Chapter 1: Bloody mary (001)

Bloody Mary

it's have been 2 weeks since my reflection disappear it's pretty weird

i haven't tell anyone about it , because who would belive you? they will say you are hallucinating and pay no mind to it  and even if i show them they will become scared and cause up roar and maybe i will be taken away by the goverment or something

"in today's news , another disappearance happen again last night the missing person is 17 years old female name Emily Rodriguez-"

the news keep talking about the same disappering that have run rampant for pass few months it's always the same story, people disappear inside their house without a trace of break in, the only odd things is all mirrors at the disappeared person house is smashed.

many people suspect it just some trend people smashing mirrors in their houses and disappear with out traces at all , some even still have stove on, cause some big fire it's a weird thing for it to be a trend but in this kind of era anything can be viral trend.

"yeah mom, i'm fine nothing to worry about i'm fine here"  on the phone with my mom she have been calling me alot this days , well who can blame her? it have been a lot of missing people case like this lately i just happy i can talked to her

"hm? yeah i always cover the mirror with sheets when i don't use it" i answer reassuringly to her, she always belive in occult stuff like that she belive that mirrors is gate way to other dimension or other side, i always play along with it that it become of habits for me, i don't tell her  about the disappearance of my reflection from the mirror i don't want her to have panic attack at her advance age

"remember kei, if your reflection ever disappear, never ever remove the sheets at midnight no matter what you heard from it" she said suddenly in  serious tone like she knows what is happening, chills run through my spine i almost asked how does she know but refrain from it because i know she will be worried sick "...yes mom" i try to answer as calm as i can.

the other thing i haven't said to anyone that i have been hearing sounds of something growling from the mirror at the midnight now i kinda regret it, why you ask? because it's midnight and the mirror is not covered because of my idiot ass forget to put cover on it before leaving home this morning now what i see infront of my eyes is the stuff of nightmare, when i open my room i found a tall lanky creature hunch over with it's  back facing me it's looks like it eating something

suddenly feeling of overwellming pressure of dread taking over like the power have been sucked out of me i can't even move from the where i stand, suddenly the figure stop and start slowly turning under the ray of moonlight showing it's pale skin and skinny body,  sharp teeth drench with blood with smile that goes from ear to ear which is unsettling because it's doesn't seems like having any ear or even nose there is only a  set of sharp teeth and the eyes that seems not having eyelids and it just all black eyeballs looking at stunned me

i can't think of anything but i all i can think is now is to


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