The sun slowly reaches the horizon as the last embers of the magical flames begin to fade. The three bluish moons rise and cast an ominous, dim light on the world, but soon, they descend again, making space for the sun to rise once again. Nothing happens as it once again reaches the horizon, and once again, the moons rise. Everything is as at a complete standstill, Echo hasn't moved since he sat down on that ground. Without even one body to send back to the gods, and no one left caring about his existence, what is there left to do?
'Kill them...Kill them...I will....destroy them', he thinks to himself over and over. The voice inside is head is slowly getting louder as his desire for revenge grows. This is all that's left. 'Revenge.'. A powerful word indeed, but as Echo admitted himself, he is unable to defeat the one's who killed his friends and family. Unable to defeat them, yet, that is. Because Echo isn't just a promising warrior, with a slender age of fifteen, and basically no battle experience except for the training he did a few times a week, he is far from reaching his peak. And he knows.
Through all of his emotional pain, he entirely disregarded his own, physical body. The loud grumbling of his own belly snaps him out of the daze he's been in for the last two days, and his senses start coming back. Dizziness, thirst, hunger, fatigue, it hits him all at once.
'Gotta drink water first', Echo figures, trying to get up. He falls down flat on his face. 'This is no good', he concludes.
The river isn't far off, so he decides to just crawl instead. After dragging himself through the mud and around a few trees for a couple hundred meters, he finally reaches the riverbank. He takes a huge sip.
"Bleh! That's saltwater!", Echo exclaims. 'Fuck, I'm at the wrong river. How did I manage that?', he ponders. Once he accepts that his current state, physical as well as psychological, leaves his mind in shambles, he get's up from the ground, managing to stand this time, even if it's a little (or more than a little) wonky. The boy slowly makes his way towards the river, one with freshwater this time around. On arrival, he takes a small sip. 'Thank the gods I didn't run in a circle', he thinks to himself, and the starts downing at least two liters of water.
With a somewhat replenished body, he examines the area. 'There it is!'. He has spotted the forest's emerald tree. While the trunks looks just like any other one, the have an intense greenish glow and vines of the same color reaching out to ground. Except for the magical view they offer at night, they also have an actual use: Regeneration. Echo sits down underneath it, leans against it's trunk, and closes his eyes. As he falls asleep, the vines reach out for his body, and slowly entangle it. The greenish glow now transfers onto his body, while the tree starts to work it's wonders.
Echo opens his eyes, and by the position of the sun, he estimates noon will come shortly. He's had great sleep, and fells fully replenished. While still hungry, there is not fatigue or dizziness.
'Guess eating would be a good idea', he reckons when getting up, and remembers that they actually keep a part their food stored outside the village. 'The village... THE VILLAGE! LEA! JARED!'. He breaks down on his knees and starts crying. The emerald tree helped him temporarily forget his pain, but it's all flooding back. Loss. Love. Hatred. Pain. 'I will kill them. Those bastards have seen our world as a game long enough.' But who's them? 'Those two bastards. But it's not just them. They were summoned into this world knowing how they would act. The king commands them. And there is so many of them. All those bastards.... All the stories I heard.... All of the suffering I've seen... This entire nation doesn't give a fuck about the people. They'll pay', he decides. "They'll pay", he declares. "ALL OF THEM WILL PAY", he screams out, slamming his fists into the ground.
And despite this powerful declaration, he can't do it alone, especially not in his current state. He can't become strong enough by himself either. Echo realizes that the first step is to seek a teacher capable of helping him achieve an entirely different level of skill, and he also knows that Midas, the capital, is the place where he'll most likely find that teacher. But what he also understands is that the people he seeks to kill mostly live in Midas, and he'll encounter them on a daily basis. But that's just something he will have to deal with. 'This is the best way, it gives me the biggest chance at succeeding. If I have to suffer for my goal, so be it', he decides, and makes his way for the food storage. The boy grabs a sack, packs it full with dried meat, bread, berries and carrots, straps it around his back and begins his journey.
'I've never actually been far outside this village, where even is the capital? I think somewhere... south...-west? Well, there's gotta be something in that direction', he concludes, and starts moving....southwest? Hopefully towards the capital, but, we'll see.
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