Chapter 221: Sending Them Forth

Many thought the same when it concerned their time here. 

Besides, they had gotten various glimpses of Old Hou himself and a few others, allowing them to know that this gang of people must be here for a private meeting.

What a joke! 

Didn't you see the gathering of such powerful men? 

Choppers, expensive vehicles, various shows of wealth and power... Military, airlines, police officers, elite doctors, business representatives... They saw it all.

So what more could they say?

What if their actions cause Old Hou to get dissatisfied with them?

They've worked within the Hou establishments for decades and believed in the moral ethics of Old Hou, Jung Hou, and the rest. 

So they were sure that whatever reason the Hous came here for wouldn't be for anything illegal or eye-boggling. 

Could it be that they were holding some private party or discussing matters concerning the country? 

They all pushed the matter to the back of their minds, not wanting to be nosy. 

However, not everyone thought so. 

Alice stared at the bunch of geezers going crazy. 

Her eyes brimmed with fire the more she thought about things. 

No! She had to get to the bottom of this!



4 P.M. 

Dorian opened his eyes.

['Host, out of the 5,500... 3,727 of them have passed the test.

Congratulations host! As you expected, the Ghu, Gia, and Hous are blessed.

But the mission isn't completed yet.']

Dorian thought as much. 

Only when they all accepted their letters would his mission be completed. 

Step by step, Landon left the space, returning to his room. 

And standing on his balcony, he gave the system the go-head.

['Host, that said, would you like me to begin?']

'Mmmm... Send them forth.'


A loud sound echoed in his brain. 

And what happened next was something one would only see in fairytales.


A large storm of envelopes shot out of his room, flying high to the sky and dispersing towards various destinations. 

How could such a thing be real? 

 The envelopes fought hard, wanting to leave the estate as fast as they could. 

Owner... Owner... Their only thoughts were to find their owners!

3727 envelopes shot from behind Dorian, leaving the balcony and making their way to the sky very fiercely.

And once in the high, like leaves, they twirled and followed the gentle path of the near stagnant summer breeze, flapping away from the Tian household. 


Dorian stood amidst the chaotic scene, watching the letters fly sky high. 

Everything happened in no more than 5 seconds. 

And Alice, who was still staring into the sky deep in thought, stared at it with a dumbfounded expression. 

But soon, she got over her shock, wasting no time in throwing her head behind her back with an overly victorious expression.

"Look! Look! I said this guy is definitely doing something strange and illegal! He just released thousands of papers in the air... Isn't that pollution!"

Everyone looked at each other, coming to the window to see what all the fuss was about.

"Look! Look! I told you, didn't I?"

The more Alice spoke, the more energetic she was. Even if it's for a lame crime as pollution, she just wanted to get these bastards anyway she could. 

You are reading story Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You? at

However, she was bound to be disappointed. 

Bright clear skies. 

Those who went to look saw nothing.

Where were the thousands of 'papers' Alice said they released?

If it were true, then it should be raining paper. Moreover, the sky would not clear up so fast.

"Alice, are you mistaken?"


Alice looked up again, seeing the clear blue skies in shock.

No! No!

"I saw it! It was there a second ago! I'm telling you that I saw It! I really saw it!... Why won't you believe me?"

"Enough!" One of them exclaimed. 

They have had enough of her constant bantering and looking for fault. 

What did the Tian household ever do to her that she had to keep framing and looking for trouble with them? 

No one was pleased with her actions.

This time, her framing them was so obvious that everyone felt ashamed. 

"Alice! It's time you grow up! Haven't you had enough of this nonsense?"


"I said enough!"

Everyone went back to their beds or desks, using the internet, watching a movie, or working. 

They couldn't believe that she had been so selfish to bother them for nothing. 

What a spiked child!

With a hint of disgust, they went back to whatever it was they were doing.

Alice looked at the scene, feeling very aggrieved. 

She saw it... She... Did she really see it? 

Alice now began to doubt herself. 

However, she wasn't the only one doubting their sanity. 


In a private vehicle, Old Ghu and Old Madam Ghu sat in a trance, recalling all that they heard from not just the Hous and Gias but also from their Ghu family as well. 

In truth, they were still hesitant to believe it all. 

You're saying that they had lived in this world for so long, accompanied by the supernatural?

Why didn't you also say that God and angels were real too? 

Honestly, seeing is believing. 

Until they see such creatures for the lens, no matter how many times one tells them, they still wouldn't fully believe it. 

How could they? 

Their brains were still trying to digest and accept all they were told. 

After all, just because they were told to believe that a person could fly didn't mean they would believe without a doubt? 

That defied physics and logic. 

Likewise, as firm believers of science, without evidence, your claim of the supernatural was more or less nonexistent in their eyes. 

Even with the magic they saw Dorian pull off, they still had doubts... As it should be!

If a person tells you to jump over a bridge without any support, guaranteeing one's life, would you believe them or trust in gravity to kill you?


It was going to more a lot to make them believe.


Like so, the duo had just left the Gia estate, planning to head back home first and wait for whatever it was that the Grandmaster planned to send. 

... When would it arrive?
