Chapter 3: Ch 3 Reveal

March 18th 2020, Earth unlabeled universe 

Janice cleans up the leftovers and garbage from our lunch then sits back down next to me. 

"Can't you just translate your spell books into english so I only have to learn one new language instead of two?" She asks me with the most unfair pout/puppy dog look on her face. It's so not fair for her to have mastered this look. I'm glade I actually have a better solution then that or I'm sure I would give in to her.

"Sigh... You know using that look on me is completely unfair. Good news however, I do have a solution for you to learn these languages the cheating way." I say to her. The puppy dog face she was giving me is now replaced with a curious expression. "I won't offer this option to just anyone so be grateful that I not only love you, but also trust you. I can use a spell to share my knowledge on these languages so you won't have to actually study them. You will need to practice pronunciation though. I expect you to work hard to master the pronunciation of Arcanum before I will help you learn how to cast any spells." I tell here with a serious look so she understands I won't change my mind.

"Ohh... So I won't have to learn them from scratch! But why do you emphasize the importance of pronunciation?" She asks me while reaching out and grabbing my right hand and entwining our fingers.

"If you get the pronunciation wrong a spell can go bad. Sometimes very bad. I won't teach anyone magic if they can't work hard enough to get that right." I tell her in a grave tone. 

"Ok that does sound important and serious. I promise I will work hard and I will be patient in learning magic." Her response is just as serious as I hoped. 

"I'm going to give you the knowledge on how it should sound so you will be able to self study and practice all you want." I tell her as my mind works to separate the knowledge for me to share with her. "Now sit back and relax. You might get a headache from this." I instruct her as I separate thought streams so I can do this safely and quickly.

I first use a telepathy spell to link our minds then I use a modified mind control spell to implant the knowledge on Epherium first. I feel the strain on her mind from learning so much so quickly so I cast a healing spell. It seems to be helping but I will wait a small bit before adding Arcanum so I don't hurt her.

After about 20 minutes I feel that her mind is back to normal and she can handle the next set of information. I recast my spell and implant Arcanum and recast the healing spell. I continue to monitor her while she heals. 

Now that her mind is healed and she is safe again I cancel the telepathy and withdraw my grimoire for basic spells. "Here you go love. That's the first grimoire out of 11 I have. You don't need to learn the whole thing. Just read through it and practice. Hopefully by the time I found a way for you to use magic you will be ready to try casting your first spell." I say to her in a happy tone. 

She takes time to look through the grimoire I gave her. While she does that I get on my phone and continue doing research and learning more things about the world I am in.

As time passes I see that our kids will be coming home soon. "Hey love! The kids should be getting home soon. You should put that book away in your night stand for now." I tell her since she seems to have lost track of time while looking through the grimoire.

"Hmm. Oh yeah! I'll do that, then go meet the kids at the bus stop since I am home before them." She gives me a kiss on the cheek before heading off to put the book away and leave to get the kids.

Janice returns home about 40 minutes later with our two sons. Jason is our oldest at 11 years old and Zach is our youngest at 8 years old.

"Hey boys! Welcome home! how was school today?" I ask them.

"Hi dad! School was ok." Jason answers me. "Hi dad! School was fun today!" Zach answers me.

"Go do your homework boys. If either of you need help you can ask your dad or I." Janice instructs them.

"Yes mom!" They chorus together.

We spend the rest of the day together. After the boys finish their homework we eat diner of leftover pizza then play some video games. 

After Janice puts the kids to bed we get ready for bed ourselves. Janice sits in bed reading more of my grimoire while I spend time searching for books and resources I want.

I've made the decision since the tech of this world is so useful to learn more things such as computer science and engineering. 


April 14 2020, Earth unlabeled universe

It's been 4 weeks since my accident. So far things have been going well for me. My job allowed me to work from home since I'm a programmer. 

Janice has been working hard on learning magic. She is almost ready to cast her first spell. I have come up with a temporary solution for the low mana density of this world so she can cast spells. I am going to make a mana battery. Fortunately synthetic rubies aren't that expensive and I can use it as the base. Now just need to get to making the mana battery for her.

I have an appointment today to see how my broken bones are healing. I have checked the progress myself and I'm just gonna cheat a little and finish the small bit of healing with a spell. I'm tired of wearing casts and pretending I'm hurt.

Janice insisted on taking me. I could of asked my mom or taken an Uber or taxi easily enough. I think she just enjoys spending time with me. I need to come up with plans that allow us both to quit our jobs and spend more time together.

The appointment went as expected. My bones are healed up and they cut the casts off of me. Now I can start carrying out my plans to find my old world. I wonder what things will be like in other universes.

I have also been thinking that we should tell the kids about my magic. We do have some time to talk while Janice drives us home.

