Chapter 6: IV. The Alternate Rail Routes

Previously on "Tale of the Demon Hero": The Imperial Council has received bad news. First is that the 'CHARIOT' slash Eito's Aerostat has crash landed in the tundra, marking the borders of 'Aethyria' and 'the Dark Forest' and second, was that one of the four 'alternate rail routes' has gone disappeared.

Imperial Court Head Quarters

Main Court Room….

"What did you say?" Mr. Geno said he and the other members of the Imperial Council stood up, surprised from what they just heard.

"Not that 'alternate rail route'. "Hiiro said as he approached the Imperial Soldier who gave his written report.

"'Alternate rail route'?" The Imperial Soldier said as he asked Hiiro.

"There are four travel routes in Alementalia. These are the: 'Main Rail Routes', 'Alternate Rail Routes', 'Long Way Rail Route' and 'Special Travel Routes'. In the 'Main Rail Routes', if you wanted to go in any of the 'Four Villages', you have to take the designated train going to each Village in the 'Alementalian Central Train Station'. You will arrive in that Village after 72 hours or 3 days…"  Hiiro said as he explained the 'Main Rail Routes'.

"The first 'alternate rail route' is located at the Northwest direction of Alementalia that crosses the 'Mystic Garden' which is found between the borders of 'Aethyria' and 'Iytheria'. If you want to go in Aethyria/Iytheria, you have to take the designated train from Aethyria/Iytheria (vice versa) and you will arrive in your destination after 48 hours or 2 days". Mr. Gino said as he stood up and explained the 'Alternate Rail Route'.

"And other reports said that the 'Yellow Queen' wanted an audience with the 'Iytherian Representatives' from this Council or else she will kill all the 60 passengers she held hostage inside the train." The Imperial Soldier said as he continues to report and wonders

"The 'Yellow Queen' has finally made her move. This is really bad."  Mr. Jiro said as he sighed and crossed his arms.

"Please allow me to come with the 'Iytherian Representatives'. With my skills I can -…" Hiiro said as he volunteered to come with Mr. Geno and the others.

"No! You have to go in Aethyria and convince Harue to come back in the 'Main Island' so that we can assure her safety before the Candidates' Presentation starts in three days." Mrs. Saki said as she stood up and slammed the table.

"Please Hiiro you have to get Harue back in the 'Main Island.' immediately." Ms. Akari said looked at Hiiro who got confused.

"Harue must immediately choose our next 'Imperial Ruler'. Based on the rumours that we heard, there is an ongoing war between the 'Main Alementalian Magic' users VS 'Substitute Alementalian Magic' Users around Alementalia. I hope Harue's candidate can help us in stopping this war before it gets worst." Ms. Iysa said as Mr. Ryu placed some written reports on her table.

"But I cannot just let the 'Iytherian Representatives' to go, and I wanted to – "Hiiro said as he insisted to come.

"Hiiro! Let the 'Iytherian Representatives' handle this case and give these black envelopes to those four students. We are relying on you. Imperial Soldier, prepare the two aerostats! we are leaving after 30 minutes." Mrs. Saki said as the Imperial Soldier ran away and went out of the Main Court Room.

"Y-Yes. I understand. I will ask Yuki to come with me."  Hiiro said as he approached Ms. Saki and took the four envelopes. After that, he left and went of the Main Court Room.

"I am assigning Mr. Sai to be the 'Chief on Duty' while I and the other 'Iytherian Representatives' will handle the missing 'alternate rail route' case." Mr. Geno said as Mrs. Saki and Ms. Annie walked out of the table, waiting for his next instructions.

"Wait? What!? Me? I'm honored but I refused because I need to go back in 'Fireiya' to help in the preparations for the 'Annual Fireiyan Festival'.  I promised to - …" Mr. Sai said as he suddenly stood up and slammed on the table.

"We have to get going. We will be back after three days. I'm counting on you Mr. Sai." Mr. Geno said as he, Mrs. Saki and Ms. Annie left and went out of the Main Court Room.

"No!!! Why? But I promised to – No!!!" Mr. Sai said as he started sulking on the corner.

"Dear, please calm down. I guess we are extending our stay in here." Mrs. Mai said as she tried to console her husband.

"But I wonder why would the 'Yellow Queen' attack us? She never harmed any humans who travelled cross her 'Garden'." Mr. Akito said as he and others also wondered.

"Yesterday, I also heard a rumor that an 'Alliance' was formed seeking only the 'Book of Prophecies'." Mrs. Aya said as everyone looked at her.

"The 'Book of Prophecies'?! That's ridiculous! Hiiro said that the Exiled Prince took it away and he threw it on the river before he got caught. That 'book' was never seen again." Mr. Akito said as Mrs. Aya looked at Ms. Akari.

"Well, I heard that someone has found and brought the 'book' to Aethyria or Iytheria. But who knew? That's just a rumor." Mrs. Aya said as Mr. Sai stopped from sulking and looked at her.

"Hey Mr. Chief-On-Duty, are we dismissed?" Mr. Ryu said as he asked Mr. Sai.

"The meeting is adjourned. You can all leave." Mrs. Mai said as everyone walked away and went out of the Main Court Room.

"Huh?! Why would you do that? I have to - …. What are these?" Mr. Sai said as he approached his wife who gave him some written reports.

"You have to read that written reports and sign those papers." Mrs. Mai said as she dragged Mr. Sai going to the Imperial Ruler's desk.

"No!!! More paper works! I hate paper works. Uh? I think you should follow and at least bid him good luck before Hiiro leaves." Mr. Sai said, making Ms. Akari flinched and blushed.

"But – Okay! I will be back. Thank you." Ms. Akari said as she left and went out of the Main Court Room.

"Tell me Dear… about what Mrs. Aya said, was that – Uh?" Mrs. Mai said as Mr. Sai tousled her long, wavy hair.

"There's nothing to worry about, My beloved. I refused to join in their 'Alliance'." Mr. Sai said as he smiled and sat on the Imperial Ruler's chair.

"What 'Alliance'?" Mrs. Mai said as she asked Mr. Sai.

The 'Alliance of Rebellious Elites' is an alliance that secretly aims to bring justice and peace to Alementalia, by establishing a different governing Council to rule over the society who will survive after the "Great Collision Prophecy".

Along the Hallway

Outside the Advisor's Room….

"Damn it! My plan failed. The 'CHARIOT' crashed, and my spies were all dead." Hiiro said as he cursed under his breath, opened the door and almost went inside his room.

"There you are Big Brother! Tell me, what exactly happened? Is Harue alright? Is she alright?!" Yuki said as he was waiting inside the Advisor's room, grabbed Hiiro's metal armour and started shaking him.

"Yuki!? How did you get in here so fast? Uh? The 'CHARIOT' crashed between the borders of 'Aethyria' and the 'Forest of the Black Hounds' this morning. Based on the letter I received from our parents, the eight remaining passengers including Harue was successfully rescued after eight hours." Hiiro said as he starts to get dizzy.

"Sir Yuki, please stop shaking Sir Hiiro." The first Lower Knight said as Yuki looked at him and continued shaking Hiiro.

"That's a relief! I thought something happened to her. I got worried for nothing." Yuki said as he stopped shaking Hiiro.

"Mas-Sir Hiiro? Are you alright?" the first Imperial Soldier said as he approached Hiiro and assist him going to his desk.

"I'm alright. The Council wants me to bring Harue back to the 'Main Island', so I am asking you to come with me to 'Aethyria' and help me convince Harue to stay for good in the 'Main Island.'" Hiiro said as he sat down on his chair and the second Imperial Soldier gave him a cold ice pack.

"Alright! I understand. I will come and help you." Yuki said as he walked away and opened the door.

"I can ask someone else if you are really busy – Hey! Where are you going?" Hiiro said as Yuki ignored him and slammed closed the door.

"Who is that?" the third, new Imperial Soldier said as he whispered to the second Imperial Soldier.

"Oh? That is Yuki Matsuoka, my younger brother. Sorry about that fuss earlier. He is just worried for Harue." Hiiro said as he responded to the question and placed the ice pack on the left side of his forehead.

"Here is your chamomile tea and strawberry shortcake as you requested Master Hiiro." the first Lower Knight said as he served the tea and shortcake on Hiiro's desk.

"Thank you. Now, I summoned all of you because Plan A completely failed. You are coming with us to 'Aethyria', execute Plan B and I wanted THAT GIRL alive. I will handle the rest." Hiiro said as he placed the ice pack on the right side of his forehead.

