Ashley felt his skin tingle as he was guided through the portal, and it instantly closed behind him
He was now in Tallas, the secret floating city of the 7 Wizards
Surely they can release him, Ashley thought
"Hahaha a male this time. I can't believe how long we've waited for this. My teacher would have loved to see this" a mage in a blue robe laughed
"Please...can you.." Ashley spoke up
Suddenly silver bonds covered his mouth, silencing him
"Stupid Delgoda. He forgot to silence it" another mage in a red robe said, casting the spell
"He did say that the Bonds of Morgador wore out" another mage in yellow said
"That's why he's only a court magician for Petra" the mage in red scoffed
"I heard he managed to summon heroes from another world. I would say that's impressive" the mage in yellow said
"Yeah. And how many lives did he sacrifice? Incompetent buffoon, that's what he is. At most I would have sacrificed only 5 lower mages" the red mage scoffed again
"Enough! Bring him to the trophy room" the mage in blue said
Magical golems nudged Ashley and led him helplessly away
In a wide open space, surrounded by multiple shields, Ashley was brought by the golems, accompanied by 7 mages, the Wizards of Tallas
"Ancient one! I've brought you a companion! Another Ancient demon" the blue mage said to a woman, naked and chained in the air
If Ashley could see, she was very beautiful, more beautiful than even Medusa or Tiffany
She was bound by gold bonds, but this time a chastity bond of some sort, which was a circle around the outside of her pussy with sharp teeth, looking like a small bear trap to prevent anyone from entering her pussy.
There was also a long 7 inch sharp spike from it that was inserted in her pussy
Chains connected her pierced nipples, and between the chain was another chain to the chastity bond
Those were all gold, but she had silver bonds holding her wrists and ankles in a spread eagle position in the air
She glared at them, then at the male who had been stripped naked, also bound by both gold and silver bonds!
His engorged penis made her salivate, as she has not had sex since the founding of Tallas!
He had gold bonds like her, but why was he blinded instead?
Why was his penis free, while her sexual organ bound?
Her lustful mind thought that it was unfair!
"Like him, don't you? Another demon like you" the blue mage said and walked closer
He grabbed her right breast and squeezed as she moaned in pain
Bound by the gold and silver chains, she was as powerless as a normal human and the mage's long fingernails pierced her flesh
"For centuries, even my master was not able to remove your bonds. But perhaps we shall make new demons out of you two" he laughed
"We're really going to mate them? What about that?" the yellow mage asked and pointed to the woman's crotch, her bond revealing the scary teeth
"We don't need him to enjoy sex. Even if it's chopped off, we just need his sperm in her" the red mage said
"It. You called it a him. Demons are not people" the blue robed mage said
"Indeed. Shall we start?" the red mage smiled grabbing Ashley's dick
The two were levitated to face each other as the red mage looked at the two sexual organs
"Is this how you do it?" the red mage asked, trying to push Ashley' flaccid cock into the sharp bond blocking the woman's pussy
"You've never done it before? You need to get it hard first" the yellow mage said
"How?" the red mage asked
"You have to... er... suck it with your mouth" the yellow mage said
Ashley, who was unable to move or talk, was listening to the whole conversation in horror
Suddenly, he felt a mouth sucking his penis clumsily. And... was that a beard???
His penis shrunk even more at the thought of a bearded old man sucking him and he would retch if he could
"Come, let me" a female voice said as the green robed mage took over
Ashley's dick immediately started rising as the green mage was good at it
"How did you do that?" the red mage asked
"I've studied the demon for years, learning her secrets. I'm quite adept in sexual magic too" she said
"What the hell is with this conversation?" Ashley thought
He suddenly felt himself moving again
"It... it's working! The teeth are opening and the spike is retracting from inside her" the blue mage said excitedly
Ashley felt his penis touching, then penetrating a warm, wet and surprisingly tight hole
"It's going in! Get him to impregnate her" the blue mage said
"It, not him or her remember?" the red mage said
Ashley felt hands squeeze his balls as the green mage tried to get him to cum
Suddenly, like a bear trap, the bond around his cock, protecting her pussy clamped down, its teeth chomping onto his penis!
This would have chopped off his dick, if it were not for his body suddenly trying to heal itself
The glow surrounded both of them as the golden bonds disappeared from the woman's pussy and breasts, appearing instead on Ashley!
