Kneeling in front of Fenrir, Saeko rested her head on the ground and murmured "From today until the end of my existence, I will follow all the paths you take and my life will be yours, I will live for you and die for you, I promise to be with you until my last breath, and if at some point something happens to you, I will accompany you in the other world to continue serving you."
"..." Looking at the woman, Fenrir bows his head "Saeko... pack."
Trembling slightly, Saeko whispered "If someday you understand what I say and you are not satisfied with me, I ask you to tell me so that I may pay for my sins, until then, I will serve you by giving all of me."
After a few minutes of silence, Saeko lifted her torso and smiled "Now I will finish washing it, Fenrir-sama."
"Fenrir, those you see are buildings" Pointing towards the large concrete structures, Rei spoke kindly "They are made to have a large amount of people inside, either living or working"
"Buildings..." Sitting on the roof of the vehicle, Fenrir muttered, while Rei was pointing at different sides.
"We're coming to the commercial area of the city" Being in the passenger seat, Saeko spoke.
Turning his gaze suddenly, Fenrir looked off into the distance and muttered "Bang."
Frowning slightly, Rei followed Fenrir's gaze and muttered "Over there is Saya's house."
Hitting another zombie on the road, Shizuka take it in stride and kept driving with a smiling face, while softly humming an unfamiliar tune.
After a few minutes of dodging abandoned cars and running over a few zombies, Saeko spoke "Sensei, stop in front of the mall, we can stop by for supplies."
"Mn" Nodding happily, Shizuka turns the vehicle slightly and parks perfectly, then stops the vehicle and turns her gaze "Ready~"
Watching dozens of zombies approaching, Fenrir bares his teeth and growls "Grrr~"
"Grrr!" Squinting his eyes as he sees them not stopping, Fenrir growls louder, then stands up and grabs his katanas.
With a quick leap, Fenrir uses no particular stance and just runs around cutting all the zombies in two.
"Let's go" Looking at the girls, Saeko continues "Sensei, stay with Alice and Zeke in the vehicle, we'll go clear the area.... Saya, you stand by with a gun, fire only if extremely necessary and when they are in front of the vehicle.... Yuuki, you also hold a weapon and guard the vehicle with Saya."
"Got it" Claiming an M4 with confidence, Yuuki nodded.
[A/N: For those in doubt, Zeke is the little puppy, the little guy is very scared of Fenrir, so he doesn't make an appearance. Also, that name was placed by Kohta, so he should have another one if we were to use logic, but since I found little relevant to give him another name, I left it the same]
"Y-yes" Picking up a shotgun, Saya awkwardly and awkwardly took it and nodded.
"Good luck Saya-chan" Waving her small hand, Alice smiled happily and spoke.
"Don't tell me Saya-chan, for you it's Saya-onee-sama" Pinching the girl's cheeks, Saya grumbled.
"Come on."
Shaking her head, Saeko smiled and looked at the man who was already bathed in blood cutting zombies nonstop, then smiled excitedly and ran.
Reaching the first zombie, Saeko waved her wooden katana and hit it hard on the head, then turned her body and hit it harder.
With a strange sound, the zombie's head snapped off and blood splattered on Saeko's face, causing her to smile even wider as her eyes became increasingly wild.
After 5 minutes, the entire area was cleaned up, as Fenrir returned from across the street with a satisfied face.
Looking at the blood dripping down Fenrir's pecs, Saeko blushed and looked down.
"I hate this" Wiping the blood from her face with her clothes, Rei spoke in disgust "Why do these things have to splatter so much?"
"Rei... smell... shit" Approaching his pack, Fenrir muttered.
"D-don't say that!" blushing quickly in embarrassment, Rei exclaimed "Besides, you look worse, just look at you!"
Not understanding anything, Fenrir nodded.
"Master..." Approaching Fenrir, Saeko cuts a piece of her skirt and begins to gently wipe the man's face "You have to be careful, you resisted the disease once, but we don't know if you can do it twice"
"..." Staring at Saeko, Fenrir nodded again, not understanding anything again.
"We'll have to change clothes again, this won't stand another wash" Looking at her clothes, Rei spoke "Although if Fenrir wore the animal skins, he wouldn't have so much trouble, those clothes are very strange, all dirt comes out with a little water..."
"I think animal fur is like that..." Shrugging, Saeko finished wiping Fenrir's face and smiled.
Turning her gaze towards the mall, Rei muttered "The doors are open and there were many zombies outside, there must not be anyone alive inside."
"Let's go inside" Looking at the katanas on Fenrir's waist, Saeko takes advantage and holds his hand, then walks towards the entrance.
"Girls, close the windows and doors, don't come out until we clean everything" Turning towards the vehicle, Rei speaks and runs towards the entrance along with Fenrir.
Standing at the door, Saeko looked sideways and saw several zombies foolishly walking around the place, but the amount was much less than outside.
"The first floor is the important one, on the second floor there are only jewelry stores and on the third floor are the fast food stores" Looking at the food and clothing stores, Saeko nodded "Let's make it quick."
"Towards where~?" Having the vehicle fully loaded with food and various items of clothing chosen by the girls, Shizuka firmed the steering wheel of the vehicle and asked.