"As you wish Master Hiiro. Now, I will go out and prepare your things – Huh?" The second Lower Knight said as Yuki slammed opened the door and went back to Advisor's Room.

"I'm back Big brother. I already packed OUR things and I good to go." Yuki said as he placed two, heavy bag packs on the sofa on the right side of Hiiro's desk.

"OUR? You mean you already prepared my things as well? Or you already prepared them before hand?" Hiiro said as he asked Yuki and ate his shortcake.

"Huh!? W-well, the truth is I already prepared my things three days earlier and immediately leave for the one-week summer vacation after the Evaluations." Yuki said as he blushed, making Hiiro chuckle.

"You are way too excited for the summer vacation just like a kid." Hiiro said as Yuki flinched and blushed.

"Sir Hiiro, the aerostat is ready. Mr. Geno also requested to see you before they leave, and Ms. Akari is waiting here outside your room." One of the Aerostat pilots said as he knocked and waited for his response outside the room.

"Akari was?! Wait! I am coming." Hiiro nervously said as he almost choked up and stood up his chair.

"Oh? Your wife is waiting for you outside...You two carry these bags." Yuki said as he commanded the first and second 'Lower Knight'to carry their bags.

"As you wish Sir Yuki." The 'Lower Knights' said as they both picked up their bags.

"Akari is not my wife or fiancée…yet. Will you stop teasing me?" Hiiro said as he tried to compose his self and wiped the icing off his mouth.

A few minutes later

Outside the Advisor's Room…

Hiiro opened the door and saw Ms. Akari hiding behind the Aerostat pilot.

"Thank you for waiting. Uh? Akari? What are you doing in here?" Hiiro said as he asked Akari while Yuki, the three Imperial Soldiers and two 'Lower Knights' all went out of the Advisor's room.

"C-Can you give us a minute? Thank you." Ms. Akari said as the aerostat pilot, three Imperial Soldiers and two Lowers Knights except for Yuki, immediately walked away giving them some privacy.

"Eh? You are a different woman. Big Brother, she is not the woman who we have met during the Welcome Party -…" Yuki said as he approached Ms. Akari and looked closely at her.

"Yuki?! What are you talking about?" Hiiro said as he suddenly grabbed Yuki's right arm and got embarrassed in front of Ms. Akari.

"A-A different woman? I see… Well, I came in here just to bid you good luck Hiiro. See you tomorrow." Ms. Akari said as she smiled and ran away.

"A-Akari?! Wait! I also have something to say…She left." Hiiro said as he and Yuki saw Ms. Akari ran away and left the Hallway.

"Let's go Big Brother. Harue is waiting for us." Yuki said as he dragged Hiiro who got depressed along the Hallway and downstairs.  Thirty minutes later, Two Aerostats left the 'Alementalia Central Airport'.

Two hours later…

That night, 11PM

The first Aerostat which was carrying the 'Iytherian Representatives' landed on a vast green field, few meters away from the 'Mystic Garden.'

"Your highnesses, we have arrived in the 'Mystic Garden." Their pilot said as Mr. Geno, Mrs. Saki and Ms. Annie went out of the Aerostat and then wandered around.

"Your highness, I found the 'Garden'. It is over there." One of the Imperial Soldiers said as he went back and approached Mr. Geno.

"Alright! My wife and Ms. Annie will go and check the abandoned train. All of you will stay in here and guard the Aerostat. We will be back after 10 minutes." Mr. Geno said as his wife and Ms. Annie walked away while the five Imperial Soldiers wondered and sighed.

After five minutes, the 'Iytherian Representatives' arrived outside the 'Garden'.  Some adorable 'Yellow Faeries and Elves' looked at them, stopped from working and wondered who their guests are.

"So, this is the 'Mystic Garden.'? This looks like a normal flower garden." Ms. Annie said as she wandered around the 'Garden'.

"Hello! Good evening. Aw! You are so cute!" Mrs. Saki said as one 'Yellow Faery' approached and looked at her.

"Uh? Fog? Everyone stand back!" Mr. Geno said as he noticed that a mysterious grey fog appears and surrounded the 'Garden'.

"'Iytherian Representatives', I welcome you to my 'Garden'." A mysterious figure said as the fog slowly fades,  riding on the back of a white stallion and approached Mr. Geno and the others.

The 'Yellow Faeries and Elves' eventually stopped from their work and kneeled down as their 'Yellow Queen' arrives.

"The 'Yellow Queen' has arrived." One of the 'Elder Elves' said as he announced, and the white stallion stopped as the fog finally disappeared.

"It is our pleasure to meet you, Your Highness." Mr. Geno said as he kneels down while Mrs. Saki and Ms. Annie looked at her.

"I am 'Queen Faeya', the Ruler of the 'Yellow Faeries and Elves' and I am grateful that you heard my first request. I asked you to come in here for only one reason." Queen Faeya said as she introduced herself and looked at the 12 'Yellow Faeries and Elves' who immediately went to the suspended train.

Beside the 'Garden' were the train tracks where the suspended train was found. Inside the train were 60 unharmed passengers that Queen Faeya placed under her sleeping spell.

"A train? W-What have you done?" Ms. Saki said as she got worried and asked Queen Faeya.

"Do not worry. I only placed all of them under my sleeping spell and I will only undo it if you hear out my second request. I want you to bring us the 'Book of Prophecies' that Hiiro Matsuoka have." Queen Faeya said as her second request to Mr. Geno who flinched.

"Hiiro indeed has the 'book'…Wait! How did you know that?" Mr. Geno said as he got surprised and asked Queen Faeya who was also surprised from his actions.

"So, the rumours were true then. Give us the 'book' or else I will kill all of them." Queen Faeya said as she threatens the 'Iytherian Representative'.

"No! We will not give you the 'book'. As the current 'Imperial Ruler' of Alementalia, I will stop you from doing your selfish desires and save those people inside the train." Mr. Geno said as he drew out his long sword in front of Queen Faeya.

"How dare you point your sword to our Queen?! You will pay for this." The 'Elder Elf' said as he and the other 'Yellow Elves' got angry to Mr. Geno.

"It seems our negotiation has failed. But I am a merciful Queen, so I am leaving you this warning, 'DO NOT LET THE PROPHECY HAPPEN.' Do it." Queen Faeya said as she commanded to her 'Yellow Faeries and Elves' to execute their plan. 

Mr. Geno was about to attack Queen Faeya but the mysterious grey fog appears covering the entire 'Garden' and Queen Faeya and her white stallion got escaped.

Few minutes later the fog has lifted, and the 'Iytherian Representatives' heard a loud explosion coming from the suspended train.

"Dear are you alright?" Mr. Geno said as he found his wife and Ms. Annie lying down on the ground, both unconscious.

"Uh? Sir? What happened?" Ms. Annie said as she slowly woke up and looked around.

"Help! Please help us." One male passenger said as he cried out for help while inside the first train wagon.

Fifty 'Yellow Faeries and Elves' forcefully began pushing each train wagon from right to left to wake up the 57 passengers.

"Stop!" Mr. Geno said as he grabbed his long sword and run towards the train but the 'Elder Elf' blocked his way.

"Don't move or else they will kill your wife." The 'Elder Elf' said as two 'Yellow Faeries' went out from hiding under Ms. Saki's long, straight hair and surrounded her.

The passengers got rolled back and forth while they tried to escape out from the first train wagon, but the naughty evil 'Yellow Faeries and Elves' closed all the doors and windows of each train wagon beforehand.

The first train wagon went out of the track, fell on the ground and exploded; the second train wagon was pushed backwards, went out of the track and crashed onto the trees while the last train wagon was pushed forward, went out of the track and crashed onto the green fields.

"That's enough. You can go back to work." The 'Elder Elf' said as he commanded to the 50 'Yellow Faeries and Elves' and they all immediately went back to inside the 'Garden'.

"I-I'm sorry everyone. Please forgive me! I'm really sorry." Mr. Geno said as he was deviated from what happened, cried out and dropped his long sword on the ground.

"You're still lucky. Queen Faeya asked us to spare those three children hiding behind the green bushes. If you want to save everyone, you have 24 hours to get and bring the 'book' in here." The 'Elder Elf' said as another ten 'Yellow Faeries' surrounded Ms. Saki and Ms, Annie as their hostages.

"I am really sorry everyone. Huh?! Get away from my wife." Mr. Geno said as he picked up his long sword and attacked the 'Yellow Faeries' who immediately flew up in the air to evade his sharp sword.

"Now leave if you want to save everyone." The 'Elder Elf' said as he raised his wooden staff and the mysterious grey fog appears, covering their entire territory.

