Chapter 2: 2. Fear.

As I stared into the eyes of that lifeless corpse, my legs stiffened in shock but my mind was clear. Clear enough at least, to analyze my situation with trembling eyes.

I've always been a coward. Since I was a kid, even the slight mention of zombies or ghosts sent an uncontrollable shiver down my spine. I spent endless nights of me being chased, dying, getting sold off, being dismembered, and everything in between. Be it the fruits of having an overactive imagination or just living near a cemetery, I don't know. All I know is that I had to get used to it somehow, or go insane.

And get used to it I did. At least to some extent. I was still shitting my pants mentally but I could at least refrain from doing it physically. I never thought that dreaming about unspeakable horror would ever be useful, but here we are.

The body of a woman stood, or floated, in front of me. Wearing a long sleeved turtleneck and pants, she had shoulder length hair that covered much of her face, with eyes peeking through that seemed to look straight through me. her skin was pale, as if she had been dead for a while, and a noose clung to her neck tightly. 

A noose?

I slowly moved my eyes up.

The noose extended a couple feet into the air, Finally ending in the ceiling. The rope seemed to pierce the concrete roof above it, but there didn't seem to be any sign of wear or damage to the roof itself. It looked as if the rope was slotted into a hole that barely fit it. It didn't make any sense.

All this I noticed without moving an inch. I had this horrible feeling that something would go wrong if I moved so much as an inch. Pushing that feeling down, I finally looked at what I was wearing. 

The clothes I went to sleep with were still on me. I was wearing a white t-shirt and P.E. pants. To my surprise, it seemed that my phone was still in my pocket. Very nice, but it meant I don't have anywhere to put the note, and I didn't want to make as much sound as possible by crumpling or folding it up to put in my pocket. As the gears inside my fear addled mind turned, I decided to stretch open my pants and drop the note into the darkness of my nether regions. I wasn't thinking straight alright. 

It didn't matter in the end though.

Before I could move, the dead woman's head jerked up.

My heartbeat started ringing in my ears as the deafening silence roared.

The woman's eyes spasmed all around, until its eyes finally met mine.

Her mouth opened.

"Don't." The corpse breathed.

Do n't l ea ve me.


The corpse started spasming violently, screaming.

Reaching it's hands towards me.

I ran.

Holding the note in my hand, I ran in the opposite direction, towards the darkness of what might be the stairwell. 

As I ran, the sounds of my footfalls rang out into the night, echoing desperately. Far behind me, I heard a loud thud, as if something large fell on the ground.

You are reading story Damn this isn’t my house bruh at

I pushed my legs faster.

rows after rows of doors ran past me, with seemingly no end. I could see numbers on their sides increasing endlessly.






Cold sweat ran along my back as my footsteps resounded along the hallway, which seemed to get bigger at each step. 


The floor kept widening and the ceiling kept rising, making me feel smaller and smaller.


My breath started getting more and more ragged as my pace ever so slowly weakened. My knees ached and my chest tightened. Sweat poured down my brow as I ran, blurring my vision. 


As I slowed down, the presence behind me felt stronger. Straining my ears, I could hear something chasing after me. 


In a moment of weakness, I looked back.


A cold hand grabbed my arm.