Chapter 6: 6-On the Way

Once the decision was made, the King quickly set things into motion.

Rowan and Aaron were stuffed into a carriage and sent off.

Even if Aaron was still unconscious.

Royal decisions and punishments were no joke as Rowan found out.

He could understand how quickly plans were made if the decision was for the country, but the speed that was enacted as  punishment for two boys was a bit too much.

Even if  the carriage was by no means luxurious, it was still an important mode of transportation.

He didn't have time to pack when they put him in the carriage.

When Rowan had learned that he was going to be expelled, he was terrified.

When he learned of their destination, he was less so and became ecstatic.

Sir Rodan was not an unfamiliar name to Rowan.

In fact, they were quite close as he was allowed to call him Grandpa. 

The Oak family was not related to Sir Rodan in any way, but according to Sycamore Oak, Sir Rodan had raised the knight Commander like his own son when Sycamore was younger.

Therefore Sir Rodan was given every respect and treatment that the Oak family could give to the elderly man.

Rowan didn’t know a lot about his grandfather. He just knew he was a retired knight and lived outside the Capital. Rowan seldom saw the man, only once or twice a year. When he had asked his parents where he lived, his parents would always shrug off the answer by saying it was far too dangerous a place for young children to know.

Now he was finally able to see it for himself.

Aaron had woke up not long once the carriage set off,

“W-Where is this?Why am i in a carriage?” He asked, still a bit woozy from the aftereffects of the prince’s blessing.

While Rowan had no love for this person, he was someone Rowan was going to be with for a while so he decided to inform him.

“We’re being sent to grandpa Rodan’s place. It's punishment for our fight in the castle.”

Aaron was immediately enraged at the fact. 

“Who dares punish me? Especially with someone like you. I’m from the house of Helmstrum. Do they not know who my father is?-”

“Even if the punishment is set from the king himself?”

Just as Aaron was about to go on a tirade, Rowan decided to use the king trump card to shut him up. 

The noble child instantly went silent. Even in his arrogance, he wouldn’t dare go against the King’s orders. To do so would be les majeste, or treason as they say. If Aaron decided to somehow skip the punishment then that would put his father in terrible position. As a noble’s child, Aaron should understand the dealings of the royal court more than Rowan could. The implications behind Rowans should be clear to the young Helmstrum lordling.

At least that was what Rowan hoped.

But he was proven wrong.

“Even if i must be punished, why must I be punished with someone who shares the blood of a mongrel?”

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Aaron then started to hammer the front of the carriage to petition the driver. “This is a mistake. Take me back this moment! As the future heir of the Helstrum house, I command you.”

Rowan could only roll his eyes and he had the feeling that the driver was doing the same. The carriage continuously moved forward with the steady gait of the horse as the young Helmstrum was ignored, which Rowan decided to do the same. He had already told him the situation, it was up to Aaron to accept the reality.

Seeing that it the first time Rowan was outside the Capital, he was excited. The reason for traveling outside the capital may not be the best, but Rowan decided to enjoy the new scenery while he could. 

What he saw when he stared outside the window was the main road while on both sides were covered with lush grass. They pass by a few people on the way, a far cry from the bustling roads of the Capital.Still Rowan enjoys the newfound quiet view. 

Well, the quiet ended when Aaron woke and started petitioning the Driver to turn back. It took an hour before he stopped talking.

It wasn’t until the sky started darkening that Rowan felt the carriage slow down and the group reach their destination.

They had stopped at a farm. When Rowan got off the carriage he could see the fields and two buildings, a barn and a house. A elderly man was already waiting for their arrival.

Rowan walk up to the man, not sure how to greet the man as he was here for punishment.

“What no greeting? Come here and give your grandpa a hug,” the elderly man said.

Rowan grinned and did as he was told. He was happy to see that his grandpa hadn’t change a bit.

“After embracing the boy, SIr Rodan addressed the driver. 

“Thanks for your hard work. You're welcome to stay the night and head back tomorrow.”

“No need sir. There is a message from his majesty that i need to pass on though. Work them hard was what he said.”

“Oh? Much appreciated then. Safe journeys.”

Without any more words, the driver set off once again. This time in the opposite direction.

“Let’s get you boys settled then. There is still some leftover soup if you boys are hungry. If not then I’ll show you the room and settle down for the night.

Later on after a quick meal, Grandpa Rodan had put the boy together in the same room. Without much to do both had gone to bed early.

Just as Rowan was about to fall asleep, Aaron spoke up.

“Is your grandpa really Sir Rodan?”

Aaron had been strangely quiet the whole time they had been here. Hoping to silence him as soon as possible, Rowan answered.

“Yea, he’s my grandpa.”

There was a moment of silence. Just as Rowan thought they were done and fall into dreamland, Aaron spoke again.

“Are you telling me that Maldolg's Kingdom grandmaster is your grandpa and is living out here on a farm?”

Grandmaster? What in the world was this noble talking about?

Did Rowan hit his head one too many times?