Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Oh Shi-

“Haa... As expected of Angela. She really is strong.” I mumbled. While resting myself on this comfy bed, which was, the infirmary. All alone inside. “Hmph, on the test, I shot six balls. But, that's only a puppet. I wonder if I'll be useful in real battles?”

I flinched after the door knocked itself, till someone's head popped out. “Excuse me.”

Ah, it's the nurse who healed my finger.

“Does your finger still hurt?” she asked.

I shook my head. “Thanks to you, my finger is all better now.” I lifted my body to a sitting position. “Would you like to request something in return? Since I owe you.”

“There's no-”

“It's fine.” I chuckled. “What's your name by the way?”

“Um... Trisha. I'm Tony's little sister.”

“Hmm, mind if I ask what your type is?”

“My type?” she said with wonder before proceeding. “Smart one, I guess?”

I hung my head low. “Rejected already, huh?” I whispered and stood on the floor. “Okay, what's your request? Anything you like.”

“Anything?” she asked and I nodded. “Then, would you mind showing me your ability?”

My hands began to glow and five orange balls appeared around me while the red ball was in front of me.

“Huh? Why are there only five balls? Earlier you summoned hundreds of them.”

“You were watching earlier?”


“Oh...” then I cleared my throat. “As you can see, I can bring out any number of balls whenever I want. Though, the limit is... It depends. If I'm tired then I can only summon what I can.”

“I see. Though, why are there two colors?” she asked, yet, amazed at the floating orbs.

“The orange balls are the ones giving support to the red ball. Every bounce of the red ball, it'll increase its speed.”

“No wonder my eyes couldn't keep up...” she said before adding a question, “What does the red ball do?”

After glancing at the red ball, my brows narrowed along with my lips. “This red one here is what I hated the most.”


“This ball doesn't have a limit of evolving.”


“Every flick, it gets harder and harder. Maybe it can surpass Tungsten's toughness.”

“Can't you throw it with your hand instead?”

“I can't. The ball is stuck in mid-air. It took me three months to figure out how to shoot it.”

“Well, that's dumb...”

“I know. That's why my finger always gets broken.”

“What about your other fingers? Can it trigger the ball?”

“It can, however, this middle finger of mine is my Ace. I've been training this finger for years.”


“Yep. But when hitting an enemy. It's all good.”

“What do you mean all good?”

“It'll heal my finger a bit when hitting a target.”

“Is that so... Say, can you change the direction of the orange balls?”

“Yeah, I can.” I moved my hand toward and the balls positioned themselves in a straight line.


“In any case.” the balls disappeared and I walked passed her and opened the door. “Hope you enjoyed your request. Catch ya later~” I closed the door after that. Then, someone was drinking beer beside me... Why am I not surprised?

“Took you long enough~” Tony grinned at me. “I heard the whole thing by the way. You can ask my sister out anytime you want. Want me to reserve a five-star hotel for you two~”

“No thanks.”

You are reading story Save The Boss at

“Ohh, not embarrassed I see. Well, I give up,” he said. “Follow me, we'll meet the boss in no time.”





“BLEGH!!” I puked on the paper bag again, thanks to that hellish elevator. “Seriously! Who made this elevator?”

“Our boss,” Tony said with his eyes twitching.

Hearing that wanted me to admire my idol's idea. But, for now, I disagree with that. My stomach hurt so bad that it makes me want to burst the toilet!

“I don't know where he got that idea from, but it's helpful you know.”

I frowned. “Helpful? That elevator is helpful? Okay, okay, say something good about the elevator.”

“Hmm, gravity...?”

“... That's not helpful at all,” I said before sighing. “Could we just go see the Boss?”

“Oh, right. Let's proceed.”

Now I'm confused about what kind of expression I'll use when meeting him.

Later, there was another elevator. This time, the normal one, unlike the last one. We stepped inside, standing on the elevator's glass tiles. Of course, the walls were glass too. Where everyone could see the view of the other buildings outside. It felt refreshing and warm, seeing the sun setting as the elevator was still going up.

Dang, this is taking too long.

I looked at Tony, gazing at the sunset with a gentle smile attached to his face. Then, I remember something.

“Tony, in the training room earlier. What do you mean Angela's secret?”

“Oh, that. Well, Angela wants to surpass Jerome to take over the SH facility.”


“In a good way, not in a bad way of course.”

I leaned my back against the glass wall and asked, “So, why?”

“So, Jerome can rest. That's what she said,” he said. “You see, Angela was homeless and poor when she was little. Then, one day, Jerome, or the boss, helped her and took care of her.”

“Like a daughter.”


“Wait, why do you know her past and secret?”

“She's my Fiance.”

I rubbed my eyes in confusion. “Excuse me, what!?”

“Heh, I'm just messin' with you. Jerome told me.”

“O-oh...” after that, I laughed it off, but I couldn't stop thinking about it.

“Hm? Is that a bird?” Tony peered toward the sunset with a figure of a but, flapping its wings.

I glanced at the unknown bird too. “You're righ-”

But it was getting bigger and bigger. Until we realized, it was a Radioactive Monster.

“Oh shi-”

“GET DOWN!!” Tony exclaimed and we both ducked. As the monster crashed its beak on the elevator's door, making the creature stuck.

Tony looked at me and nodded.

“Aight, let's do this!”

A few seconds later, the bird flew out of the building after hitting it with my Red ball.