Two days later...
After dispatching his previous orders to Joey, Minos had finally received contact from the secret base in Yellow City.
And in this notice, Eda had warned this sovereign about the unexpected meeting that had taken place in Yellow City, as well as new information from House Miller.
The first part of the warning carried the good news that this young man had been waiting months from the Hayes family, the organization in pursuit of the Chambers family survivors.
But things had turned out differently than Minos had anticipated, and that other organization had done that job for him!
When he had played the Snow family against House Chambers, he could not have known the exact implication of that situation.
The Snows could merely kill important members of House Chambers, or they could do nothing of the sort. As such, there was no way for him to know at the time what would happen, much less wait for such information to come from this Snow Kingdom family.
Consequently, all this time, he was counting on the actions of House Hayes to get that information!
But most surprising of all was the fact that the Snow family members themselves had come to him with the information that they had the location of the Scourges of the Devil.
Minos had not expected this!
After all, they were on opposite sides now and might soon even have to face each other on battlefields.
In any case, he had been very pleased with what had recently happened in that city in the Kingdom of the Waves. Previously, he had thought about the chance of the Snow family having this information, but he could not be sure.
Dean could have endured enemy interrogation or even not had the knowledge about the Scourges of the Devil headquarters location.
But upon receiving that warning from Eda, young Stuart was reassured about such a matter.
Now he just needed to deal with his war of independence peacefully. Then, he would visit the Snows and gather such information when he had the opportunity!
But unfortunately, life was not made only of good things. And the same was true for the notice sent by Eda.
In addition to this good news, Eda informed that King Brown was coming to the Black Plain to face him!
The Miller family had not taken long to send such information from the moment the representatives of the other royal families had arrived in the capital of the kingdom.
And since now they should already be on their way to this place, this was terrible news for the Black Plain!
After digesting the warnings sent by Eda, Minos had left his headquarters and was now moving through Dry City.
With the information about the imminent arrival of dozens of Spiritual Kings and tens of thousands of Spiritual Generals, this young man could not help but activate his defensive planning.
From their information, the counter-revolutionary group assembled by the Brown family was marching toward Dry City to attack this place with full force.
They wanted to test the power of this place at once, to finally appeal for extreme measures.
If necessary, of course.
In any case, at first, something like this had little chance of happening since Minos had troops spread over this territory and had land advantages.
But with such strong groups moving together, Minos could not risk letting his soldiers and investments get run over by his enemies.
The opposite of that, he could only prepare to fight in the vicinity of this city, where the local defenses would greatly help them in the battle.
Therefore, he was acting at the moment in search of the best possible outcome for this tremendous first ordeal that he and his city had to go through.
There were already several Sergeants around the outer area of this city, and dozens of local Spiritual Kings were all already ready for action.
Among them was Emlyn, who at the moment was waiting for the time to act in Beast Park.
And as he walked around this city, Minos was finalizing the last preparations for the impending confrontation.
"Make arrangements so that the locals are not in the vicinity of the outside areas when everything starts," Minos said to one of the people accompanying him.
"OK, young master."
You are reading story The Rise of the Black Plain at
As they walked through one of the outermost areas of Dry City, Abby and Ruth were standing there with Minos and some soldiers, constantly discussing these actions with this young man.
"Minos, do you intend to use these local defenses at the beginning of the conflict?" Ruth asked in doubt. "Won't that be too dangerous?"
"I will use those defenses yes, after all, that is what they are for..."
"But that won't be so bad for us."
"The enemy side has only one person capable of destroying a part of the large local defensive barrier. But, on the other hand, I already know where the weapons capable of damaging my defensive dome will be."
"So, the danger should not be as great as you think."
"Are you sure? The enemy side will still have thousands of people capable of weakening those defenses." She said, still unsure.
"Don't worry, Ruth. The battle will be difficult, but Dry City has little chance of suffering from the conflict." Abby commented in support of her boyfriend's plans.
"We only have to endure the fight until Minos, and his group deals with King Brown. Once that happens, the enemy retreat will most likely happen."
"Oh?" Ruth then looked at Minos. "Are you confident of that? He is a level 59 Spiritual King, and it is not an exaggeration to consider him at the peak of that level." So, she said, quoting the empire sects' information about the regional leaders.
"Well, I can't be sure until I meet him. But Celeste, Angela, Emlyn, and I will be facing him. So, I think our chances are not bad." He commented on this plan of action of his army.
Since the enemy wanted to devastate this place with a powerful attack, Minos could only think of the strategy that had the best chance of making the other side retreat. And that was to kill the enemy leader!
Hence, he wanted to gather the three strongest people in this city to deal with that person.
As long as they were successful, they would not have to deal with such decisive attacks until the Counter-Revolutionary Statute came into play.
Anyway, while they talked about these plans, someone from the local government headquarters suddenly came to where they were.
Such a person had an edition of the Northern News in his hands and had a smile on his face, eager to hand this newly arrived edition to Minos.
"Young master, it seems that our plans for the Snow family have finally been completed." He said amidst his irregular breathing.
"Oh?" Minos frowned as he looked at one of that individual's hands. 'A newspaper...'
"What happened?" Ruth stepped forward and asked in curiosity.
Upon hearing this, such a person opened that roll of paper, leaving the cover face to face with the eyes of those people in Minos' group. "The Cromwell family has attacked House Snow!"
'A Clash of Royal Houses!' the news headline stated.
"So, they truly did it... It seems the Cromwells are more decisive than we thought."
"Hmm, army intelligence already expected some retaliation, but it's a surprise that they acted that way."
Several people commented on this as they looked at the tiny letters highlighting how the Cromwell family had done it.
They had decisively attacked several Snow family posts at once, creating quite a mess in the Snow Kingdom, where the ruling family had lost a few thousand members!
Not only that, six Spiritual Kings had been killed in that retaliatory attack by House Cromwell!
As they watched the portrayal of a part of the confrontation, a warship with the House Cromwell symbol attacking the shores of that state, some of those soldiers could not help but smile.
"It seems that the Cromwells are eager to see the young master climbing to the top of the region..."
"They even helped us in delaying the Counter-Revolutionary Statute!"
Hearing this, Minos just smiled, not saying anything unnecessary. It was really to his advantage that these two families would be in a disagreement for at least some time!
'With that, those two organizations probably won't be able to pay attention to the Black Plain for at least a few months....' He pondered in satisfaction before finally continuing his matters concerning the impending battle.