Chapter 14: 14. The Sea

It was quite the sight, the salty sea. Even the fifteen warrior wasps thought so, Harold was pretty sure. With the pink sun descending the horizon. Kalle remembered it fondly, but the true prizes were the looks on the faces of his two companions. The few lakes the brothers had grown up by around Salcret were not large.

“It’s too big, it’s bigger than anything, it looks almost bigger than the sky.” Harold eventually mouthed, the sound of the waves almost drowning the words out.

Oscar had looked even more shocked at first, but now he was quietly contemplating. It’s not drinking water, what a waste.

Eventually Kalle suggested they might as well take a short swim while they were there. As the lads worked their way down the rocky coast they were met by a slight drizzle, which made them reconsider the planned dip, but Harold figured he could at least have a taste before they went back up to the woods to find somewhere to camp.

“Hmf, it’s salty,” he said in between using his hands to gather mouthfuls that he kept drinking.

“Then why are you still drinking?” Oscar and Kalle had looked on for nearly a minute in sheer disbelief.

“Well, it’s only a bit. Still good though,” He finished by actually taking a slurp directly from the sea.

Is it some weird [Druid] thing? Or just the hereditary trait of being able to chug anything?

Kalle interrupted Oscar's musing. “Okay I’ve got to try at least a bit, so I can tell how insane your brother is,” He snorted. When he drank it down he looked surprised. “Okay, not as bad as I thought.” He had another mouthful.

Oscar had a look of complete disbelief on his face. “Do you really think I will fall for that, drink the awful thing and pretend it’s nothing so everyone falls for the same prank...?”

The two older boys looked at each other, then Harold just laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

“Suit yourself,” they both smiled innocently and went to head back up. Oscar was caught by surprise but he managed to keep his look of skepticism. When they had walked halfway back to the incline they noted he still wasn’t following. “Aren’t you coming?”

“Uhm, don’t worry, you guys can go ahead, I need some restroom.“ Once they were out of sight, Oscar did his business, but first he slipped some sea water into his mouth. Twice.

The trio woke up in their camp as was usual by now, this was the 7th day since they left the Brunner farm. The way to the sea had been mostly downhill, which made the trip go faster but it also stressed a whole new set of muscles in their legs. But the mood was good, and after a hefty breakfast it was time to get back on the road to Dormata.

Kalle was done with his breakfast first, and as he waited for the two brothers, he polished an unusual apple. It looked wine red in the sun, but then nearly black as the brothers got closer.

“What’s that thing, is that an apple?” Asked Oscar.

You are reading story Rise of the Business [Class] at

The [Esperlock] answered with some pride. “The old folks at home gave it to me, it’s an orchard-grade apple, for planting when I find some new place worth calling home.” Harold and Oscar both looked impressed.

“So fellas, most of the way back to the main road is uphill but we made it in a day like you said, with some room to spare. How about we push the pace and try to make it so we can camp back in the ruins tonight?” Suggested Harold.

“Think you can keep up?” Challenged Kalle.

Oscar feigned offense at first, but then he got a shrewd look on his face. “Want to make it a bet, for that apple?” He joked.

“Hah, sure, if you’re putting up that shiny new sword of yours!” Obviously that wasn’t on the agenda as far as Oscar was concerned.

They eventually settled on an exchange of meals, and pride, and stepped to it. The first hundred meters or so were just an uphill run, but Oscar knew he couldn't play fair versus someone with a Class if he expected to get a shot at winning. He tackled the taller boy, who managed to stay upright but then had to sprint to avoid another one. They jostled the whole way up the first leg of what was to become a hellish run.

Harold was loving it, right at home with his nature affinity and being surrounded by the forest, and as the fastest runner he set the pace ahead of the two stubborn competitors. He egged them both on for most of the day. They still took a few breaks, but with the bet on it just meant they pushed all the harder once they got going again.

After their last break, and once they started recognising their surroundings again, they finally spotted the target. They’d made good time despite the slight incline and while Kalle had been pushing ahead for the last quarter, a sudden leg cramp gave Oscar the opening he needed for a final push. Harold was already ahead, waving two evergreen branches and openly cheering for his brother.

“You can do it, for all the Classless!”

Kalle summoned his willpower and pushed through the pain and even managed to start breathing down Oscar’s neck all the way until the end, but the youth wasn’t slowing down and when he finally touched the tiny gate, that he had been envisioning all day, he unleashed a shout of glee, before collapsing in a heap on top of Harold.

Kalle joined him in the pile-up mere seconds after and was gulping for air while clumsily massaging his still smarting leg.

“Yo-you cheaters, cheater brothers!” He finally managed as he made to push off the two exhausted bottoms. Both of them just laughed but Kalle wasn't quite done. “Don’t think I didn’t see you grabbing the heaviest items out of his pack after our second break, you’re not sneaky Harold.” He declared with his last puff of spirit.

Harold didn't even have the energy to deny it. “He was putting up such a good fight I just had to, with no Class I figured he didn’t have a shot, but if a brother can make the difference then he must,” He gave his brother a final hug and a fond look before pushing him off and standing back up. “Great job Oscar, the makings of a warrior is what you've got.”

A day to remember.