While the bond stayed clamped around his dick, a golden spike appeared and pierced 7 inches into his groin under his testicles, where a vagina would be if he had one
You are reading story The Accursed at
He screamed in pain, too distracted to even feel his nipples being pierced by golden nipple rings and chains appearing between them, taking over from the woman
The glow also caused the silver Bands of Morgador to dissipate, freeing both of them
"At last" the woman smiled, as horns sprouted from both sides of her forehead, and large wings sprouted from her back
A long tail also appeared and her forearms and feet up to her shins became clad with bone-like armor
She pushed the screaming Ashley aside as he fell to the floor, and attacked the stunned mages
Pouncing on the red mage, she kissed him, sucking out all his vitality
Surprisingly, Ashley also felt lifeforce strengthening him, although he didn't know what was going on
But the other mages instantly took action and started engaging with the woman, shooting bolts of energy and casting spells
She retaliated by shooting bolts of lightning of her own, and the one demon was stalemating the surviving 6 level 7 mages!
"How is she... so powerful" the white mage said, who has been silent so far
At the same time, Ashley was on all fours like a dog, suffering from not only the bonds on his eyes, but now on his nipples, penis and under his testicles too.
His powers was continuously healing his wounds when the blue mage suddenly fired at him
He screamed again as half his body was blasted away, revealing his internal organs
But what was surprising was that the golden bonds that bound his missing left arm and left nipple, seemed to float in midair
As his body automatically recovered, it seemed that the missing parts were healing at an even faster rate only to be bound by the bonds
The woman screamed as well, realizing that an injury to the man was an injury to herself too
But to her surprise, he seemed to be nearly recovered as the bonds reattached to him
For a brief moment, she felt the familiar pain of her nipples and genitals again
It would seem that if his body parts were blown off, once they regrew, she would feel the pain again
This caused her to stumble as the mages piled on their spells and bolts
She was blocking with her own shield, losing the momentum against 6 mages, but managing to hold on
Suddenly, she screamed again as the blue mage attacked Ashley again with a more powerful blast
This time, only golden bands floated in the air, those that were on his eyes, his neck, wrist, nipples and genitals looking like a ghost was wearing those
His flesh started recovering again as the blue mage prepared to shoot him again
By doing this, the woman was now in a very bad position, getting injured after their blasts bypassed her shields in her moment of weakness
Suddenly the shields around the place shattered and the mages looked shocked
"Don't do that again!" a woman with a large serpent tail hanging under her waist levitated
She had snakes for hair, and six arms each glowing a different colored glow
The woman on the ground looked up, not recognizing Medusa and feared for the worst
Suddenly, Medusa looked at the now recovering Ashley, only looking like lumps of flesh reconnecting and screamed in rage
The purple mage couldn't even scream as he turned into stone and Medusa smashed his head to dust with a slap
The other mages looked in horror and attacked, but Medusa pushed them back
The naked woman pounced on the red mage, sucking out his energy with a sudden kiss, leaving him a withered husk
She would have preferred to suck his lifeforce using sex, but they were in a battle and had no time
One by one, the mages fell. It took the whole group to face Medusa or the naked woman, but both? They didn't stand a chance
The woman approached Ashley, who was now recovering on the ground, still in pain from all the damage he took
"No. You will not harm him" Medusa said
"I won't. He saved me" the woman said
It was then that Medusa saw his body parts, especially his genitals and nipples, regenerating in his bonds
"You.." Medusa didn't know what to say, seeing that Ashley had freed her like he did Medusa herself, and again taking on their bonds
She knew how it felt, but now he was in double the agony?
"What kind of the genitals and nipples?" Medusa said, struggling for words
"I am Lilith. I am... was the Succubus Queen" the naked woman said, retracting her wings, horns and the rest, looking like a beautiful human woman
She conjured a white gauze dress and started to conjure clothes for Ashley
"No need. I'll do it" Medusa said, angrily
She tried like before, but this time the added genital and nipple bonds prevented anything to cover his groin or chest, effectively leaving him naked
Perhaps of he stayed on all fours, he could be covered in a tablecloth. But she left him naked
Lilith tried as well and failed too
Medusa grunted in anger and picked him up like a baby
"Where are you going?" Lilith asked
"Away from here. It stinks of humans" she said and flew off
Lilith thought for a while before following them
With the Wizards of Tallas all dead, nobody knew that it became uninhabited
The golems automatically kept the floating city functioning and clean, with no one the wiser