I own only my original characters.
Everything else is owned by they're respective companies.
The forest of no return. The resting place of primal darkness. The tomb of shadows and motherland of monsters. The Primordial Woodlands, a forest that no light can pierce through keeping it in eternal darkness and a major breeding ground for rare and terrible monsters. Legends say that the deep magics were performed here causing this twist in nature. Historians say that this is the way it has always been, a birthplace that has always made the things that go bump in the night according to ancient tomes. The fools and madmen say that this is the birthplace of all life, of every human, elf, and dwarf. Where all Major life in the cradle has originated but no one but the forgotten tribes and their crazed shaman's believes in that madness.
William Atreyas
[Arch lord] of the Zermon Republic
I wake up to the smell of flowers and the chirping of birds. Opening my eyes I see pale white willow trees forming a canopy over my head. The pale blue vines and purple narrow leaves that pulse with an unknown arcane energy. I'm laying on a stone slab that wouldn't look out of place in a cultist magazine, best sacrificial spots for your next crazed zealot murder. Looking around I see that the willow trees form this weird dome around the small but lively grove, and as I was getting up to explore the clearing a system prompt opened up.
[Welcome Host to The Cradle of the gods]
[Would you like to start the system tutorial?]
I focus on the prompt till it fades away and give the clearing a suspicious look.
There doesn't seem to be anyone else in here, other than some small birds and bugs. Fully standing up, I take into account my new body. A lean figure with barely any muscle, wrapped in a dark green tunic and dark leather pants. A Gray wool long sleeve undershirt and What I can only describe as fantasy peasant shoes. " At least I'm not in my birthday suit anymore". I mutter to myself. I explore the grove, not finding anything of interest. Other than the willow trees themselves, nothing else stands out. Looking at them they give off a feeling of sacredness and protection. It felt like I was always meant to be here and I have finally come home. Going to the very edge of the canopy I try to go past the vines and leaves but I'm stopped in my tracts. Another prompt appears in my vision.
[Are you sure you want to exit the safe zone? Remaining time 11h50m23s]
I take a step back and study the timer. It seems this place is a safe zone. At least I can get acquainted with the system and my body before I officially join the world.
Heading back to the stone slab and taking a seat. I pulled up the tutorial prompt once again.
[Would you like to start the system tutorial?]
"Yes" I say while I'm also mentally trying to click.
[Welcome Host to the Gacha Overlord System]
[ This system allows you to bring people, creatures, items, and abilities from those formed in the dreams and imaginations of humans on earth.]
[ For balance purposes and to truly make your journey through the cradle one of challenge. Your Gacha capabilities will be limited to your current power level and Gocha points]
[ Your power level would determine how much capability you can bring out of items and abilities, and for servants It will determine what percentage of their power they are allowed to unlock]
(A/N: Example Superman- If he got his powers they will be at 5-10% of his capabilities and grow along with him to unlock more. And If he got him as a summon It will follow the same process as Superman grows in power into his full capability. Same thing for items they will be limited until he can wield them properly).
[ You will receive 100 Gotcha points every week, along with extra points for achievements, Titles, and areas conquered.]
[ The chance to gain each will be broken down into categories of-
Junk to Common
Comment to uncommon
GOLD 1000gp
Uncommon to Rare
PLATINUM 10000gp
Rare to Epic
DIAMOND 100000gp
Epic to Legendary ]
(A/N: GP is subject to change cuz I'm not good at math, If anyone has a good idea on how to regulate it I'm all ears in the comments)
[ The whole status sheet will be broken down into this-
Name(???)Leon Lopez
Race: wood elf
Body: (squire 1)
Mind: (novice 1)
Soul ( mortal 1)
Wood elf heritage:
-high nature attunement
- low regenerative abilities
- 400 year lifespan
Gotcha servants
Inventory ]
[ The Host sheet will display your progress, skills, servants, and inventory]
[ Congratulations host on completing The Gotcha Overlord system tutorial ]
[ Reward-
You are reading story Gacha Overlord at novel35.com
-Title: Master Newbie
-Gatch starter pack
-Increased understanding ]
I closed my eyes for a second and digested everything that I could. Taking a deep breath I looked into my rewards.