"Hey love, I think we should tell the kids about magic and me being a dragon. We could use the privilege of learning magic to encourage them to do well in school. What do you think?" I ask her while we leave the parking lot of the outpatient clinic.

After a couple minutes of contemplation she seems to have made a decision. "That seems like a useful way to encourage the boys to keep up with school work. Especially Jason could do with some motivation. He doesn't seem interested in his school work and his grades have been getting lower all year. He's probably gonna finish this school year with a C average instead of the A average he had in the beginning of the year." She responds to me. I didn't know Jason's grades have dropped that low.

"We could go on a trip into the wilderness this weekend and I can show the kids some magic and I could even take my dragon form. I am even thinking that you might be ready to try your first spell too." I tell her while watching her to see the excitement on her face.

"Oooh yes finally! I've been studying as much as I can! Oh I also get to see your dragon form in full size too! I have been wanting to see that since you showed me that illusion of yourself!" She exclaims in barely controlled excitement. It's just so adorable to me.

"I have another surprise for you too." I say with a smirk. "I wanted to have a human female persona to use since being a women can be useful as well. I can show you my new form this weekend also." I tell her with a shit eating grin.

"That's not fair! You know I hate surprises! Can't you show me the new you tonight?! I don't want to be surprised by you this weekend with the kids around!" She exclaims with indignation at me.

"Yeah I figured you wouldn't want to wait. I did enjoy teasing you just now though." I quiped back with a wink.

"You didn't agree to show me tonight. Don't think I will let this go until you agree." She snarks back at me.

"Hahaha yes love, I will show you tonight after the kids are in bed." I happily answer her demand. 

We spend the rest of the drive home with random small talk. Once we are home Janice leaves for work while I work at home and then walk to the bus stop to get the kids. I help the kids with school work and start diner before Janice gets home. 

You are reading story Demi God’s Accent at

After diner and diner table clean up I have the kids sit on the couch so I can talk to them.

"Ok kiddos! Listen up! What I'm about to tell you is the truth! I'm not making jokes right now! If you have questions wait till the end when I ask for questions! Understood!?" I exclaim in a serious and authoritative tone.

After seeing both of them nod to me I take a calming breath. "Magic is real and I am a dragon. This weekend I want to take a family trip to the local nature preserve and show you kids both magic and how I look as a dragon. As far as I know magic is extremely rare. Yes your mother and I do plan on letting you guys learn magic, but we do expect both of you to work hard not only at school but also at home in your studies of magic. If you are struggling with anything we want you kids to talk to us and ask for help. We don't want you kiddos to struggle alone. We are a family and your mother and I want you kids to succeed. No matter how big or small a problem is, it is easier to handle with help so please come to us with any problems you have. Now I have finished with my news, please raise your hand to ask a question." I feel that it's going well so far. Both kiddos have excited expressions and body language with both arms stretched up to ask me something.

"Yes Jason, ask one question." I call out to Jason while pointing at him.

"Can you show us magic now!?" He asks with a childs exuberance and glee.

"No, magic demonstration will be this weekend when we go on our trip. Zach your turn." I answer quickly.

"Am I a dragon too!?" Zach looks like the most excited I've ever seen him outside of holidays.

"No, you kiddos are human just like your mother. As you see me now I am also just as human as you kiddos. Magic allows me to be human just like everyone else." I answer him. It's a little funny how much he deflated after that. "Now Jason your next to ask something." I say.

"When can I learn magic?" He asks with a hopeful look.

"First you need to study hard. My magic books are not written in english. You kiddos need to learn the languages my magic books are written in just like your mother had to do. She has worked very hard on learning everything and I'm gonna test her this weekend. If she does well enough she is gonna cast her first spell this weekend." I state in a serious tone. I'm hoping my seriousness about the topic will impart the importance of magic on them. "Magic can be fun, but it is also dangerous. I don't want anyone in our family getting hurt because they didn't take this seriously. Now Zach do you have another question?"

"Can I tell my friends about magic?" He asks hopefully.

"No, this is a family secret. Not even your grandparents know about this. Telling anyone about our family secrets will be a decision left to your mother and I. Is that understood? I expect both of you to keep this secret from everyone." I answer him. Seeing both boys take this seriously is a great thing to see. Giving children a secret and responsibility will hopefully help them be more careful and responsible as they grow up.

"Now it seems Jason, you are the only one with questions left. Let's hear it." I say to him while pointing at him.

"When do we start studying and learning magic?" He asks looking far more serious then when we started this talk.

"I need to write books out for both new languages we are going to teach you. The books will be similar to dictionaries so you can self study when you are not learning directly from either your mother or I. We will make time available to you kiddos to study everyday. We don't expect you to study that hard but we do plan to have that time open so we can help either of you." I answer as detailed as I think is needed for now.

