Chapter 13: Chapter 13 – Rancell

Petra to Roslova, a strange black carriage roamed, pulled by dark black horses, with black curtains always closed to prevent people from looking in

From town to town, and city to city, the carriage stopped at the finest inns. The occupants of the carriage always rented the most luxurious room for the night before disappearing the next day before dawn

There were rumor of otherworldly beauties riding on the carriage, but nobody could remember the who they were, or what they looked like

Only the innkeepers were well paid, but the gold coins used seemed to in a strange currency. Perhaps they were from far off lands

Were they royalty? They certainly didn't have any guards protecting them

They seemed to pass through notorious paths, known to be dangerous and filled with bandits or wild beasts, without incident

Perhaps they were lucky, as travelers and merchants used the same paths not long after them, protected by mercenaries and guards, and didn't encounter any problems

Maybe the bandits were busy with other things, and maybe the wild beasts had moved habitat


Along the way, they passed by a caravan, pulling slaves lined up and linked together

"Wait here. I'll get some snacks" Lilith said with a smile as the carriage stopped

She opened the door, gracefully getting out in her gauze red dress, attracting the attention of the whole caravan, slave and trader alike

She was the most beautiful woman anyone there has ever seen

But as Lilith stepped on the ground, she suddenly felt a discomfort in her heart

"Damn it Ashley. Stop bothering me" she said mentally

Ashley as usual, remained silent

Medusa, Lilith and Selene had noticed that while Ashley remained silent and seemed to be comatose, he seemed to be influencing them somehow

When they were attacked by bandits, Lilith and Selene had no problems feasting on them. But when they found hostages, they were somehow influenced to free them

When Medusa feasted on beasts and monsters, she found herself releasing the babies of the monsters

They had all discussed this with displeasure, but Ashley remained comatose and silent, much to their chargrin

Lilith stared at the slaves, as she was craving for flesh, but it took all her might to resist freeing them

Suddenly, along the back, she saw a handsome muscular blonde man, dressed only in a loincloth and boots, chained behind the others in a line

But his chains looked different. They were silver bonds of Malgador!

She looked at the slave trader

"How much is that one?" she asked

"No.. that one has been bought. He's going to the gladiator arena!" he said to the most beautiful woman he's ever seen

"I asked how much?" Lilith asked again

"But.. but.. someone already..." the slave trader stammered

Suddenly a bag flew to his chest and he fell down from the weight of the bag

The guards had their hands on their sword, preparing to draw 

But they saw the slave trader on the ground, with more gold than they've ever seen, all over the ground from the spilt bag

They looked up and the slave, the gorgeous woman, and the carriage was gone!

"Impossible! Those were Bonds of Malgador! How..." the mage among the caravan stammered

It was minutes later when they realized the slave trader was dead


The slave stumbled to the ground, landing on his ass

Lilith broke his chains and picked him up, flying away as they landed several miles away

He looked at her, with the black carriage behind her when the door opened and another two women walked out

"Only one? I thought you were hungry" Selene asked

"This one.. he was bound by the Silver Bonds of Molgodor" Lilith said

"Oh! Why?" Medusa asked

"That's what I intend to find out" Lilith said looking at him

The 3 women were incredibly gorgeous, but as they stared at him, he felt like he was food on the table!

And one of them seemed to be licking and sucking on something fleshy. It felt creepy!

"Who are you? Why were you chained in magical chains?" Medusa asked

"I... I'm Rancell! I am... I was the Sword Saint" he stammered

"Sword Saint?" all 3 women heard Ashley in their minds

These were the first words they had heard him say for months, since he freed Selene

"What do you mean Sword Saint. The Sword Saint in Petra is a woman" Lilith said, still bitter about Tiffany's treatment of her

"N.. no! I don't know about Petra. But I was summoned to this world from a place called Earth with my classmates!" he said, somehow feeling as if the world was turning darker and closing down on him

"If not Petra, where?" Selene asked, licking Ashley's dick she still kept with her

"Lockbane!" he screamed in fear

"Lockbane?" Medusa repeated, never hearing of such a place before. Neither did any of the others

"Lockbane was destroyed 7 years ago! I failed in my mission and the beast horde swarmed and destroyed everything! I was forced to flee but I was captured by the enemy country of Roslova!" he said as the world suddenly expanded and he felt that he could breathe again