10 minutes later…

"I think I saw them went this way." The first Imperial Soldier said he and his buddy were asked to find the 'Iytherian Representatives' around the area.

"Are you sure? We already went in that way for three times! We got lost!" The second Imperial Soldier said as they both realized that they got lost while surveying the area.

"No! We are not. Look! There is a guy lying down on the ground. He was not there before. Wait!? Is that -? Your highness!" The first Imperial Soldier said as he and his buddy saw an unconscious guy lying down on the ground and immediately recognized him as Mr. Geno.

"Your highness! Your highness! Are you alright?" The second Imperial Soldier said as he gently lifted up Mr. Geno off the ground.

"Uh? Where am I? A soldier?"  Mr. Geno said as he slowly wakes up and looked around.

"Thank goodness! You are still alive Sir. Uh? Where are Mrs. Saki and Ms. Annie?" The first Imperial Soldier said as he wondered and looked around.

"Young man, please get out the paper and ink on my right chest pocket. Hurry!" Mr. Geno said as he commanded to the first Imperial Soldier who immediately took a crumpled paper and a small bottle of black ink out of his right chest pocket.

"Okay! Sir, what should I do?" The first Imperial Soldier said as he asked Mr. Geno.

"Now, strengthen the paper and write 'Hiiro, H-E-L-P!'." Mr. Geno said as the first Imperial Soldier, grabbed the short stick and opened the glass bottle of ink. He dipped the stick onto the ink and began writing what Mr. Geno said.

"Sir, I'm done! What should I do next?" The first Imperial Soldier said as he asked Mr. Genp.

"Next, fold the paper and on my count threw it up in the air." Mr. Geno said as the first Imperial Soldier folded the paper into four and stood up.

"One, Two, and Three… Now!" Mr. Geno said as the first Imperial Soldier threw the paper up in the air and then an eagle suddenly flew cross them and picked up the paper.

"Wow! What just happened?" The second Imperial Soldier said as he wondered, and Mr. Geno lost his consciousness.

"Amazing! The eagle picked it up. Sir? Sir?!" The first Imperial Soldier immediate ran away to ask for help back on their Aerostat.

The Next day

In Aethyria

In the Matsuoka Family's Official Residence

Inside the Male Guests' Room…

"Uh? My head…What happened last night? Big brother?" Kenji said as he slowly wakes up and saw Kazuki snoring beside him on the same bed.

"Good morning! Uh? There you are Kazuki. Mother asked me to give you these new clothes." Yuki said as he slammed open the door and went inside the room.

"Sir Yuki? Sir Yuki!? Good morning! Thank you for bring these to us but I'm Kenji." Kenji said as he was surprised to see Yuki and immediately jumped off the bed.

"Really?! I'm sorry! It is really hard to figure out which one of you is the eldest." Yuki said as he sincerely apologized and looked at Kazuki, still sleeping on the bed.

"U-uh! No problem, Sir. That's my big brother, Kazuki who is currently snoring. This is so embarrassing." Kenji said as he and Yuki heard Kazuki's loud snoring, saw him roll over the edge and fell on the floor.

"What happened to your brother's left arm?" Yuki said as he got curious and asked Kenji.

"Um…The nurse said that he got his left arm injured as they found him trying to cover me under the fallen debris after the crash yesterday." Kenji said as Yuki suspiciously looked at Kazuki's left arm and pat Kenji's head.

"Speaking of the crash yesterday, Hiiro and I arrived last night to check on your situation as the Council got worried for Harue and her friends. And the breakfast is ready so hurry." Yuki said as he walked away and went out of the room.

"Uh? T-thank you again Sir Yuki. Are you alright, Big Brother?" Kenji said as he approached Kazuki fell on the left side of the bed and poked his cheeks.

"I'm alright. Is he gone? And how do you know that I am pretending to sleep?" Kazuki said as he looked at Kenji.

"Well, it is your habit that you when fell off the bed; you immediately got up and go back sleeping on the bed. I wondered why you did not do that so I figured out that something is wrong." Kenji said as he explained, stood up and took off his shirt.

"Oh? I see. Ah! My poor, fragile heart." Kazuki said as he rolled on the floor while hugging the pillow, making Kenji wonder why.

"My head – Alright! I'm curious what happened to your fragile heart."  Kenji said as he wondered and looked at Kazuki.

"I was about to confess to Mayumi but – Ah! Stop asking me. This is too embarrassing." Kazuki said as he got flustered and squished the pillow.

"Huh!? Ah…Good for you." Kenji said as he clenched his right fist.

"But I wonder what happened to you last night." Kazuki said as he got up and crawled back to their bed.

"About that…I can't remember anything. Tell me, did I do something stupid last night!?" Kenji said as he got panicked and asked Kazuki.

"Uh? You got drunk and squished your cheeks onto Mayumi's." Kazuki said as he saw Kenji flinched and ran going to the bathroom.

"Why!? Did I really -?! I'm sorry Mayumi!" Kenji said as he got embarrassed and yelled while inside the bathroom.

"Hey, you forgot your towel and new clothes." Kazuki said as he went out of the bed, picked up Kenji's clothes and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Thank you, Big brother." Kenji said as he slightly opened the door and grabbed his clothes off Kazuki's right hand.

"You're welcome." Kazuki said as he walked away and sat on the edge of their bed, enduring the pain from the injury on his left arm.

"It is me. May I come in?" Mayumi said as she arrived outside the Male Guests' Room and knocked on the door.

"Mayumi? Come in." Kazuki said as Mayumi opened the door and went inside the room.

"Good morning! I'm here because Sir Hiiro asked me to pick you up.  Huh? Kazuki, are you alright?" Mayumi said as she got worried for Kazuki and grabbed the first aid kit.

"Don't worry! This is nothing. Huh?" Kazuki said as Mayumi suddenly grabbed his left arm and tied up the loose bandages.

"Here. Let me help you." Mayumi said as she smiled and continued tying up the loose bandages on Kazuki's left arm.

"Uh? Thank you." Kazuki said as he got flustered and then looked away.

"Done. U-Uh? Kazuki about what happened last night, I-I…" Mayumi said as Kazuki caressed her cheeks.

"I know. Me too I-…. Huh!?" Kazuki said as Mayumi smiled, making him flustered and both of them didn't notice that Kenji went out of the bathroom.

"I'm done. Uh? M-Mayumi? What are you doing in here?" Kenji said as he went out of the bathroom and saw Mayumi and Kazuki who both flinched and looked away.

"K-Kenji? I-I'm here because – Why are you half-naked?!" Mayumi said she saw Kenji being half-naked, grabbed the pillow and threw it on him.

"Mayumi is here because she wanted to talk to you about what happened last night." Kazuki said as he stood up, grabbed his new clothes and went inside the bathroom.

"Ah…About that thing, I sincerely apologize for whatever I've done last night." Kenji said as he suddenly hugged Mayumi.

"Uh?! It's alright. Here, let me dry your hair off." Mayumi said as she stood up, giggled; grabbed the towel off his right shoulder and used it to dry off his hair.

"Thank you. And I wonder why you are so flustered. This is not the first time you see me naked." Kenji said as he teased Mayumi who blushed like a red tomato.

"Huh?! W-What? What does that mean?" Mayumi said as she asked Kenji who chuckled.

Inside the Living room…

A few minutes later, the Hamasaki twins and Mayumi went downstairs and inside the Living room.

"Good morning, everyone." Mayumi said as she and the Hamasaki Twins went inside their Living room.

They saw Emi, Rai and Hikaru sitting the left sofa; Hiiro and Yuki were also sitting on the right sofa beside them while the center sofa was occupied by Harue who lie down and grabbed the throw pillow. Behind the center sofa was Eito, along with the three Imperial Soldiers and two Lower Knights, guarding everyone while inside the Living room.

"Listen Harue we are here to -…" Hiiro said as he tried to explain, again to Harue why they went back to 'Aethyria' but she interrupted him.

"No! I am not going back to the 'Main Island'." Harue said as she threw the pillow to Hiiro, using his amazing reflexes caught the pillow with just one hand.

"But you have to. The Council asked us to get you back before the Candidates' Presentation next week." Yuki said as he also tried to reason with Harue, but she ignored him and rolled over on the other side of the center sofa.

"No! I am not going back!" Harue said as he yelled and insisted.

"Here we go again. I wonder how we can convince you to come back with us." Hiiro said as he sighed and gently threw the pillow back to Harue.

"Why don't you want to come back?" Rai said as she got curious and asked Harue while everyone looked at her.

