While the enemies of the Black Plain were planning their actions, a red-haired woman on the back of a large bird landed on the north side of Dry City's defensive dome.
At that moment, the dust of the surrounding area was blown into the air by the flapping of the great being's wings, creating a curtain of dust in the surrounding area.
However, as much as it was enough to disturb the view of anyone watching from afar, all that dust did not even reach a single hair on that woman's head.
'So, this is his city...' She thought about it as she watched that place from afar, not bothering about the dust in her surroundings as she thought about the figure of the young man who had deceived her.
And with that in mind, this beautiful woman with wavy red hair, light green eyes, and a flawless body so perfect that even women would be attracted to her headed towards the entrance of that city.
That was Gloria Frost, whom Minos had met earlier, this beautiful woman who had traveled the entire distance from the capital of the Kingdom of the Waves to this place to meet him.
Gloria wanted to teach Minos a lesson for what he had done, at the same time as she wished to take up official business with him.
After all, now that she had become involved in regional affairs, it was in her interest to end the conflict on the Black Plain as quickly as possible. Preferably, she wanted to do this peacefully since it would be more interesting not to allow local actions by the descendants of the regional families who were already coming here from the Flaming Empire.
That was why she had traveled so quickly and was now heading towards the interior of that dome, intending to revisit the figure of the young man who had deceived her.
'If he has fled here, he must already be around here or in the vicinity...' Gloria thought about this when she finally saw a large camp in front of the northern entrance to Dry City.
That was one of the four camps of the three noble families of the Brown Kingdom allied with Minos, which had betrayed the Brown family before and during the beginning of the current war of independence.
In those camps, there were thousands of people in each. So, upon seeing that, Gloria immediately thought about how risky it was to leave one's own people in such a vulnerable situation.
'Hmm, but that shouldn't be strange for this region.' She pondered as she remembered that she was not in the empire. 'Even in large regional cities, there aren't defensive arrays protecting public places, so one can't criticize Minos for that...'
'This is probably related to more migrants coming to this place than the local government could handle.' She looked from one side to the other, noticing several soldiers and allies of Minos running toward her.
But not only was she watching her surroundings, but the same was also true for the two dozen people who were already trying to surround her position.
'Who is this damned woman? Why did someone so powerful appear so suddenly?' So, one of the several Spiritual Kings belonging to one of the Black Plain's allied families thought about it as he observed the figure of that woman who looked like a goddess.
'How can there be such a beautiful person in the world?' One of the few women there thought about it in shock. She felt slightly pressured by the appearance of the woman dressed in blue armor, who at the moment was standing still and observing this group.
"Miss, I don't want to be rude, but this is a private place where we don't allow strangers to enter..." Then, finally, one of those people dared to raise his voice in front of that expert.
And after taking a deep breath and gathering more of his courage, he finally finished what was on his mind. "Would the Miss please identify herself and tell us the reason for her visit?"
Hearing those words and realizing each of those people had fearful looks toward her, Gloria smiled. She noted that there did not seem to be others with the courage to speak so casually to her as young Stuart had done.
'It seems that only he has the stomach to be so shameless with a person like me!' She smiled, biting her lips slightly.
After that, she said in a soft tone. "My name is Gloria Frost, and I am here to see your sovereign."
'Gloria Frost?'
"Uh? Isn't that the name of the representative of the Spiritual Church in our region?" One of the women in Gloria's vicinity said this in a low voice, becoming even more attentive to that person.
'An enemy!' Several of them thought of this as they remembered that the Spiritual Church was considered a potential enemy of the Black Plain. An organization that Minos had even forbidden from entering Dry City.
But Gloria did not let the strange looks in her surroundings go unnoticed. "Just take me to the person in charge of this place!"
"From today on, I will stay here until your sovereign comes to settle our affairs with me!"
You are reading story The Rise of the Black Plain at novel35.com
"First, we need to communicate..." One of them was about to justify refusing what that woman had just ordered them to do when Gloria's pleasant voice once again came up, only this time in a much colder tone.
"Do as I say. That barrier around Dry City is not enough to stop my passage..."
"And I will do as I say, whether you want me to or not!"
After a few minutes, some of those individuals who had surrounded Gloria had already passed on the information regarding her arrival in Dry City to the stronger individuals in that place.
And because of this, while some local soldiers were slowly escorting Gloria to Minos' mansion, the group composed of the strongest people in this city was already moving toward that woman.
In this group were Celeste, Angela, the supreme elder of the Miller family, Abby's father, Emlyn, and young Stuart's fiancée.
They were not strong enough to deal with a level 64 Spiritual Emperor, as in Gloria's case. But still, as individuals left by Minos in this place to defend Dry City, only they could handle that woman.
As for the other influential individuals in that city, as in the case of Dillian, either they were busy, so they had not been notified, or they were out of Dry City at the moment.
With that, those people and a beast followed quickly through the streets of Dry City until they came across the group that was escorting Gloria, whom Minos had met not long ago.
'That woman is almost as beautiful as Minos' mother!' Abby thought of this as she observed Gloria's figure, placing this woman second to the most incredible beauties she had ever seen in her life.
'What does she want here?'
But Abby did not think much about it. Instead, seeing that red-haired woman, who was still watching the outskirts of this city with curious eyes, she said aloud. "Mrs. Frost, to what do we owe the visit of someone so important?"
"Oh?" Gloria made a sound of surprise, finding it interesting that precisely the weakest person in that group was the one who had taken the lead in speaking to her.
She then put her interest in the beautiful city that Minos had built aside for a moment to observe those people.
Gloria had already noticed from afar when she had entered this area.
She then said calmly. "I am here to see your leader, Minos Stuart. I have some personal business to deal with him."
"You've come to see Minos? Personal matters?" Abby asked with a slightly irritated tone, feeling bad about this person.
'What have you done with this woman?' Abby asked herself with a bit of fear and anger at the same time.
She already accepted well the womanizing side of Minos, but that did not mean that she liked him going around and sleeping with strange women.
As such, she was already feeling a particular enmity for Gloria.
On the other hand, the other individuals looked carefully at Gloria, some of them feeling cornered for the first time in many years!
Abby then asked. "Why doesn't Mrs. Frost accompany us toward a more comfortable place? We can talk about your affairs with Minos there."
"Hehe, let's do as you say..."