As soon as the battle had begun, the forces of the Black Plain Army soon began to put heavy pressure on the enemies in this place.
Minos' soldiers had already been waiting for the day when they would have to deal with these people. As such, the moment those administrative soldiers had triggered the sound arrays, they promptly began to do what they had been planning for weeks.
As for the members of that Brown family group, well, they were not expecting anything of the sort. Consequently, the initial response, so crucial in a situation like this, had not come quickly and efficiently!
From then on, the soldiers from the local army began to use their advantages relative to the superior techniques they had.
As expected, after the first moments of the battle, quickly corpses of the Brown Kingdom's royal guard members could be seen in that joint camp where the negotiations took place.
But while these ordinary people from the Brown family group were succumbing easily, some slightly more balanced battles took place in that area.
After the initial moment of that battle, the three descendants of the Brown Kingdom's royalty had quickly started running in hopes of escaping from that place.
But due to the initial circumstances of that incident, it was not long before some of the less busy Sergeants in that place went after those individuals, intending to kill them!
The army's initial advantage had been exceptional. And with that, enough people were available to go after the heads of those three while Ernest and Grayson dealt with the five enemy Spiritual Kings.
In this way, it wasn't long before the sounds of fighting spread to the surroundings, with powerful glowing effects being seen passing from one side to the other as fighting and chasing took place.
"What's happening in this damn place? Why are these people so fast?" As they ran away, one of those three individuals said this out loud, exposing his shock that they couldn't throw off enemies 3, 4, 5 levels lower than theirs!
Not only that, with each passing moment, the initial advantage they had diminished, as ten soldiers from the local army pursued them.
"That... I don't understand. How can people weaker than us chase us like that? Are they from some family with speed-related abilities?" Another one of them asked, not understanding how that was possible.
After all, while seeing people with characteristics above their level was not uncommon, seeing several people with the same distinction in one place would be highly unusual!
And since each of these three people from the Brown family already had complete sets of Black-grade techniques, they couldn't help but wonder what was going on.
But it was not for nothing. Of those ten people who were chasing them, six of them were soldiers who had gone to Stone Island with Minos in the past.
At that time, the ten soldiers who had accompanied him had had the opportunity to learn a Silver-grade movement technique.
Of those ten individuals, four of them had joined the Elite Squad, so they were elsewhere at the moment. But six of them were taking care of business in that joint camp when this incident happened.
Because of this, having far superior movement techniques to their opponents, those six soldiers couldn't help but get closer to their targets each time.
As for the other four soldiers, they were a bit behind, but it didn't matter. Once those six individuals managed to block the escape route of their three enemies, then the four of them could join the battle against those opponents.
With that, those three royalty members were getting more and more worried, mainly since each of those soldiers carried low-level grade-2 weapons in their hands!
'Damned Dry City! Damn Minos Stuart!'
'Those people from the very beginning planned everything!'
'Those damned rebels had been preparing for this day for much longer than we can imagine!' One of the most experienced of that group thought about it simultaneously, where he watched the situation in the surroundings with a horrible feeling of helplessness.
'I'm glad we sent the letter to His Majesty telling him about the recent events... He will understand that what is happening here is the responsibility of the damned local sovereign!'
After thinking about it, this man finally drew his sword and prepared to fight. "You two, there is no chance for us to escape from here..."
"Fight to the death!"
"At least let's take some of them with us before we leave for the underworld!" He shouted in a chilling tone.
At the same time as that, those six soldiers were practically catching up with them when they saw this sudden change.
Realizing that these opponents had already understood the situation, they promptly prepared to fight with everything they had.
"Brothers! Kill those damn invaders!"
You are reading story The Rise of the Black Plain at
"For Dry City! For the army!"
"Ahh! For the army!"
And then, in a flash, those six Sergeants launched their attacks on those three, employing their collective battle tactics, in which they had specialized over the previous five years!
Sounds of the most varied kinds resounded through that area as the first cry of pain from that battle reached the ears of those four soldiers who were still running to that place.
But even before any of those people were seriously injured, those four individuals didn't take long and soon joined the fight, putting even more pressure on those three enemies!
"Death to the invaders!"
Thunder Hammer!
Then, one of them used his primary attack technique, using a silver hammer, which seemed to conduct electricity, causing lightning to form in the air where it passed.
Then such a person jumped into the air while wielding this weapon. He was making an attack movement in which he held the handle of this hammer behind his head, making a forward movement, vertically attacking the opponent below where he was standing.
At the same time as this, the two Spiritual Kings were finishing their battle against those Brown family experts on the other side of that camp.
After some time of fighting, Ernest and Grayson had directly or indirectly eliminated four of those five enemies, having used almost all their strength to do so.
In the first instance, they had eliminated the strongest enemy, that level 53 Spiritual King. Such a person was the most significant variable in this place, and once they had destroyed him, the battle would go more smoothly.
So, to increase their chances of victory, those two had used large parts of their strength at the beginning of the fight, focusing mainly on that person.
Consequently, they had severely wounded that enemy and killed one of the level 51 Spiritual Kings on account of that attack, quickly diminishing the dangers concerning that group.
After that, Ernest and Grayson had worked together to eliminate two other remaining individuals, while the Sergeants in the surrounding area who had already finished their fights eliminated that wounded Spiritual King.
With that, only one of those royal guard members sent to the Black Plain to negotiate with Minos had survived to this point.
But even that person, level 52, was suffering greatly and already had several highly complex injuries on his body after enduring those two.
He had managed to last this far because his two opponents were of a level below his and had expended much of their energy to eliminate his other allies. As such, he had had more opportunities in this battle, having even landed a series of blows that had wounded those two Lieutenants of Minos' army.
But this person was not in luck.
"You're truly quite good at fighting... Hah..." Ernest said amidst his irregular breathing, as he felt many parts of his body damaged in a way he had never felt before.
Upon hearing this, Grayson agreed with his companion and was the first to say something. "Yes, you should be proud of your performance!"
Ernest then continued. "If it were in any other situation, you probably would have killed us..."
That person then looked at the two men in front of him, the two much more exhausted than he was, but said nothing. He understood exactly the situation in his surroundings and no longer hoped to survive.
That's because...
"Unfortunately for you, this is our territory, and we have the numbers in our favor!" Ernest finally finished his speech, slowly opening his arms as over 40 Sergeants surrounded that man's surroundings.
Grayson then shouted in a hoarse tone, "Kill this damn invader!"