The Municipal Police had been formed a few months ago, currently having a contingent of a thousand police officers to patrol the city and resolve small local matters.
However, this was not the only service provided by these local agents. No, they also had the task of administering the Dry City Prison, a place built in the basement of the Municipal Police headquarters.
This place was located in the city's southern region, in an entirely rectangular building, protected by 8 meters high walls and many police officers.
There were spiritual arrays to seal the cultivation of the prisoners in this place, so there was no need for the strongest people in this city to take care of such a thing.
In fact, the role of the police in this place was not to prevent the escape of prisoners but to ensure that they continued to pay for their sentences, taking care of this place's administration and the feeding of these individuals.
It would be a pity if a person who received a life sentence of imprisonment died because of some internal problem...
Such a thing wouldn't make any sense!
Sometimes the best punishment would be death, but continuing to live might be the worst for certain criminals in some circumstances. Therefore, the presence of greater power was necessary that 'persuaded' the criminals to continue 'persevering'...
Finally, in addition to the police having the investigative role, they were also responsible for prosecuting criminals in the Municipal Court of Justice, where sentences would be decided.
This site had been developed for two years, right after the Dry City Written Laws were ready. At that time, such a set of rules had not been published due to the absence of a judicial and punitive system for criminals.
And during that time that had passed, both things had been developed and put into practice.
First, the Municipal Police had been launched. Second, about four months ago, the Municipal Court of Justice had finally started its operations.
This place followed the Dry City Written Laws and had two types of judgments.
The first was related to trials of common crimes, such as theft, public disturbance, destruction of public or private property, etc. There were official workers capable of examining cases of a neutral position and with authority conferred by the local government to proclaim sentences.
As for the second type of trial, this was the one that dealt with severe cases, as in the examples of treason, murder, etc. People who committed one of these crimes would have to go through the same process as the first type, plus a second part, a public trial!
The first part of this second type of judgment basically established whether the defendants were indeed guilty of their actions. Thus, if guilt were proven, these individuals would go to a public trial, where the population could define the punishment of these people!
But public judgment had its limitations.
A guilty person must still pay for his crimes, even if the population decides to absolve him of the maximum penalty.
Anyway, this judicial system was all based on the rules established by the Dry City Written Laws.
Such a thing established a series of infractions and their punishments, something that took into consideration from an ordinary domestic fight to cases of murder and treason.
It specified how the police should act when dealing with suspects, how judgments were made, deadlines, the rights of the defendants, and finally, the punishments and their application.
It was very detailed and had passed 100 pages. Still, even so, it contained only the basics necessary for peaceful coexistence in a big city.
The cultivation world could be chaotic, and many people liked to do what they wanted. However, the weaker ones would never want to live in a place where they can be killed at any time, a place without laws.
And the truth is, if you are not the strongest in the world, you will be on the weak side sooner or later, and you will need these rules!
So, even in the cultivation world, people valued rules that ordered their lives and reduced the likelihood of someone leaving home and never coming back...
'My freedom ends when that of other people begins.' That was the opening sentence of the law book of the Dry City, which was available for any inhabitant or visitor to read at the local library.
And it was on this phrase that local laws had been based!
Suppose an individual wants to do something that doesn't interfere with other people's lives, public or private services. In that case, that person could do whatever they wanted.
You are reading story The Rise of the Black Plain at
As examples of these laws, there was the prohibition of fights in the city's streets, murders, rape, treason.
- 'Violation: Any fight on the streets or public buildings of the Dry City, except for those places proposed for this activity;
- Punishment: 1 month in prison, a thousand low-grade crystals and working in the agricultural fields for one year;'
- 'Offense: Rape;
- Punishment: One thousand years in prison, complete castration of the organ, 100 lashes a day, and at the end of the prison, spiritual cultivation will have to be crippled.'
- 'Offense: Murder;
- Punishment: It can range from a thousand years in prison, crippled spiritual cultivation, payments to the victim's family, farm work for 200 years, to even death.'
- 'Offense: Treason;
- Punishment: Death; that person's family must be exiled from the Black Plain indefinitely; loss of all personal and family belongings.'
There was a lot more to each of these rules, but most of the population just needed to know what they couldn't do and the possible punishments.
As for the other details, this was only important for the Municipal Police, which had the duty to investigate and prosecute, and the Municipal Court of Justice, which had to follow these details strictly.
And when this set of laws had been released, the population had been quite curious about this punishment for treason. That's because although it is normal for traitors to be killed, sentences for families were not!
But this was different in the Dry City because this place was a land of opportunity. So, if any idiot thought about betraying this place, he could be sure that not only would he be killed, but his family would also lose all rights offered by this place.
And that would be pretty heavy for these people, who might not even be to blame for such a thing.
But Minos didn't care.
Suppose someone wanted to betray the Black Plain after all these opportunities this young man brought to this place. In that case, a traitor could be sure that his act would destroy his own family.
The most the Black Plain would do was send these families out of this territory safely and wish them good luck elsewhere.
And this rule was valid for all inhabitants of the Dry City, whether they were ordinary people or individuals affiliated with organizations in this place.
Finally, the group talking earlier in that square, near the local hospital complex, began to disperse. At the same time, one of those men thought about these new features of the Dry City. 'Ahh, I think I can get into this Municipal Police in less than a year...'
"I have to try harder from now on!" He muttered to himself.
While things were developing in the usual way in the Dry City, in a specific part of the Central Continent, there was a large forest region, not far from a human concentration, from which a young woman with black hair was flying out.
She was on top of a giant eagle, entirely white, with a yellow beak.
It flew at great speed, making the young girl's straight hair hang in the air as if it were levitating.
This young woman was gorgeous and had a body with perfect measurements, not being exaggerated in any sense.
And while her blue clothes fluttered with the passage of the air, this young woman was watching the city from afar with a smile on her face, thinking about what she was going to do next.
'I finally finished my mission! Now I can...'