"W-well, I don't want to come back because I am afraid." Harue said as she rolls back now facing everyone and sat up on the center sofa.

"Afraid of what? You have your big brothers to take care of you." Rai said as Harue looked at her.

"Uh? I am afraid that I will make the wrong decision." Harue said as she squished and buried her face onto the pillow.

"But you HAVE to make a decision Harue as the Exiled Prince asked you to do so." Yuki said as Harue looked up.

"Tell me, do you already have your own potential Candidate?" Hiiro said as he asked Harue who flinched and looked away from him.

"Uh? Potential candidate? I do have one candidate, but I will not tell you who is it." Harue said as she shyly squished the pillow.

"Now this is interesting. I wonder who is." Hiiro said as he crossed his arm, wondered while looking at Rai.

"How about you propose a deal Harue?" Kazuki said as he got Harue's attention and then looked at him.

"A deal? What do you mean a 'deal'?" Harue said as she cheered up and wondered.

"Since the Imperial Council asked them to get you back; I suggest that ask them to give you in something in exchange." Kazuki said as he suggested while Harue looked at him with anticipation.

"Can I really do that? Can I?" Harue said as she turned around and looked at Hiiro and Yuki.

"Oh no! Not a deal with Harue." Yuki said as he and Hiiro flinched.

"Alright! What do you want as an exchange?" Hiiro said as he finally gave up and sighed.

"Uh? Let's see… I will come with you ONLY if you can fulfill my three wishes. First, is I want to have unlimited supply of snacks. Second, I will only stay back in our Rest House and finally I will come IF you allow Rai and Emi to come with me as well." Harue said as she laid out her demands, stood up and sat on the left sofa in the middle between Emi and Rai.

"Huh?! Me too? Sorry but I cannot come with you. I promised to spend my Summer Vacation in 'Fireiya'." Rai said as Harue got sad and pouted.

"Then, can ALL of you at least come back with me in the 'Main Island'?" Harue said as she asked everyone.

"Nope. We can't. I'm sorry Harue. Kenji and I were planning to take the second 'alternate rail route' from here going to 'Wathyria'." Kazuki said as Kenji and Mayumi got surprised and looked at him.

"Oh? You mean that second 'alternate rail route'?" Yuki said as everyone except for Hiiro wondered.

"Wait! This scenario already happened before. Uh? Please allow me to explain. The second 'alternate rail route' is located in the North East direction of Alementalia and crosses inside the 'Dark Forest' which was found between the Villages of 'Aethyria' and 'Wathyria'. If you wanted to go in 'Aethyria'/'Wathyria', you have to take the designated train from 'Aethyria'/'Wathyria' (vice versa) and you will arrive in your destination after 48 hours or 2 days". Hiiro said as he explained what is the second 'alternate rail route' to everyone.

"So, if someone take the 'alternate rail routes', he/she will arrive at their destination after 2 days." Hikaru said as Rai looked at him.

"Then, I am not going back to the 'Main Island' without you." Harue said as she lies down and started sulking on Emi's lap.

"Hey! Why are you doing this to me? Hikaru, what should I do?" Rai said as she panicked and asked Hikaru.

"Okay! I think we should accompany Harue back to the 'Main Island'. After that, we can just go in the 'Alementalia Central Train Station' and take the train going to 'Fireiya'." Hikaru said as he suggested to Rai.

"Wait!? What do you mean 'WE'?" Mayumi said as she asked Hikaru.

"Hooray! Thank you everyone! Big brother Hiiro, I am coming with you back to the 'Main Island'" Harue cheerfully said as she hugged Rai.

"Finally. Don't worry! I will arrange you demands later. I will ask your maids to prepare your things and we will be leaving after two hours." Yuki said as he gave up and sighed.

"Ah! I almost forgot. I need to give these to you, Kazuki, Hikaru, Eito and Mayumi. Congratulations! You passed the Final Field Training." Hiiro said as he stood up and give each envelope to Kazuki, Hikaru, Eito and Mayumi.

"Thank you very much! Did you hear that, Rai? I passed the Final Field Training." Hikaru said cheerfully as he received the envelope and hugged Rai.

"Uh!? Y-Yes! I'm happy for you Hikaru." Rai said as she blushed and got surprised from Hikaru's reaction.

"Did you hear that, Kazuki?! We will have the chance to work in the Imperial Court Head Quarters. Your parents will be so proud of you. Am I right Kenji? Kenji?" Mayumi cheerfully said as she suddenly hugged Kazuki and looked at Kenji.

"Uh!? Sorry I doze off. Y-yes! Congratulations to you. I'm sure that our parents will be so proud of you, big brother." Kenji said as he smiled and then crossed his arms.

"Thank you. But - …." Kazuki said as he walked away and approached Hiiro, but Mrs. Matsuoka suddenly went inside the Living room.

"There you are my adorable children. Your breakfasts are ready." Mrs. Matsuoka said as she and her husband went inside the Living room.

"Good morning, Mother. Father." Yuki and Harue said as they stood up and ran to their mother who pats their head.

"I guess we can continue this after breakfast." Hiiro said as he approached his mother who flicked his forehead.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go to the Dining Room." Mr. Matsuoka said as Kazuki, Kenji, Mayumi, Rai, Emi, Eito and Hikaru looked at him and they all went to the Dining Room.

"Big brother may I have word with you? Privately." Yuki said as Hiiro approached him while the others went out of the Living room.

"Yes. What is it?" Hiiro said as he wondered and asked Yuki.

"I think that guy was the 'Red Assassin' I shot that night." Yuki said as he and Hiiro looked at Kazuki.

"Why do you think so? Kazuki is one of the Hamasaki twins and the next possible heir of their family." Hiiro said as he got curious and asked Yuki.

"That night, while we were chasing that 'Red Assassin' around the Rest House, I shot him on his left shoulder and then he ran going inside the Living room." Yuki said as Hiiro got really curious.

"That's impossible! Kazuki IS that 'Red Assassin'? Maybe you are just imagining things." Hiiro said as he pats Yuki's head.

"Big brother, I always trust my instincts. His younger brother said that he got that injury after the 'CHARIOT' crashed but I asked our servants back in the Rest House and they all remember that the 'Red Assassin' also has the same injury just like his." Yuki said as Hiiro got suspicious.

"This is interesting. One of the Hamasaki Twins is a member of the 'Red Assassins'. Alright! For the meantime, let's observe and secretly devise a plan on how to catch that 'Red Assassin'" Hiiro said as Yuki frowned and sighed.

"I wonder how did the 'Red Assassins' knew about the 'book'. – Eh?" Yuki said as he wondered and looked at Hiiro.

"Uh? There you are! I'm hungry! Let's eat." Harue said as she slammed open the door and grabbed both Hiiro and Yuki's arms and tried to pull them away.

"Poor little girl. Please stop it we are not even moving an inch." Yuki said as Harue blushed and continue pulling Yuki and Hiiro.

"Seriously? What are you doing?" Hiiro said as he chuckles making Harue flustered.

Inside the Dining Room…

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Dining Room. Your breakfasts are served." The Matsuoka Family Executive Chief, Ami said as she welcomed the Matsuoka Family and their guests inside the Dining Room. Served on the long, dining table is their requested breakfast meals and some fruit desserts.

"Everything looks delicious." Hikaru said as he drools after seeing the food being served on the table.

"This is what you call 'breakfast'?! I thought this is a buffet." Rai said as she was surprised to see the food on the top of the table.

"This is our usual set up for breakfast. Aw! I really missed this." Harue said as she run to the other side of the dining table and examines each food being served on the table.

"'Usual'?!  I wonder what my mother will say after seeing this." Eito said as he sighed and crossed his arms.

"Where did you get all of these expensive ingredients?" Emi said as she went inside the Dining Room and wondered.

"Please allow me to stay in this place." Kazuki said as he also drools after seeing the food being served on the table.

"No!!! You can't stay in here big brother. But… everything looks so delicious." Kenji said as his stomach grumbles.

"No! Not you too Kenji. Resist the temptations." Mayumi said as she hugged Kenji trying to stop him going to the dining table.

"It looks like everyone is hungry. Please find your seats so that we can start eating." Mrs. Matsuoka said as she asked everyone who immediately ran around and found their seats.

Hiiro, Yuki, Harue, Emi, and Eito were sitting on the right side while Kazuki, Kenji, Mayumi, Hikaru and Rai were also sitting across them on the dining table.

"Dear, look at on our growing family. I'm a proud mother of ten precious children." Mrs. Matsuoka said as she stands beside the center chair.