 "Oh!" they realized that not only did Petra summon heroes from Earth. Lockbane did so in the past too. Who knows how many other heroes they could find in different lands

"Can we eat him now?" Selene said

"No! From now on, he will be used as our driver and guard" Medusa said, conjuring clothes onto Rancell as well as a sword in a sheath on his waist

You are reading story The Accursed at

"You hear that? You're our guard" Lilith said as she walked back to the carriage

Rancell looked at his clothes and his sword, recognizing that his sword was well made and was as good as the sword he used that was given by the former Kingdom of Lockbane

He was also freed, so he was glad, bowing to the waist

"I will serve you the best of my abilities" he said, drawing his sword and crossing it over his chest in a salute

Medusa and Selene didn't respond, turning back into the carriage and closing the door

Rancell didn't find them rude at all and were very thankful for his survival

This was better than being a gladiator and losing his life for other's entertainment

He jumped on the drivers seat in front of the carriage, and was about to take the reins when he found that the reins were ethereal!

He couldn't touch them! How was he going to drive it?

 Suddenly, the carriage started to move my itself as the ghostly horses started running

He didn't have any intentions for the gorgeous ladies. They scared him too much

But this was even scarier. Ghost horses? Did they eat humans?


Some time later, the carriage stopped by itself

It was late in the night and the door opened

All 3 women walked out

Even though he had no intentions with them, they still took his breath away

"Start a fire. We'll eat soon" Medusa said and disappeared into the night

"Take care of the carriage, and don't look inside" Lilith said and disappeared

Selene just left with no instructions for him

He didn't want to disappoint and started a fire, collecting enough wood for the night

Seeing nobody around, he drew his sword and started practicing

He sliced the air, creating a aura slash that slashed the water in half, before the water closed up again

He was definitely a S Ranker like Tiffany, only more experienced due to the time he's spent here

"Not bad" a voice suddenly said

He turned around and saluted Selene, putting the sword back to its sheathe

"May I ask who I am serving?" he asked curiously

"Just say you're the convoy of the Black Carriage" Lilith said, suddenly appearing

"Prepare dinner" Medusa suddenly appeared, carrying a slab of meat the size of a car on her shoulder

"I..I live to serve" Rancell said, pretending not to be shocked

He surrounded his body with aura and managed to take the slab of meat from Medusa and started cooking it over the fire

It was heavier than he thought. How can the beautiful woman carry it on one shoulder with one hand?

"Not for me. I've eaten" Selene said, sucking on that thing in her mouth again

"Me too. Only for Medusa" Lilith said

"I live to serve... Medusa" he said

"Oh we forgot. I am Lilith, and she is Selene" Lilith said, seeing how awkward the situation was

Rancell started cooking, looking at the three beautiful women, who seemed to just be sitting around the fire with him

He couldn't stop looking at the thing in Selene's mouth, as it looked......human

"Are you wondering what this is?" Selene smiled

Rancell nodded nerveously

"It's a human penis" Selene laughed showing it to him, but not allowing him to touch it

"Hahaha, I bet his penis shrank from fear" Lilith laughed and walked towards him

"N.. no ma'am" Rancell said

"Don't worry. I won't eat yours. I'll just make it big again" she said groping his groin

She suddenly frowned, not feeling his penis

"I'm sorry ma'am. I cannot perform as you may want" he said, dropping his pants

Lilith looked at him in shock. He was a nullo! His penis was non existant!

"When... when I was caught by Roslova, they castrated me and sold me as a slave. I feared being a gladiator because... I have lost my aggression" he said. The loss of his testicles and penis made him docile and lacking in testosterone. 

 "Haha, he's immune to your charms" Medusa said to Lilith in their mindlink

Rancell didn't know they were talking in their mind, so he took the meat out of the fire and started cutting it, giving a portion Medusa, then taking a bow to the other two

"You can eat with me. No need to wait for me to finish. We will leave as soon as we're done" Medusa said

Rancell nodded and started chowing down and was shocked when Medusa kept eating, and eating, and eating, finishing the whole slab of meat

His own portion was quite large, and he was full. But while the size of Rancell's portion was that of a large plate, Medusa's was the size of a car!

The 3 women boarded the carriage again as Rancell jumped onto his seat