"Any more questions?" I ask them.

"Why don't grandma and grandpa know you can do magic? Also how do they not know you are a dragon?" Jason asks me.

"My soul was trapped inside of your dad's body. Because of me being sealed I didn't know who I used to be. When that accident happened a month ago, I was given back all of my magic and abilities. Now I have my magic and can share this with my family. For the time being I haven't told anyone outside of this house who I am and what I can do. I expect you kiddos to keep this family secret." I inform them with the intent for them to understand this is a new change.

"Any other questions?" I ask just in case they have more and are just thinking about all the new information I have given them.

Zach's hand shoots up with excitement. Seems he is excited about his next question. "Yes Zach what's your question?" 

"You said magic makes you human like us does that mean magic can make us dragons like you?" He asks with such a hopeful tone.

"Yes that option does exist. Normally I would say no, but I do know a spell that can make you a dragon or anything else I know. My human change is a natural ability of mine and I don't know of any other mages who can make permanent changes like I can. Before you ask no I will not make you a dragon now. You are too young to understand the seriousness of what I would be doing. You will need to wait until you are an adult before we discuss the option of making either of you dragons." I answer as thoroughly as I can so they understand they need to wait.

"Any other questions?" I ask them after a few minutes pass in silence. Both boys shake their heads no. "That's fine for now. I expect you kiddos to think of new things to ask as you think about what we discussed today. If you have any questions in the future just write them down and ask during times when we are all together." I tell them. It's important that they know we are here for them and want them to ask questions.

"For now since dinner is over and you kiddos finished your homework, you kids should go play and have fun. Love, I'm going to go clean up the kitchen." I end the family talk so we can go about the rest of the day.

I use magic to help speed up doing dishes and getting the kitchen cleaned up and left overs put away in the fridge. The kiddos went upstairs to play and Janice got out the first grimoire and started practicing again.

With the house cleaned up and everyone doing their own thing I get out some books on engineering and start studying myself. Learning new things will never get old. I am also getting lots of ideas for new spells to work on. I am wondering if I could make an enchantment that can convert electricity into powering spells. I might need to either invent a new field of combining magic and technology or if I'm lucky discover a group that has already figured it out.

After a few hours Janice and I have put the kiddos to bed and have gotten the house ready for bed. With that done we get ready for bed ourselves. 

I casually move into the bathroom while Janice is busy reading in bed and use magic to become my new self. I haven't bought any clothes yet so I'm just gonna show off naked.

My new look is very different then what I usually would have done for making a human woman look. Instead of being in the average range for features I have chosen a look that will probably stand out. I'm now 6'2" tall and have a very muscular and athletic body. I probably weigh in around 200 lbs I'm very muscular for an average woman. My breasts are larger then I normally prefer but I needed a bigger size so I looked more proportioned. I hope having double D cups won't interfere with movement. I give myself a thorough look over in the mirror. I have red hair and a dark tan skin with emerald green eyes. My facial features are a mix between white and asian with up slanted eyes and high cheek bones with a proportionate nose and mouth with puffy lips. 

"Hey love, I'm ready to show you my new look." I call out to Janice in a smooth feminine deep voice. 

"Ok I'm ready." She calls back after a bit.

I walk out of the bathroom and immediately her a quiet gasp from Janice. She is just staring at me mouth open in shock. I walk up to her side of the bed and give a slow spin so she can see all of me. Her eyes can't seem to figure out where to look as they roam all over me.

"Your gonna start drooling love if you don't close your mouth and swallow." I say to her with a giggle. I seem to have snapped her out of her daze as she quickly closes her mouth and audibly swallows.

"Were you trying to make yourself look like the sexiest woman on earth?" She asks me while her eyes continue to roam over me.

"Yes, I wanted you to think about me like that. I want my wife to be attracted to me and I know what you like in a woman since we have discussed this in the past. It's important to me that you like and approve of how I look." I say to her with a cheeky smile while I rotate side to side showing off my curves. 

"You're like an Amazonian goddess. Tall, muscular, and sexy in every way. That ass is so nice and those tits are massive but look perfect on your body. But why are you naked?" She asks me with a look of desire and affection on her face.

"Well I haven't bought any clothes yet to fit me. Also I don't see the point of wearing clothes when I want to have sex with you anyways. It wouldn't be nice of me to show off like this and not let us have some fun." I say to her with a wink on the last sentence. 

She just nods to my answer while audibly gulping. 

"Do you approve of your new wife love? Oh you can call me Rose when I am a woman." I ask her in a husky voice as I move towards her so I am close enough to kiss.