"Me too. I'm so proud of this family." Mr. Matsuoka said as he sat on the center chair and hugged his wife.

"Uh? What do you mean by 'ten' children?" Hiiro said as he got embarrassed while Yuki used his right hand to cover Harue's eyes.

"Eh?! W-What is happening? Everything went black." Harue said as she wondered what is happening.

"Aw…That's so sweet. Eh!? What are you doing?" Kenji said as Kazuki used his left hand to cover Kenji's eyes.

"You are too young to see that." Kazuki said as Kenji tried to remove Kazuki's left hand off his face.

"Too young!? We are at the same age. It is unfair!" Kenji said as he complained, making Mayumi giggle.

"Uh? What is happening?" Eito said as he looked at the Matsuoka couple, wondered and asked Emi.

"Eh? How should I explain this? Eito! Don't look." Emi said as she panicked and uses her right hand to cover Eito's eyes.

"Okay! That's enough. Dig in!" Mrs. Matsuoka said as everyone grabbed their spoon and fork and…

"Thank you for the food!" Everyone said as they got excited and started eating except for Rai.

"Uh? What's wrong Rai? You don't like the food?" Hikaru said as he continues to stuff food on his mouth.

"Eh? No! I was waiting for my breakfast meal. I wish I didn't ask Ms. Ami to cook for me that dish." Rai said as Hikaru looked at her, wondering.

"Oh? That breakfast meal which your mother cooks for you. I'm sure Ms. Ami can cook that as well." Hikaru said as he passed over a glass of mango juice onto her table.

"Thank you, Hikaru. Eh?" Rai said as Ms. Ami approached her while carrying a silver tray.

"Thank you for waiting, Ms. Rai. Here is your requested breakfast meal, beef tapa with garlic rice topped with one sunny side up egg and fresh, sliced ripe tomatoes on the side. Enjoy your meal." Ms. Ami said as she presented the dish, making everyone curious on it.

"What is beef tapa?" Harue said as she and the others got curious and asked Rai.

You are reading story Tale of the Demon Hero at

"Thank you very much Ms. Ami. W-well, this breakfast meal is one of my favorite breakfast meals my mother used to cook for me back in 'Fireiya'…." Rai said as she tried to explain but her stomach suddenly growls.

"That looks delicious." Mayumi said as she tried to reach for Rai's breakfast, but Hikaru immediately stopped her spoon with his.

"Stop it. You have your own food." Hikaru said as she got annoyed with Mayumi's attitude.

"Eh? I think you are just upset because you also wanted to try her breakfast, but you are too shy to ask her." Mayumi said as she smirked, trying to tease Hikaru.

"W-what!? I do not – Uh?" Hikaru said as he and everyone looked at Rai as she cheerfully eats her breakfast and ignoring everyone around her.

"Rai is so cute…Eh?!" Eito said as he whispered to himself, staring at Rai and suddenly got choked up.

"Are you alright Eito? Here's your water." Emi said as she noticed Eito choking and gave him a glass of water.

"T-Thank you. Why are you looking at me like that?" Eito said as he saw Emi curiously looked at him and blushed.

"You got choked even you haven't eaten anything yet. Is that even possible?" Emi said as she got curious and asked Eito.

"Huh?! What are you talking about?!" Eito said as he got flustered and looked away, making Emi giggle.

"Uh? You are way too obvious Eito. Try again next time." Kazuki said as he was observing Eito's actions earlier, making Harue laugh.

"Now, why are you laughing Harue?" Hiiro said as he asked Harue who only looked at him as she stops from laughing.

"Harue, come here and I will wipe that cream off your face." Yuki said as he saw a cream stuck on Harue's right cheek, took the towel and wiped the cream off her cheek.

"Thank you big brother Yuki." Harue cheerfully said after Yuki cleaned her face. 

Two hours later…

Back in the 'Main Island'

Outside the 'Alementalian Central Airport'…

Hiiro's Aerostat landed in the tarmac inside the 'Alementalian Central Airport'. Yuki was carrying Harue on his back as she fell asleep during their flight while he and the others are waiting for the luxury carriage.

"Their luxury carriage has arrived." The first Lower Knight said as the mini bus arrived inside the tarmac.

"Alright! Everyone the bus is here. Uh?" Hiiro said as he saw Kazuki carrying Kenji on his back as he also fell asleep during their flight.

"Kenji, stop drooling on my right shoulder." Kazuki said as Kenji was sleeping onto his right shoulder.

"Oh my, Kenji was really tired. I will carry our bags." Mayumi said as she giggled and picked up their bags.

"Thank you. Uh? Do you need any help?" Kazuki said as he and Mayumi looked at Rai as she carried Hikaru while going inside the bus.

"Hikaru, you are too heavy… Eh?" Rai said as Eito gently lifted Hikaru out of her back and carried him onto his back.

"Please allow me to help you." Eito as he smiled, making Rai blushed.

"T-Thank you very much. But I-I will carry our bags." Rai said as she started carrying the extra bags and walked away.

"Thank you, Rai. Hey wait for us." Eito said as he walked away while carrying Hikaru on his back.

"Here, please allow me to help you." Emi said as she went off the luxury carriage and saw Rai carrying their bags and offered to help her.

"Thank you very much." Rai cheerfully said as she was grateful Emi.

After five minutes, everyone final got inside the luxury carriage and now on their way back to the 'Matsuoka Family Rest House'.

Outside the 'Matsuoka Family Rest House'

In the Front Yard…

"Sir Hiiro and Yuki, we have arrived at the Rest House. Sir? Oh my." Mr. Driver said as he and the five spies saw Harue sleeping in between Hiiro and Yuki on the back seat of the mini bus.

On the right side of the luxury carriage, they saw Rai sleeping onto HIkaru's right shoulder on the second row; The Hamasaki Twins sleeping on the third row. Meanwhile on the left side of the bus was Mayumi sleeping in both chairs on the third row across the Hamasaki Twins; Eito and Emi were both sleeping on the second row.

"Now, which girl was it?" The first Lower Knight said as he asked his buddy.

"Master Hiiro said that she was the girl pretending to be 'Princess' Harue's maid. That's her." The second Lower Knight said as she recognized Emi and his buddy gently lifted and carried her out of the mini bus.

"Bring her to the Advisor's room back in the Headquarters." Mr. Bus Driver said as the five spies immediately silently left the Front Yard.

"Uh? Where are we? Big brothers? " Harue said as she slowly wakes up and looked around.

"Good afternoon, your highness. We have arrived back at the Rest House." Mr. Bus Driver said as he approached Harue.

"Ohh? We are here. Big brother, wake up! Wake up!" Harue said as she tried to wake up Hiiro.

"Uh? Harue? What is it?" Hiiro said as he slowly wakes up and yawned.

"Big brother we are already here. Big brother Yuki you too please wake up." Harue said as she also tried to wake up Yuki who is drooling on her right shoulder.

"Five more minutes, mother." Yuki said as he was sleep talking on Harue's right shoulder.

"Mr. Kazuki and Mr. Kenji we are here. Please wake up." Mr. Bus Driver said as he gently pats Kazuki and Kenji's shoulder to wake them up.

"Huh? O-okay… Kenji? Kenji we are here." Kazuki said as he tried to wake up Kenji.

"Uh? Big brother you are moving too much. Huh?" Kenji said as he woke up and looked at Kenji who started giggling.

"Good afternoon Mr. Kazuki and Mr. Kenji." Mr. Bus Driver said as he started unloading their bags off the luxury carriage.

"Uh? Rai? We are here Rai. Wake up sleepy head." Hikaru said as he slowly woke up and pinched Rai's cheek, trying to wake her up.

"Huh? Uh? Where are we?" Rai said as she also woke up and stretched out her arms.

"Hey somebody wake up Eito and Mayumi." Hiiro said as he saw Rai and Kenji stood up and approached Eito and Mayumi.

Rai poked Eito's cheek hoping that Eito will wake up while Kenji gently lifted Mayumi up and kissed her forehead as she was still asleep.

"Eh? I saw that." Kazuki said as he tried to tease Kenji but also clenched his fist, trying not to be jealous.

"Huh!? Shut up Big brother." Kenji said as he blushed and went off the bus while carrying Mayumi on his arms.

"Eito! Eito! Ei-to, wake up. We are here." Rai said as Eito slowly woke up and she stopped poking his cheeks.

"Uh? Good afternoon, Rai." Eito said as he gently rubbed his right eye and yawned, making Rai blush.

"Hey, are you going to help me unload our things or not?" Hikaru said as he was observing Rai's reactions and asked her.

