out orders in my Empire " just as she finished a portal opened behind her and and flew past the portal as both she and the portal disappeared.

Following the suit , both Sophis and Gaia left in a similar fashion through their own portals