Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – Struggle

The diviners and the truth seers of the elves called for war against a small country far to the west, across the Untouched Sea, ruled by a mage-king they divined would bring about the end-times. The High King of the elves, acknowledging the words of the prophecy, sent his envoys to the realms of man and throughout the civilized lands.

- On the Cataclysm by an unknown Quassian Scholar circa 103 AC

I awoke still naked, sodden, and shivering. Teeth rattled in my skull as I futilely fought against the cold. My earlier joy at being transported to a new world had now mostly evaporated. This world was full of pain and suffering greater than anything I had known in the old world. My discomfort demanded that I look with my inner gaze to the notifications;

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