Chapter 759: Leaving The Battlefield!

After Liam Gill's move, Adrian quickly had his last moments in this world, when his life drained away along with his blood through the fatal wound in his left chest.

But the supreme elder of the Silva family was not the only one to be killed in this decisive moment!

Once Minos and Emlyn had finished their fight against the strongest person in that area, the two did not fail to support their team members.

That Nine-tailed Fox had rushed towards the remaining strongest opponents and helped the members of this attack team, some of whom were a little more tired and injured.

At the same time, young Stuart had simply continued to absorb the energies of those enemies while attacking them from afar.

In any case, after a few breaths since the destruction of Otis' spiritual cultivation, each of those enemies left alive in this place had fallen into the darkness of death.

Some of them had fought bravely and caused trouble for Minos' soldiers, subordinates, and allies in this place. But because of the advantages in terms of the total fighting power of the Black Plain ruler's team, none of his people had been seriously injured.

Some would even carry some marks from this battle for a few years, something that would remind them of this event. But it was nothing that would limit them or cause problems in the short term.

With that said, after the death of the last high-level opponent, this group had completed their goal in this place, and there wasn't much left to do around here.

Upon realizing this, Minos looked at those corpses in the surrounding area and said. "Cut off the heads of each of them and bring them to me along with their spatial rings."

Upon hearing this, part of those people began to do just what Minos had ordered, while Mendy and Vivian approached this young man.

"Minos, won't we get anything for this?" Mendy asked directly, while she had a slight smile on her face.

'I want to know that too...' Vivian thought about it without saying anything.

But she didn't dare to ask questions as directly as Mendy did since she didn't have as much closeness to young Stuart as this woman. And since she already had a specific impression that Minos would do whatever he wanted, she had just stayed silent, paying attention to his answer.

Minos then said. "Not this time."

"Whenever there is an investment by my army, all items collected must be delivered to headquarters. Otherwise, the belongings of anyone you kill will belong to yourselves." He commented as he pointed in the direction of where the soldiers of the Black Plain army were using spiritual arrays of various kinds to entertain enemy Spiritual Generals.

"The army needs to recover all the investment that is made in the war..."

"Huh? So, you are saying that we will pay for the Black Plain's war damage?" Mendy questioned with a curious expression on her face.

"You're pretty smart, Mendy. You've got it right!"

"But isn't that how business families, like your House Stokes, do it?"


While Mendy felt dissatisfied but didn't know what to say to young Stuart, Vivian stepped forward and asked. "What do you intend to do with those heads?"

"That's a surprise..." He said as he looked toward where Otis was currently lying on the ground, passed out.

"But if you're having a party, it's always nice to use some decoration..." He commented when he finally received all those things collected in that area from Eda's hands.

After receiving the spatial rings left by those enemy Spiritual Kings killed in that conflict, along with those 15 heads, as well as keeping Otis' storage item in his own, Minos smiled and said. "Well, time to go!"

"Eda, you can start the withdrawal of the soldiers on the outskirts and return to the secret base in Yellow City."

"Liam, you will carry that decrepit old man." He said as he pointed in Otis' direction.

"Anyway, let's go!" He said right after waving to Eda and briefly observing the explosions and visual effects of what was happening in the surroundings of this place.

Right now, his soldiers on the outskirts of this enemy camp were still intensely attacking the Counter-Revolutionary Army troops, using their arrays to do so.

After everything started less than 10 minutes ago, the side of the enemy forces had changed their situation. At first, they were suffering because they had been attacked very suddenly, in this place that at first was supposed to be relatively secret. But during the time that had passed, they had gone from just defending themselves to attacking those enemies on the outskirts of this area.

With that, now many of the soldiers coming from the secret base of Minos' army in Yellow City were depending on large barriers to defend themselves from their opponents while waiting for the main conflict resolution.

After all, they couldn't take on so many people with their powers alone, as their opponents far outnumbered them.

You are reading story The Rise of the Black Plain at

As a result, they were in this passive situation while their opponents were getting closer and closer to their positions.

But as soon as Eda had said goodbye to Minos and those other people who were heading for Dry City at the moment, this woman promptly triggered the beepers scattered around the area. With that, it was time for those troops to withdraw from this enemy camp!

"Come on! Abandon your posts!"

"It's time to run!" 

"Haha, finally! The young master must have exterminated those fools!"

"Don't celebrate so loudly! If the enemy is crazy enough to chase us, we'll be in trouble!" Someone commented on this in one of the many groups around that camp, one of the many who were already abandoning their posts.

They had abandoned the attack arrays that they were previously using activated to give them time to escape. Meanwhile, the opponents would continue to have trouble until the crystals on those items ran out.

That was not something so cheap to do. Still, because of the significant differences between their group and their enemies', this was something that could guarantee their survival.

As such, the army had thought of this strategy for the escape of these soldiers.

And then, quickly, the surroundings of that area began to become empty of life, with only the presence of arrays launching attacks in the direction of the enemies.

"Damn it! The opponents are running away!" Some of those who focused on the conflict with Minos' soldiers in the surroundings said this aloud, still on guard for the attacks coming his way.

"Where are our specialists? Are they fighting the enemy leaders?" Another of them asked, not knowing what had happened to that group of Spiritual Kings.

Not all of them could pay attention to their surroundings or watch the fight of those individuals led by Otis. As such, many were working hard at the front positions of the battlefield, hoping that this attack would be resolved as quickly as possible.

However, it didn't take them long to discover the hard truth about what had just happened!

"Quick, run after the enemies!" One of those individuals at the front said this as he saw that the enemy arrays were beginning to slow down in terms of activity.

"No! Are you crazy? Let the enemies escape!" Another person said while having a pale expression on his aged face.

"What? What are you talking about? Are you betraying us, coward?" The same person from before asked snidely. 

"Our Spiritual Kings have lost their fights!" 

"Now we have 15 headless corpses in our camp!" Such an elderly man said while feeling a lump in his throat.

Many of the individuals in this camp were part of the Silva family, subordinates, and nobles. Consequently, this news was a thousand times worse for such people than those from other families there, as it practically meant the end of that noble house!

"What did you say?"

"That can't be true!"

"The patriarch was here with us! How could we lose?"

"The patriarch lost and was captured by the enemy..." Someone said in disgust while shaking with anger.

This person had seen everything from afar, the downfall of each of those experts and the shameless strategies of Minos' forces. 

Because of all this, he couldn't help but feel very bad about the way everything had developed, especially when those experts had their corpses desecrated!

"Patriarch, what will happen to our family?" He asked in deep regret, loud enough to be heard by many there.

Unfortunately, they now only had 12 Spiritual Kings left, a minimal number to ensure their long-term survival!

As such, it wasn't long before a negative mood spread through that place, as many people felt tremendous losses.

But some of them were not so dissatisfied!