Chapter 748: Results 1

Quickly the battles where Angela, Eduard, and Barbara were developed, with those three fightings vigorously against their two opponents.

After the departure of those 40 soldiers, Eduard and Barbara had quickly gained the upper hand against that opponent of theirs. In contrast, Angela had vigorously weakened her opponent.

Such a person was ready to die, but that didn't mean that he would let Angela win the fight without any opposition!

After all, even if he understood his fate, it wouldn't stop him from trying to hold this woman in this place any longer. That was something extremely valuable to the other members of the Counter-Revolutionary Army in this city!

He didn't know how many of these individuals had died in the previous attack. Still, from the sounds of battles coming into this place from various parts of this city, he was aware that there were survivors. 

With that, seriously fighting Angela to buy time for the survivors of this force formed by King Brown was a small goal for this man before he finally fell on this battlefield.

But he hadn't been so lucky!



The long ice spear danced in Angela's hands as she nimbly moved around the surroundings of her opponent, constantly striking against that individual's vital points.

While doing so, she would occasionally hit her opponent's sturdy armor, leaving scratches and dents behind, slowly breaking through the main structures of this item.

But her blows were also hitting that man's body with some frequency, leaving several cuts of various depths on his arms, legs, and some exposed parts of his chest.

With that, that man was now bleeding from every part of his body, feeling that he might faint at any moment due to extreme exhaustion.

And to make matters worse, he was practically out of energy and would only last a few more blows!


'Damn it! I only barely hold this woman for 3 minutes!' He wailed in his mind as he tried to dodge Angela's spear attack, which was coming towards his chest.

But while doing that, he suddenly felt an intense pain coming from a part of his spine, in the lower back, something that momentarily took away all his ability to move!


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He did the only thing he could at this moment, feeling as if his spine had been crushed and all his locomotion had been lost.

And as he felt the worst sensation of his life, the tip of Angela's spear went through his throat, immediately ceasing his cries of pain.

"Too bad, I'm going to ruin the funeral..." Angela said in a somewhat tired tone.

She then simply knocked him to the ground before finally using the same ice spear to end this person's life, with a solid attack to the middle of his face!


With that done, her fight against that level 56 Spiritual King had ended, with this man following his path to the afterlife!

As she finished, Angela felt some relief and then looked in the direction of Eduard and Barbara's battle against that last opponent.

That enemy was already not far from joining her victim.

In that place, the level 55 Spiritual King was with his legs bound by some kind of chain, while Eduard was attacking him with his hand-to-hand combat technique, beating such an opponent.

His punches were very well timed, contained as much force as he could rally with each move, and his breathing was in accord. But, all this was making that opponent suffer at the hands of that Lieutenant, while he had only his hands to defend himself since at this moment Barbara was limiting his movement.

With that, every moment, this last surviving enemy in this place was being hit by Eduard's fists, sometimes in his abdomen, but most of the blows going directly to his head.




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He took another powerful attack from his opponent, something that had hit exactly in his jaw, causing it to dislocate. At the same time, a portion with blood and teeth flew out of his mouth.

As he screamed in pain from such a blow, he felt his sense of balance disappear. In this instant, he was experiencing a reality very different from what he was used to, while at the same time suffering from the damage to his body.

With this, almost immediately as he felt Eduard's blow, he lost his balance, falling towards the ground!


At that moment, the last punch was thrown by Eduard hit the void of air, just as that Spiritual King fell sideways.

'Did he deflect?'

But before Eduard realized that his enemy didn't, Barbara took the opportunity and landed the final blow.

She just pierced her opponent's head with the sharp point of a war hammer that had been left on the battlefield by another of those Spiritual Kings.


Upon realizing this, Angela immediately stopped collecting the spatial rings in the surrounding area and said in a satisfied manner. "You are finally done!"

"Yes, but that was a tough fight..." Eduard commented this, feeling the fatigue upon his body, which, although not worrying, was something he couldn't help but notice after he finished fighting.

On the other hand, Barbara looked better. But that was normal, as being of a lower level, she had put more effort into supporting Eduard than fighting face to face with that opponent.

"What do we do now?" She asked as she crouched down in that spot and then picked up the spatial ring that was on one of the fingers of that man she had just killed.

"Collect all those spatial rings in this area. After that, we will split up and head towards the various battles around this city." Angela said without delay as she heard the sounds of battle coming from other parts of Maritime City and saw the many objects on the ground glowing.

Spatial rings were very sturdy things. After all, it would be an inconvenience to lose the items in such storage every time one faced a deadly threat!

Hence, unless the difference between the item's level to the degree of severity of the circumstances in its surroundings were very brutal, it would be tough for items like that to be destroyed.

And since most of the people killed by the big trap were Spiritual Generals or above, they certainly had rings good enough to withstand the attack from before.

Otherwise, it wouldn't make much difference either. After all, if some people couldn't even have a decent spatial ring, the items inside such storage would hardly be missed.

Knowing this, those people soon started collecting the ownerless spatial rings in that area, which was neither time-consuming nor difficult.

Spatial rings had their own spirituality, like any item produced by experts of the spiritual professions. Therefore, it was effortless to identify these items through cultivators' spiritual sense. Thus, collecting them would only require a minimum effort, something easy for cultivators as strong as these three.

Because of this, Angela decides to collect these items before leaving this place to fight the rest of the surviving invaders in this city.


It didn't take long, and soon the battles around Maritime City were ending, with the number of fights decreasing and fewer and fewer attacks being launched in the surrounding area.

Many fights had taken place in the nearly 50 minutes of battle from the beginning of it all to the present moment, the end of the conflict.

But the numbers of battles in the Maritime City were nowhere near the numbers involved in the Persephone Tragedy.

But that was to be expected as that conflict in Persephone had involved tens of thousands of opponents. But in Maritime City, there were just over 16,000 opponents here, and the great ambush alone had wiped out more than half of those numbers.

After that initial moment in the conflict, less than six thousand enemies had been left for the just over a thousand soldiers of the Black Plain Army to face!

And even if those numbers were more significant than what the local soldiers could support, most of those enemies had suffered just as much from the traps as those Spiritual Kings from before.

In fact, apart from a few hundred soldiers of the Counter-Revolutionary Army who were far from the traps of Minos' forces in this place, all the rest of that group had suffered dramatically from the explosive arrays used at the beginning of it all.

So, the conflict in this city was slowly coming to an end, accompanied by a silent sunset, with almost 30% of its infrastructure compromised.
