Chapter 1: Chapter 1: A bad day

Richard was having a bad day. 


First, he slept through all his alarms and realized he was gonna be basically an hour late to school. 


Second, the milk was going bad so he couldn’t even have his normal cereal for breakfast.


Third, he realized he had also not done any of the homework he planned to do last night before falling asleep, having instead just fallen asleep probably because he had told himself that he would “rest his eyes” in bed for a bit.


And then on top of all that, when he finally got going to school, there was just utter chaos outside and it seemed like a zombie apocalypse had started. Cars were randomly on fire, zombies were running through the streets, there was gunfire and shops being raided everywhere, the whole shabang. 


Richard had always been one of those guys who thought “damn if a zombie apocalypse happened I’d just die instead of fighting because existing would suck in such a world”. So according to that logic, he thought while currently hiding behind a car and staring out towards the several blocks of the neighborhood full of zombies, he should basically just die now. Now that this was all actually happening and he realized death would mean he wouldn’t get to finish finding all 900 korok seeds in Breath of the Wild, pretty much his the only interesting thing he had hoped of achieving in his life, he realized dying would kind of be bad. 


Plus, it wasn’t easy to just randomly decide to die. He’d thought through ways of killing himself many times before, weekly if not daily if not hourly like any normal person, but dying smoothly was kind of hard. And he didn’t want to just get bitten by zombies and die because that might hurt a lot, or even leave him as like some sort of conscious zombie which wouldn’t really be dead. How was any of this possible anyway? He thought the world was pretty sure by this point that a real zombie virus wasn’t possible. 


Maybe if he just drove a car without a seatbelt directly into the wall of a hopefully empty house he could die in peace actually. He wondered. 


Ultimately his plan of action for now while crouching behind a car, was to try to head towards school and think about things later. He slowly crouched forward behind the car, looking around at the streets and random chaos going on around him, and suddenly shot up to sprint to the next cover he could find hopefully. 


“AAAAA ZOMBIEEE!?” screamed some random dumbass shakily holding a gun who had been hidden from his sight on the other side of the car. 


Richard didn’t really think he seemed like a zombie at all but clearly whoever this guy was didn’t agree as they immediately pulled the trigger of their gun several times, with every shot hitting him. The sound of the gunshots attracted actual zombies to their location, and the guy panicked, sprinting away at random, while Richard fell to the ground in his own blood. He felt like he was in shock. He felt a searing pain, but at the same time this couldn’t, didn’t feel like reality. At this rate, he would die, which was his goal somewhat, but the zombies coming closer to his location would likely reach him before his death and that would really suck. So, he tried to climb on top of the car a bit, maybe so he could delay the zombies reaching him for a second, or something.


Richard didn’t really know what he was doing. He felt really disconnected from everything at this point. Was he really dying? Were there really zombies everywhere? Was he really a victim of American gun violence and gun culture? Maybe it didn’t matter. 


Climbing on to the top of the car, he immediately slipped on his own blood and fell into the street, zombies still getting closer. Shit. He could see the guy who had run off getting into a truck in the background and panicking over something. Maybe they would make it out of it alive at least. 


The guy then pulled a classic zombie movie and absolutely stepped on the gas in order to ram through all the zombies on the street. Richard pondered whether doing such was a viable strategy in real life, all while bleeding out and beginning to lose consciousness. He then noted that the guy was heading directly towards the swarm of zombies that were getting closer and closer to him. Huh. Wait, was he going to be hit by a car? Better than being eaten by zombies, he thought with the last thread of his consciousness. 


The car careened into the zombies and he heard a thud as his body was hit by the full momentum of the vehicle and everything started to fade away. 


In retrospect, maybe dying kind of did suck. 



After what felt like an eternity of darkness, he blinked upon his eyes and found himself standing on top of a rocky hill, looking out at the sun rising across a distant landscape filled with cool ass looking ruins on a grassy plain, with scattered copses of trees that really added to the whole vibe of the landscape. Damn, he felt like Link standing on top of that one hill at the start of Breath of the Wild, when the camera pans and stuff. Like, damn.


His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden sound in his head. 




Congratulations! You’ve been isekaid as a catgirl! Enjoy your new life!


… catgirl? 


Richard looked around for a second, then started dancing on the spot. 


“FUCK YEAH!!! I’ve always wanted to be a catgirl! HEll yeah!” he exclaimed, then immediately tripped on a rock under his feet and ragdolled down the rock slope, rolling and in pain along the way. He hit the ground hard, heard a snap in his neck, and started to return to darkness once again. 




Congratulations! You died!




Strangely though, things didn’t fully fade out. He sat there, with a broken neck, eyes glazed over and with his heart in doubt no longer beating, but he was still “awake”. Strange. Also this hurt. Also why wasn’t he more panicked about all of this? Richard, or whatever he could be called in this body, was having serious doubts about this whole situation and his current mental state. 




You are reading story Isekai #2309523, Variant 2: Op Undying Skill at

Congratulations, you unlocked your unique Otherworlder Skill, Undying!


Oh, so that’s what happened. Of course he would be granted some sort of OP skill just because he was some idiot from another world, so he could go on his epic isekai adventure and save the world from demons or something. Knowing isekais, he thought “Status” loudly to check things out. 


Name: <insert text here>

Species: Catkin

Gender: ?

Sex: Female

Titles: Otherworlder, Death Defying.

Class: None

Class skills - None

2nd Class: None

Class skills - None

General Skills:

Identify lvl 1/350

Undying lvl 1/100


Health: 0/10

Mana: 10/10

Strength: 10

Speed: 10

Mana regeneration: 1 per minute

Health regeneration: 1 per minute

Unspent Stat points: 10

Available Classes:



He wondered if he could identify skills to get their description or something. That seemed like a very isekai thing. He tried it on everything he could cause why not. 





Typical isekai bonus and all that jazz. Space and time magic was dope, he wondered if he could get like an op item box skill or something or even teleport!


Death Defying


Technically, he died twice, but he supposed this system wasn’t counting his death on earth. 


Identify Lvl 1/350 [Rank 0 Skill]


He felt that was pretty self explanatory. 


And finally, the skill he had been waiting to check. Or she? He was female biologically now and that was dope cause everyone wants to be a girl and all that jazz but wasn’t he really just a guy in a girls body and therefore it was actually bad and appropriation and there were so many real trans people that would have loved this opportunity and he’s the scum of the earth but this isn’t earth and - 


He stopped thinking about it, and just identified the last skill. 


Undying Lvl 1/100 [Rank 0 Skill]:




He managed to move his hand towards his neck, and found that his neck was still undoubtedly broken and bent at an odd angle. Double shit. 


Suddenly they weren’t too keen on this whole isekai adventure thing. 


At least they could never really fail the adventure?