100 years ago, there was a large-scale natural
disaster known as Gnevva, this disaster wiped out 80% of the world's human
population and caused the decline of the times.
Two minutes before the disaster occurred, people in
the western hemisphere saw a very bright object in the night sky, the
mysterious object was hurtling and crashed into the ocean.
The impact of the mysterious object caused a series of
terrible natural disasters, ranging from tsunamis, earthquakes, violent storms
and volcanic eruptions. In addition, the explosive effect of the impact spread
radiation and various types of dangerous viruses to all corners of the world.
Gnevva makes mankind suffer greatly, all the water in
the world is polluted by deadly radiation, mankind must wait for rain to fall
if it wants to drink safe water. Likewise with food, mankind eats
radiation-resistant plants or eats fellow humans.
The Gnevva disaster lasted for 5 years. A knight
appeared in the night and stopped the great calamity, he repaired the damage in
the world using black magic. The mysterious figure is known as the Dark Knight.
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Humans who survived the Gnevva disaster built a new civilization and made the
Dark Knights heroes. However, humanity does not know the true identity of the
Dark Knight.
75 years after the Gnevva disaster, an investigative
team formed by the World Kingdoms Union or W.K.U managed to find the
coordinates of the mysterious object's fall. The team of 20 people was
dispatched to the waters of Aska and they found a colossal sized tower.
The investigation team concluded that the massive
tower came from outer space, then fell into the world and caused the Gnevva
Initially, the large tower was given the name
Gargantuar by W.K.U, but changed its name to Reliquia since W.K.U disbanded and
the Skyscraper officially took control of the tower.
History book, tower of disaster from the sky, 7th
edition, chapter 16, page 119, author Lestari, printed by SKYSCRAPER.
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