[ Title: Master Newbie
You have completed the tutorial and now have full access to the Gotcha Overlord system. Remember if you died too quickly your existence will be a erased from all across the multiverse (•‿•) ]
" Oh how fun " I said without a hint of amusement. I didn't ask for any of this but my head's already on the chopping block and the best I can do is roll with the punches. Continuing further I check on the others.
[ Gotcha starter pack:
3 free gotcha pulls of non-specified categories ]
[ Increased understanding: your comprehension is increased. Things that are normally challenging for you to start to come easier.
This is a consumable we will start a timer of 5 hours once used]
Everything else seems pretty standard. While I've heard of the last one depending on my gacha pull I'll probably save it for later. Mentally clicking on the starter pack, I stretched myself out, took a deep breath and clenched my cheeks. " Moment of truth" I proceeded and hoped for the best.
[ Congratulations Host you have unlocked -
Silver summon tier - Pokemon/Venonat
Silver ability tier-
Kengan Ashura/Kure Clan Tradition
Bronze ability tier-
Gamers mind. ]
Immediately I'm hit with a sense of clarity that engulfs my mind, feeling all the hidden anxiety and buried panic of my situation start to fade away from my body. As soon as it's done my skin starts to itch, then my muscles and finally the very depths of my bone marrow. It increases in intensity till I can feel an all consuming prickel go across my body. Making me lose all motor control as I flop to the ground like a fish on land. I don't know how long I was laying there in my agony. It seems at one point it started to ease into nothingness and I was laying on the stone slab covered in a cold sweat. I slowly get up and feel an energy course my body as I bring up my statues sheet.
[Name(???)Leon Lopez
Title: Master Newbie
Race: wood elf
Class: TBD
Body: (squire 5)
Mind: (novice 9)
Soul (mortal 9)
Wood elf heritage:
-high nature attunement
-low regenerative abilities
-400 year lifespan
Kure Clan Tradition : Refers to the techniques, specifically the clan's assassination arts, used by the Kure to give life and take life away. According to the clan's current patriarch, Kure Erioh, there is no move the Kure cannot combat.
Kure Clan Secret
Technique: Removal
-Increase body capabilities to max of 100% use of bodily potential
-go over 100% potential at the cost of lifespan
Gamers Mind:
The world is but another game to master.
-Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through.
-Allows a peaceful state of mind.
-Immunity to mental disorder.
Familiars pact
Venonat: A bug/poison type Pokemon.
Grants the user -
-Night vision
-Poison immunity
-high poison affinity
Gacha servants
Inventory. ]
Looking over the changes that I went through I take a good look and feel of my body. I went from a lean string bean with no muscles to a string bean with a completely shredded physique. I could feel every muscle in my body individually and now had an unnatural control that I didn't think could be possible. I stretched out, feeling like I had gone through the world's greatest message.
My eyes roaming around the grove stop immediately landing on what I could only describe as pure nightmare fuel. A small furry purple bug creature with tiny pincer hands and feet. Two antennas swaying around like an ant and large bulbest compound eyes that show me my reflection 1,000 times over. On any other occasion I would have immediately freaked out and nope the F out of there but as fast as the fear came it was washed away. You gotta love the usefulness of [Gamers Mind].
"Venonat?" I called out to the Pokemon that I truly wasn't too familiar with. The small thing immediately lets out a jingle like noise and bolts towards me, jumping in the air as it gets close. I open my arms and catch it, feeling it's fluffy insect hairs rubbing on me. Which actually didn't feel too bad. It kind of feels like I have a living squishmallow now.
"Hi little guy, you're not going to eat me as soon as you get the chance right?" I say half serious. I didn't get any bad vibes from the little guy but you never know. A system prompt appears as I finish the thought.
[No need to fear Host, all summons are created with a pure, and sometimes fanatical loyalty towards their summoner. Especially in the more beastial type summons, to them you are there one and only.]
[ Rejoice Host you have officially taken the first steps into becoming a Gacha Overlord, may your reign be terrible and mighty. (✷‿✷) ]