"Uh? Okay! Wait for me! I will help you." Rai said as she jumped off the chair and started helping Hikaru. After 10 minutes, everyone finally unloads their bags and went out of the luxury carriage.

"Uh? Good afternoon, Kenji. You can put me down." Mayumi said as Kenji gently put her down on the ground.

"Everyone welcome back to the 'Main Island'. Thank you for coming with us and based on our deal Harue, I will ask our servants to prepare the unlimited snacks you asked for." Hiiro said as Harue ran towards and hugged him.

"Thank you! Thank you Big brother! You are the best." Harue cheerfully said as she hugged Hiiro.

"But you have to promise us that you will only have one snack per day. Do you understand?" Yuki said as Harue looked at him, pouted and cried onto Hiiro's shirt.

"Why? Only ONE snack per day?" Harue said as Hiiro chuckled and pats her head.

"Alright. You can have two snacks per day." Hiiro said as Harue cheers up.

"Thank you! Thank you Big brother!" Harue said as she cheers up.

"What?! Aren't you spoiling her too much big brother?" Yuki said as he got upset and asked Hiiro.

"Wait! Where is Emi- Huh?!" Eito said as he noticed that Emi is missing but got interrupted by an eagle that flew above them.

"What kind of bird is that? It has huge white wings." Rai said as she and everyone looked up and saw the eagle.

"That is an eagle. An eagle? Wait! Let's catch it." Mayumi said as she dragged Eito away, chasing the eagle that flew away from the front yard.

"Hey Mayumi. Where are you going?" Kenji said as he wondered what happened.

"We will be back." Mayumi said as she and Eito ran away.

"Oh! I see. Eito and Mayumi are 'Iytherians' that's why they immediately guessed what happened." Hiiro said as everyone looked at him, wondering.

"Guess what Sir Hiiro?" Hikaru said as he asked Hiiro.

"'Iytherians' has a unique way of delivering their letters. After they wrote the letter, they just threw it up in the air then a bird will pick it up and immediately deliver it to the receiver. " Hiiro said as he explained how 'Iytherians' deliver their letters.

"But when a black hawk picked the letter up and delivers it to the receiver it means bad news." Yuki said as he continues the explanation and saw Mayumi and Eito running back to the front yard.

"We are back!" Mayumi and Eito said as they went back to the front yard, Eito carrying the tired, dying bird on his arms.

"Look! Something got stuck on its claws." Kenji said as Mayumi looked at the eagle and gentle pulled out a piece of paper off its claws.

"Sir Hiiro, please take a look at this." Mayumi said as she gave the paper to Hiiro who immediately unfold the paper and read Mr. Geno's message.

"What? Yuki, we must leave right now." Hiiro said as he got worried and crumpled the paper.

"Eh? Big brother what happened? But we just came back." Yuki said as he tried to stop Hiiro.

"Yuki! This is an emergency. Hikaru, Kazuki, Eito and Mayumi you are also coming with us." Hiiro said as he commanded Hikaru, Kazuki, Eito and Mayumi who got surprised.

"Huh?! Wait! It is still summer vacation. Why should I – …" Hikaru said as he looked at Hiiro.

"Ahem! I here by assigning all four of you to come with us an official Imperial Soldier." Hiiro said as Hikaru, Kazuki, Eito and Mayumi got surprised from his sudden announcement.

"What!? But we didn't sign up for that." Kazuki said as Hiiro sighed.

"I thought the orientation will start next week." Mayumi said as Yuki sighed as well.

"Yes. But I need you to come with me because this is an emergency. The current 'Imperial Ruler' got into a big trouble. Huh?" Hiiro said as Kazuki approached and shoved his envelope back at him.

"Big – Kazuki, what are you doing?!" Kenji said as he and the others got surprised from Kazuki's actions.

"Sign me out. I am not coming with you." Kazuki said as Hiiro took the envelope and wondered.

"I understand. I will inform the Council about this. Hikaru, Mayumi and Eito please come with us and bring that eagle with you Eito. The Council will explain the other details later." Hiiro said as Hikaru, Mayumi and Eito nodded and went inside the luxury carriage.

"Harue, please stay inside the Rest House. We will be back before dinner." Hiiro said as he kissed Harue's forehead and hugged her.

"This time please listen to us, okay?" Yuki said as he pats Harue's head.

"O-okay! Be careful." Harue said as her elder brothers went inside the bus.

Inside the bus, Hikaru was looking at the window and waving at Rai who smiled back at him while Mayumi and Eito both decided to sit away from him.

"Master Hiiro, I have good news." Mr. Bus Driver said as he casually approached Hiiro as he went inside the luxury carriage and whispered this.

"Oh? Good news, I see." Hiiro said as he whispered back, wondering what the good news is.

"Plan B was perfectly executed and the five spies brought the girl to the Advisor's Room." Mr. Bus Driver said as Hiiro smirked and pats his right shoulder.

"Good work! Now, let's leave." Hiiro said as he commanded Mr. Bus Driver and sat beside Yuki on the first row in the right side of the luxury carriage.

"As you wish Sir Hiiro." Mr. Bus Driver said as he starts the engine and drive away from the Front Yard.


Back to the Front Yard…

"Now, what should we do?" Kazuki said as he, Kenji, Rai and Harue were left, standing on the Front Yard.

"Uh? We really need to get back inside the Rest House 'Princess' Harue." The first maid as Harue looked at her.

"Uh? O-okay! I guess this is goodbye." Harue said as Kazuki, Kenji and Rai all looked at her.

"Yes. Sadly, we really need to go to the 'Alementalia Central Train Station.' before the last trip leaves in…90 minutes." Kazuki said as he looked at his wristwatch.

"Big brother, about what happened earlier. Why did you - ?" Kenji said as he asked Kazuki.

"We will talk about that later." Kazuki said seriously as he stretched out his arms.

"Uh!? Okay. I understand." Kenji said as he looked away.

"Me too. I'm sorry Harue I can't really stay." Rai said as apologized to Harue.

"Then, please allow me to accompany you to the train station. I-I mean you all came with me back to the 'Main Island' and this is my way of expressing my gratitude to all of you." Harue said as she insisted to come with Kazuki and the others.

"Huh? Your Highness, you can't leave the Rest House. Mas- Sir Hiiro will get angry if you will leave the Rest House without his permission." The first butler said as he got worried for Harue.

"Alright! You can come with us. Here, wear this." Kenji said as he took off his sky-blue colour, hooded cape and put it around Harue's shoulders.

"Nice idea Kenji. Now, let's put on your hood and Tadah! A perfect disguise." Kazuki said as he pulled up the hood.

"Disguise? I can still her face though but not bad." Rai said as she noticed and crossed her arms.

"Thank you everyone. Emi, please call my driver waiting we are – Eh?" Harue said as she was suddenly pushed by Kenji to walk away.

"No! We are walking going to the train station. Bye!" Kenji said as he gently pushed Harue away.

"Walking? But the train station is 30 minutes away from here." Rai said as she ran away and walk beside Harue and Kenji.

"Don't worry! I assure you that girl will accompany her back to this Rest house." Kazuki said as he ran away, trying to chase Rai, Kenji and Harue. The maid sighed as she failed to stop Harue and the others from leaving the Rest House.

Thirty minutes later

Rai, Harue and the twins arrived inside the 'Alementalia Central Train Station'….

"So, this is the 'Central Train Station'. Amazing!" Harue said as she looked around while walking beside Rai. Walking in front of them was the Hamasaki Twins.

"Uh? Can I ask you a question?" Rai said as she asked Harue.

"Yes! What is it?" Harue said as her response while pulling down her hood.

"Is this the first time you wander around in the 'Main Island'?" Rai said as Harue nodded.

"Y-yes! After the Welcome Party and that announcement, my big brother Hiiro insisted that I stay inside my room back in the Rest House for my safety. Honestly, I got bored talking to my stuff bears." Harue said as Rai and the twins looked at her.

"Hm? I see. Then, you can have this." Rai said as she took a cookie out of her pocket and gave it to Harue.

"A cookie? Thank you. But where did you get this cookie?!" Harue said as she asked Rai.

"From what I remember, the annoying guy said that she always eats when she is upset or stressed." Kazuki said as he stopped from walking and Rai bumped onto his back.

"What?! N-No! I just happened to have an extra cookie on my pocket. That's all." Rai said as she got flustered.

"Oh? I suggest that you should stop that eating habit of yours or else you will get fat." Kazuki said as Rai blushed like a red tomato, making Harue giggle.

"I think he was pertaining to both of you." Kenji said as Harue dropped the cookie on the ground.