"The sun is setting, we should look for a nearby house and spend the night, tomorrow we can leave for Saya's house, besides... I can't stand being like this" Pointing towards her clothes completely soiled by blood, Rei spoke awkwardly.
"I also think it's the right thing to do, it's dangerous to be driving at night and we can't keep this much time with this blood on us, we might get sick" Nodding, Saeko spoke.
"I don't have a problem" Shrugging, Yuuki nodded.
"Me neither" Imitating Yuuki, Alice nodded.
"It's okay..." Biting her lips, Saya nodded.
"Then let's go~"
You are reading story The adventures of a savage at
"*Sigh* I needed this" Gently wiping her body, Rei murmured with relief.
After driving for 20 minutes, they finally arrived at the residential sector and took the first house that has two floors they saw, they cleaned the area smoothly and took possession of the place.
"Now I'll clean the front" Wiping Fenrir's back with her hand, Saeko whispered softly, then stood up and crouched down in front of Fenrir.
Staring at the bouncing boobs in front of him, Fenrir tilted his head and touched them curiously.
"Mmmn~" Moaning softly, Saeko blushed quickly, but still continued to do her job, cleaning Fenrir's stomach with full attention.
"W-what are you doing, you pervert!" looking at the man touching Saeko's breasts with such an innocent look, Saya exclaimed with embarrassment.
"The little wolf is so naughty~" Lying in the tub with Alice, Shizuka played with her feet in the water and commented with a happy smile.
"Onee-sama, why did Saya-chan call Oni-sama a pervert?" looking at Shizuka with confusion, Alice asked innocently.
"She's jealous, she also wants to be touched~"
"I-I don't want him to touch me!" quickly turning her gaze, Saya exclaimed "And d-don't call me Saya-chan, it's Saya-onee-sama!"
"I see" Nodding with understanding on her face, Alice muttered "Saya-chan is jealous..."
Looking at the scene with a smile, Rei approached Fenrir and spoke "I'll wash your hair".
"I can do it" Still with her face flushed from the hand groping her breasts, Saeko quickly looked up and spoke.
"It's okay, I see you're busy" Smiling teasingly, Rei took the Shampoo and started washing Fenrir's head.
"Tsk" Lowering her gaze, Saeko continued to clean Fenrir's pecs.
"Girls, you're doing it wrong" Approaching Fenrir with a mischievous smile, Yuuki kneels down beside him and takes one of his arms, then pulling him close to her and tucking him between her breasts.
Moving gently, Yuuki started rubbing her breasts against Fenrir's arm "It's like this, it's much softer and Fenrir will like it~"
"P-pervert!" Hiding her face, Saya exclaimed, as her ears quickly reddened.
Squinting at Yuuki, Saeko hardened her face and lifted herself up slightly, then pressed her breasts against Fenrir's pecs and started to move.
"Alice-chan, you can't see that" Covering Alice's eyes with a blushing face, Shizuka for the first time, showed awareness in something.
"Y-you..." Staring at the two women in disbelief, Rei bit her lips with a conflicted face, then gritted her teeth and bent down slightly.
Pressing her breasts against Fenrir's back, Rei began to move gently, as her nipples grew hard just from rubbing.
Soft moans began to surround Fenrir, who watched everything with a calm face, but with a new softness in his eyes.
For wolves, this kind of rubbing meant affection, something very similar to a hug.
That means that for him, this gives him to understand that his pack loves him and at the same time, they are pleased with him. So, even if he doesn't yet fully understand the meaning of wanting or loving, he has his vague idea.
"How indecent..." Wiping her body as quickly as possible, Saya muttered as she looked sideways at the scene.
The hours passed quickly, Fenrir had to be fed by Saeko since today they made soup, something that Fenrir could not take with his hands and devour as he usually does.
They all shared calmly and together they took the time to teach Fenrir to speak, to the point of forgetting the chaos outside.
Then the night came and again they all shared a bed, but this time they made sure to wear clothes to avoid giving little Alice bad habits.
When the sun finally came up, they all ate a good meal and got ready to go out for the afternoon.
"Everything ready?" with her hands on the steering wheel of the vehicle, Shizuka asked.
"Yes, we have everything ready, even Fenrir wore his particular clothes" Looking at the wolf head beside her looking every which way, Saeko smiled and spoke.
"Then let's go~" Starting the vehicle, Shizuka smiled happily and started driving.
The further they went on their way, the more Saya squirmed in her seat, noting her obvious anxiety on the road.
Turning her gaze, Saeko sighs and takes Saya's hand, then smiles softly and speaks "Relax, I'm sure your parents will be fine, you know they're not easy people to intimidate."
"I know..." Gently biting her lips, Saya nodded.
Looking at Saya, Fenrir nodded, not understanding anything going on.
Noticing Fenrir's small action, Saya chuckled lightly.
Looking at Fenrir curiously, Alice nodded.
Noticing the girl's gesture, Fenrir nodded.
Thus, a competition of who nods the most began, while neither of them understood why the other was doing it.
After driving for about 40 minutes, Shizuka stopped the vehicle and looked at the metal ropes prohibiting her passage.
"They cut us off..." Looking at the place with a frown, Saeko looked at Shizuka and spoke "Sensei, look for another route."
Edited by: YASH_MATHUR