Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – The First Encounter at the Dungeon of the Serpent Queen

Ashley walked silently in the dark. This was the Ancient Dungeon of the Serpent Queen after all

His eyes had already gotten used to the darkness and could see in the dark for a short distance

He was carrying the fangs of the snake in both hands and was wearing the torn skin of the giant snake like a lioncloth

His own clothes were so badly torn, nothing was usable, and the sword he had used was broken from the fall

He crept along as quietly as he could, but was surprised that he didn't face any monsters

Was this still the dungeon?

He searched for a whole day, but the place seemed endless

He stopped for a rest not knowing if it was day or night

He sat down to rest, but didn't attempt to start a fire

He was tired and exhausted. So instead of continuing wandering around blindly, he decided to sleep if possible

Unconsciously, his hand reached for his penis and he was soon masturbating

As on the nights in the room when he waited for Tiffany to come home, he fantasized about her

He wanted to fuck her so badly, if only she allowed him to

He was glad everything was functioning as it should be after being ripped off

"Ahhhh" he grunted, openly ejaculating on the ground

Just as he was falling asleep after releasing his stress, he suddenly heard a soft voice

"Help... me..."

"Huh?" Ashley responded to a soft voice. Was he dreaming? Who was that?

"Please... help me" the voice said again

"Who is there?" Ashley replied in a whisper

"It..hurts... help me" the voice said

Ashley's heart raced but he followed the voice cautiously

"Where are you?" Ashley called

"Here. Thank you" the voice said

The voice led him to a platform, separated by a wooden bridge

In the middle, a naked women knelt on the ground

She had was chained to the floor around her wrists, and there was a metal ring around her eyes, seemingly blinding her

She also had a ring around her neck and a chain binding her yet again to the ground

"What the..." Ashley said, cautiously running across the bridge, noticing that her bare breasts were on display, heaving weakly up and down

While he had played with Tiffany's breasts before, this woman's breasts were more than a handful each, and as she was on her knees with her legs open, he could see a stake poking out of the ground impaling her pussy

"Help" she said, sensing someone near her

"I... I'll try to release you" he said, pulling on the chains

The woman screamed in pain as the chains somehow burned her when he pulled on the chains, and as if electrocuted, he was sent flying backwards, nearly falling off the platform

"It's magical.... it needs powerful magic" she said

"Fuck. I... I don't.." Ashley said, not knowing what to do

He looked at his hands and wondered

He could heal physical wounds, and also cure poisons. But he's also been able to remove curses and negate charms. If the chains were magical, perhaps it could work? No harm trying, right?

He put his hands on her face and turned on his power

"Ah....Aaaaaah" the woman screamed as blood flowed from her eyes

Something was indeed happening as the chains on her started glowing

Suddenly, a sound of broken glass could be heard as the bindings around her wrist, neck and eyes broke open

"Finally!" the woman said, standing up and opening her eyes

Her hair started to change to become snakes, while her legs transformed to becoming a snake from the waist down as she lengthened, standing 2 meters high and revealing another 4 arms spread open, giving her 6 arms!

She closed her eyes and reopened them, revealing slits in her pupils, like a snake

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Ashley gasped in horror as he felt his body starting to turn to stone

His body automatically glowed and he started turning back into flesh

But as that happened, suddenly a golden ring materialized around his head and tightened around his eyes

He looked in horror as spikes shot out of the ring in front of him and impaled his eyes!

Screaming in pain, he grabbed the ring, his eyes glowing as it tried to heal at the same time

A golden collar that appeared on his neck, and his two arms, golden shackles appeared, as the golden chains from his neck and wrists hung loosely

But Ashley was too busy screaming as blood flowed from his eyes, trying his best to rip it open. He could heal and regain his vision if he could get it off him

It was then that suddenly, he suddenly could see again! 

But.. he was still trying to remove the bonds around his eyes, and his eyes were still painful

And why was he seeing himself struggling with the bonds?

It was then that Ashley remembered the monstrous woman he had freed. Was she the Serpent Queen, which the dungeon was named after?

And it seemed that he was seeing himself from her eyes!

Suddenly, he saw her from a first person point of view, wrap her arms around him, and knew that his death was nigh as he saw himself lifted off the ground with her arms

"Thank you" she suddenly said, and he saw her hugging him, her large breasts pressed into his chest

He didn't have time to react, and his body acted instinctively as his penis rose, poking her in the stomach

"Ohh! I haven't seen a human penis for centuries" she said, ripping off his lioncloth with one of her many arms

Ashley looked at his own penis facing himself and he suddenly felt something warm and wet enveloping his penis as the woman's mouth sucked him

She was closing her eyes while sucking him and he moaned with intense pleasure

It was much stronger than he's ever experienced from Tiffany and it physically felt that he was being yanked 

She was actually so much stronger than him, and her sucking was actually ripping the muscles in his penis

But his body automatically healed him, and was restoring his penis while she sucked

Little by little, as his muscles tore and rebuilt, he grew longer and longer

Without warning, he started shooting his sperm into her mouth as she greedily gobbled them up

"Ah.. I've gobbled your babies" she giggled, licking her lips as he looked at his penis, red and now much longer after her sucking

"Ah.. uh.." he said, still held in the air by her

"Oh my... how rude of me. I am Medusa.... Queen of the Serpents" she said, putting him down

He stumbled as he stood, disoriented from looking at himself from another viewpoint.

"I... I am Ashley... er...Your Majesty" he said, turning to her to face her

"No, I am no longer a queen. It's best I lay low and get out of here" she said

"I thought you were the ruler of this dungeon?" Ashley asked

"Don't be silly. Do you know what a dungeon is? A dungeon is a prison, and the Dungeon of the Serpent Queen is to imprison the Serpent Queen" she said, as if his statement was silly

Ashley nodded. He had been so embroiled in being in a fantasy world where dungeons are places monsters exist and so to treasures. But a dungeon is just that, a dungeon

"Come" she said, with the regal authority of a queeen

He hesitated for a moment, before following her

If she wanted to kill him, she would already have done so

"Yes, I would have if I desired" she suddenly said

"You... you can read minds?" Ashley gasped

"I can, but I don't have to. Your binds link you to me somehow. How do you think you can see from my eyes? Until we can free ourselves of our link, we will have to travel together" she said

He watched in amazement as she easily dispatched the monsters on the lower levels

As she defeated foes that even Tiffany can't reach, it clearly showed that Medusa was more powerful than Tiffany

But along the way, they discovered that while Medusa was impervious to damage, she suffered pain when Ashley was attacked

Although he could heal right away, Medusa didn't like this vulnerability and thus stayed closer and literally protected him

Hours later, the finally exited the dungeon