"So, you think I am fat?" Harue said as she asked Kazuki and started crying.

"Huh?! Of course not. H-Hey, don't cry." Kazuki said as Kenji giggled behind him.

"Aw… you made her cry. Poor little girl," Rai said as she giggled, trying to tease Kazuki who blushed.

"Alright! Everyone, stand back. The Imperial Soldiers are coming to inspect the crime scene." The Imperial Captain said as the people stopped from walking and saw three Imperial Soldiers and three Lower Knights went inside the crime scene.

"I wonder what happened in here." Kenji said as Kazuki stood up while Harue hide behind Rai.

"I heard that a bomb exploded in the waiting area near the trains going to 'Fireiya'." Woman #1 said to her friend while Kenji and others overheard their conversation.

"I heard too that there were eight people who got hit by the blast and died." Woman #2 said as she whispered to her another friend.

"I think this is related to the on-going war between the 'Main' and 'Substitute' Alementalian Magic users. Let's get out of here." Woman #3 said as she and her friends walked away and left the vicinity.

"'Main'? 'Substitute'? War?" Harue said as she wondered while hiding behind Rai.

"Captain! We caught one of the perpetrators." An Imperial Soldier said as he and his buddy dragged the criminal towards their Captain.

"Hahaha! I will not tell you anything. That was for denouncing us!" The young man said as he yelled at the Imperial Captain.

"A 'Substitute' user huh? Then, bring him to the Imperial Court Head Quarters and lock him in the Underground Prison. The Council will handle his case." The Imperial Captain said as the two Imperial Soldiers dragged the young man away.

"No! Let me go! Please not in the Underground Prison. Let me go!" The young man said as he struggles but it was useless.

"Harue…Harue! Where are you going?" Rai said as she and twins saw Harue ran away chasing the two Imperial Soldiers.

"Stop! Let that man go." Harue said as she commanded the two Imperial Soldiers who only looked at her.

"Uh? Miss, please stand back. This man must be brought to the – EH!?" The Imperial Soldier said as Harue suddenly took off her hood and everyone looked at her.

"Oh no. This is bad." Kazuki said as he sighed.

"I am 'Princess' Harue Matsuoka, the youngest child of the Matsuoka Family and I order you to let that man go."  Harue said as she bravely introduced herself in front of everyone.

"Your highness!?" Everyone yelled out as they were surprised to see Harue wandering inside the train station.

"Is that the fake princess?" One of the spectators said as she whispered to her husband.

"Yes. I wonder why she is here." Her husband said as he also whispered to his wife.

"Your highness, what are you doing in here? Where are your escorts?" The Imperial Captain said as she approached Harue, dropped his medieval spear and kneels down.

"I don't have any escorts. And I command you to immediately release that man." Harue said as the Imperial Captain flinched.

"But your highness, he is a criminal that should be brought to the Headquarters." The Imperial Council said as he tries to explain to Harue.

"What did I miss? Harue? Harue! You are finally back." Mr. Sai said as he and the other 'Fireiyan Representatives' came to visit the train station.

"Your highness…Bye!" Harue said as she got scared to Mr. Sai, ran away and went back to Kazuki and the others.

"I think she got afraid of you Dear. Sorry about that Harue. He didn't mean to scare you." Mrs. Mai said as she shouted and apologized to Harue who ran and hide behind Kazuki.

"That's just rude. Anyway, go and bring that criminal to the Head Quarters. The Council will personally handle his case." Mr. Sai said as he commanded the Imperial Soldiers who immediately left the scene.

"Oh? Are you one of Hikaru's friends?" Ms. Akari said as she recognized Rai and approached her and the others.

"Y-yes! I-It is nice to see you again your highness." Rai said as she got nervous.

"'Highness'? You can call me 'big sister'. Uh? Were you planning to go back in 'Wathyria'?" Ms. Akari said as she asked the Hamasaki Twins.

"Uh?! Yes. We are going back to 'Wathyria' but how did you -?" Kenji said as he wondered, making Ms. Akari giggle.

"I guess you should start running because the last trip going to 'Wathyria' will be leaving in…five, four minutes." Ms. Akari said as the Hamasaki twins flinched and suddenly ran away.

"I almost forgot! See you after one-week Harue and uh? You too!" Kazuki said as he and Kenji ran away going to the 3rd platform and jumped on to the train before it leaves the 'Central Station'.

"My name is Rai and not 'you too'. Stupid!" Rai said as she yelled out and sighed, making Harue and Ms. Akari giggle.

"Can I ask you a favor?" Ms. Akari said as her maid brought her an envelope placed on top of a metal tray.

"Y-yes your highness. What is it?" Rai said as Ms. Akari picked up the envelope.

"Please give this letter to 'Festival Committee' and tell them that we will extend our stay here in the 'Main Island'." Ms. Akari said as she gave the envelope to Rai.

"As you wish your highness. Uh? Sir, are you alright?" Rai said as she and the others saw Mr. Sai started sulking on the corner as he overheard their conversation.

"Don't mind him. Young lady, you are coming with us." Mrs. Mai said as Harue flinched, ran and hides behind Ms. Akari.

"I guess you should leave. The last trip going to 'Fireiya' will be leaving in ten minutes." Ms. Akari said as Rai flinched and ran away.

"See you next week Harue! Bye!" Rai cheerfully said as she ran going to the 4th platform and wait for the train to arrive inside the train station.

"Bye…Bye Rai! Be careful!" Harue said as she yelled inside the train station.

"The carriage has arrived. All of you please go back in the Head Quarters. I will stay in here to help the others on their investigation" Mr. Sai said as he stopped sulking and saw their carriage waiting for them outside the train station.

"Harue you are coming with us back to the Head Quarters." Ms. Akari said as she pats Harue's head.

"Uh? Are your Big brother Hiiro's another woman?" Harue said as she innocently asked Ms. Akari who flinched.

"U-uh? No! I am not his 'other' woman. Maybe you are thinking of someone else." Ms. Akari said as Harue just stares at her.

"But I remembered that big sister 'Naomi' said that YOU are his 'other' woman." Harue said as Ms. Akari's servant flinched.

"Let's go Harue. Your big brothers were probably worried for you." Ms. Akari said she gently pushed away Harue.

Back at the Head Quarters

Inside the Main Court room…

"Announcing the arrival of Sir Hiiro and Sir Yuki, Ms, Mayumi, Mr. Eito, Mr. Hikaru…Uh? I thought there are four new Imperial Soldiers." The Court Marshall said as he opened the door and Hiiro and the others went inside the Main Court room.

"Uh? About that…The last one quit." Hiiro said as he took out an envelope and gave it to the Court Marshall.

"Quit?! I-I do not understand Sir. What do you mean 'quit'?" The Court Marshall said as he wondered.

"I will explain it later. Where are the other Council members?" Hiiro said as he asked the 'Court Marshall'.

"Two hours ago, we received news from the 'Imperial Captain' that three masked men were spotted wandering inside the train station. They approached them but they ran away; one of the perpetrators threw a bomb on the 2nd platform and eight persons were found dead after the explosion." The 'Court Marshall' said as he reported to Hiiro.

"Eight?! This is unbelievable." Yuki said as Hikaru and the others wondered what is happening.

"That's right. Eight innocent civilians were murdered. We really must address this case immediately. Welcome back everyone." Ms. Iysa said as she approached Hiiro and the others.

"Your highness, we successfully convinced Harue to come back with us here in the 'Main Island' and now she is currently staying in our Rest House." Hiiro said he and the others kneel down on the floor.

"Good! But sadly the 'Iytherian Representatives' has not returned yet and I really have a bad feeling about this." Ms. Iysa said as Hiiro took the same crumpled paper off his pocket and gave it to Ms. Iysa.

"What is this? No! Wait… Is this a black hawk?" Ms. Iysa said as kneels down in front of Eito and gently picked up the eagle.

"Uh!? Y-yes that is a black hawk, your highness." Eito said as he blushed.

"Your highness, my theory goes like this; the black hawk brought us the paper from Mr. Geno. There are only two words written on the paper. These are my first name and 'H-E-L-P' which means 'HELP'." Hiiro said as everyone looked at him and were surprised from his analysis.

"Then…As the 2nd 'chief-on-duty', I command Hiiro, Hikaru, Mayumi and Hiiro to conduct a rescue mission going to 'Iytheria' and save the 'Iytherian Representatives.' Ms. Iysa said as she stood up and carries the eagle on her arms.

"As you wish your highness. We will leave first thing tomorrow morning." Hiiro said as Mayumi wondered.

"What?! No – wait! I object!" Hikaru said as he suddenly yelled out in front of the Council members.

"'Second? What happened to the first one?" Mayumi said as she casually asked Ms. Iysa, making Mr. Ryu and Hiiro flinch.

"Young lady, Mr. Sai and the other 'Fireiyan Representatives' went to the train station to investigate the bomb attack two hours ago." Ms. Iysa said as she gave the eagle to Mr. Ryu and pats Mayumi's head.

"Meanwhile, Mr. Jiro and the others went to the Armoury Room to conduct a monthly inventory of our military resources." Mr. Ryu said as the eagle flapped its wings.

"Sir Hiiro! Sir Yuki!  Good news."  One of the Imperial Soldiers said as he slammed open the door and went inside the Main Court Room.

"Calm down soldier. What is it?" Yuki said as the Imperial Soldier approached Hiiro and Yuki.

"I've received reports that 'Princess' Harue was back in the 'Main Island'…" The Imperial Soldier said as he stopped in front of Hiiro and the others.

"Yes. And she was back in our Rest House." Hiiro said as the Imperial Soldier looked up on him.

"Eh? But I've received some report that she was seen wandering in the 'Central Train Station' 30 minutes ago." The Imperial Soldier said as he reported to Hiiro and the others.

"What!? How did that happen? I'm sure we left her back in the Rest House." Yuki said as Hiiro who was standing beside him flinched.

"Ha-Harue was? Not again…" Hiiro said as he got dizzy and lost his consciousness.

"Sir Hiiro?! Are you alright?" Yuki said as he, Hikaru, and Eito caught him before Hiiro fall on the ground.

"Soldier, bring Hiiro back to the Advisor's room to get him some rest. Yuki and Mayumi will go back to the Rest House to check Harue while Hikaru and Eito were stay in the Head Quarters to prepare for the Rescue mission." Ms. Iysa said as he commanded everyone who nodded as their response.

"Sir Hiiro, hang in there." The Imperial Soldier said as Yuki casually slung Hiiro's right arm on his shoulder and both slowly walked away.

"Let's go back to the Rest House Mayumi." Yuki said as he and Mayumi ran away and went out of the Main Court Room.

"Uh? Is there something wrong?" Ms. Iysa said as she asked Hikaru.

"Um? Your highness, to be honest I got surprised that I passed in the Final Field Training. It was my dream to become an 'Imperial Soldier' but now, honestly, I am scared to join in the rescue mission." Hikaru said as the 'Aethyrian Representatives' and Eito looked at him.

"We thought that the orientations will start next week." Eito said as he pats Hikaru's right shoulder.

"I understand. But we need you help to save the 'Iytherian Representatives' and bring them back in the 'Main Island'. I can assure you that we will have the orientations next week."  Ms. Iysa said as she pats Hikaru and Eito's head.

"Now, follow me to the Artillery Room." Mr. Ryu said as he gave the eagle back to Ms. Iysa and walked away, being followed by Hikaru and Eito.

In the Advisor's Room…

"Sir Hiiro, we are almost there." The Imperial Soldier said as he opened the door and they both went inside the Advisor's room.

"Master Hiiro!? What happened?" The first Lower Knight said as he and the other four spies saw Hiiro and the Imperial Soldier.

"Help! Please help me!" Emi said as she cried while being tied up and lying down on the right corner inside the Advisor's room.

"A girl? Who are you?! Sir Hiiro we must get back – Huh?" The Imperial Soldier said as Hiiro suddenly grabbed his short sword and stabbed him on his chest.

"Done. Now, clean this area and bury the body on the 'Servants' Yard." Hiiro said as he commanded the two 'Lower Knights' AKA his spies to clean the area and get rid of the body.

"Master Hiiro, are you alright? Here, let me help you." The first Imperial Soldier said as he approached Hiiro who sat on his chair.

"I'm alright. Anyway, where is she? I need to speak with her right now." Hiiro said as the third Imperial Soldier gently pushed Emi who slipped and fall in front of Hiiro's desk.

"I'm sorry Master Hiiro but we cannot convince her to open the 'book'." The second Imperial Soldier said as he took the 'book' that was hidden with the others on his bookshelf and gave it to him.

"Eh? Is that so? Then, let me try." Hiiro said as stood up, kneel down in front of Emi and gave her the 'book'.

"Let me go! The 'Book of Prophecies'? How did you find it? No! Please, let me go!" Emi said as she continues to struggle and yelled out.

"Be quiet. Open it and I will set you free." Hiiro said as Emi looked at the 'book'.

"No!! I will not. Let me go! Let me go!" Emi said as she kept asking for help.

"Just do what I say. Damn it!" Hiiro said as he loses his patience and got annoyed to Emi.

"No…I will not open that 'book'. If that prophecy will be fulfilled, everyone will die. Alementalia will be annihilated!" Emi said as Hiiro slammed the 'book' on the floor.

"You do know the truth behind the 'Great Collision' prophecy. Then, my hunch is right! You are one of the 'Three Factors', the 'Key'." Hiiro said as he smirked and laugh out.

The Great Collision of the Two Worlds Prophecy is a written prophecy found in the "Book of Prophecies". This "disaster" foretold by the seven Mythical Beasts and at least two persons with specific "Cursed Marks.", the "Key" (Chosen Sacrifice) and the "Catalyst" will bring annihilation to Alementalia and to the planet called "Earth." 

In this "disaster", the "Catalyst" using a special enchantment spell called "Spatial Configuration magic", will force collide the two worlds and millions of people living both worlds will perish. "Alementalia" will act as the former source of "alementalian magic" while "Earth" will act as the former source of life, hence creating the 'Catalyst's' ideal new world and society.

"But I already told you them that I am not the 'Key'." Emi said as Hiiro stood up and the Imperial Soldiers began untying Emi.

"The 'Beast of Water' already told me the clue in finding the 'Key';'(She), the "Key" is the youngest child of an Earth family.' Based on my analysis, 'she' must be pertaining to a young, female child that belongs to an 'Aethyrian' family since 'Aethyrians' like us has the ability to control the element 'Earth'. And I assume that you have a big brother. " Hiiro said as Emi was finally free and tried to run away but the Imperial Soldier caught her again.

To fulfill the 'Great Collision' Prophecy, someone must be brazened and stupid enough to find the 'Three Factors'. One of them is the 'Key'. The "Key" is the person who will act as the "Chosen Sacrifice" and an Aethyrian who can open the "Book of Prophecies" that can help someone in finding the secret location of the "Rusty Gate".

"Shut up! It is my fault, my big brother Maki got exiled. I'm so sorry! I'm sorry!" Emi said as she cried.

"Open the 'book' and I promise to set you free and go back pretending as Harue's maid. But I guess Harue has already forgotten you." Hiiro said as Emi stopped from struggling and suddenly laugh out.

"You're right! Hahaha!  After I erased her memories of what happened that day, I pretended to be her maid and stayed by her side so that she will not forget me." Emi said as she walked towards the desk and picked up the 'book'.

"So, you are the person they called the 'Enchantress' who has the ability to erase memories of her victims. But now she is separated from you so she will eventually forget your existence." Hiiro said as he sat on his chair and crossed his arms.

"Indeed! This 'curse' does work on that way. What if I failed to open this 'book'?" Emi said as she examines the burnt book.

"Then, let see first what will happen." Hiiro said as Emi tried to open the 'book'.

The 'book' magically glows and suddenly burns itself. Emi suddenly dropped the 'book' on the floor and got her hands burned.

"Damn it! What happened? The 'book' is still closed." Hiiro said as the second Imperial Soldier picked up the book and placed it on top of his desk.

"That's because I am not the 'Key'. Sadly, I am not the person that can help you." Emi said as Hiiro sat on his chair, frustrated from what just happened.

"Bring her to the 'Underground Prison' and put her in Cell room #5." Hiiro said as he commanded the three Imperial Soldiers who immediately dragged Emi out of his room.

"What are you doing? I did what you've asked. Now let me go! Let me go!" Emi said as she was being dragged out of the Advisor's room.

"Immediately! Get her out of my room.' – Hiiro said as Emi suddenly stopped from squirming and laugh manically.

"Ha! As the person who collected her memories, let me give you a clue.' Emi said as the Imperial Soldiers stopped from dragging her.

"Wait! Stop. A clue? What are you talking about?" Hiiro said as he commanded the Imperial Soldiers and asked Emi.

"The 'Key' is just around the corner. You just have to look thoroughly." Emi said as the Imperial Soldiers took her away and left the room.
