The direct application of steam to forging-hammers is without doubt the greatest improvement that has ever been made in forging machinery; not only has it simplified operations that were carried on before this invention, but has added many branches, and extended the art of forging to purposes which could never have been attained except for the steam-hammer.
The general principles of hammer-action, so far as already explained, apply as well to hammers operated by direct steam; and a learner, in forming a conception of steam-hammers, must not fall into the common error of regarding them as machines distinct from other hammers, or as operating upon new principles. A steam-hammer is nothing more than the common hammer driven by a new medium, a hammer receiving power through the agency of steam instead of belts, shafts, and cranks. The steam-hammer in its most improved form is so perfectly adapted to fill the different conditions required in power-hammering, that there seems nothing left to be desired.
Keeping in view what has been said about an elastic connection for transmitting motion and power to hammers, and cushioning the vibratory or reciprocating parts, it will be seen that steam as a driving medium for hammers fills the following conditions:—
First.—The power is connected to the hammer by means of the least possible mechanism, consisting only of a cylinder, a piston, and slide valve, induction pipe and throttle valve; these few details taking the place of a steam-engine, shafts, belts, cranks, springs, pulleys, gearing, in short, all such details as are required between the hammer-head and the steam-boiler in the case of trip-hammers or crank-hammers.
Second.—The steam establishes the greatest possible elasticity in the connection between a hammer and the driving power, and at the same time serves to cushion the blows at both the top and bottom of the stroke, or on the top only, as occasion may require.
Third.—Each blow given is an independent operation, and can be repeated at will, while in other hammers such changes [110] can only be made throughout a series of blows by gradually increasing or diminishing their force.
Fourth.—There is no direct connection between the moving parts of the hammer and the framing, except lateral guides for the hammer-head; the steam being interposed as a cushion in the line of motion, this reduces the required strength and weight of the framing to a minimum, and avoids positive strains and concussion.
Fifth.—The range and power of the blows, as well as the time in which they are delivered, is controlled at will; this constitutes the greatest distinction between steam and other hammers, and the particular advantage which has led to their extended use.
Sixth.—Power can be transmitted to steam-hammers through a small pipe, which may be carried in any direction, and for almost any distance, at a moderate expense, so that hammers may be placed in such positions as will best accommodate the work, and without reference to shafts or other machinery.
Seventh.—There is no waste of power by slipping belts or other frictional contrivances to graduate motion; and finally, there is no machinery to be kept in motion when the hammer is not at work.
Keeping these various points in mind, an apprentice will derive both pleasure and advantage from tracing their application in steam-hammers, which may come under notice, and various modifications of the mechanism will only render investigation more interesting.
One thing more must be noticed, a matter of some intricacy, but without which, all that has been explained would fail to give a proper idea of steam-hammer-action. The valve motions are alluded to.
Steam-hammers are divided into two classes—one having the valves moved by hand, and the other class with automatic valve movement.
The action of steam-hammers may also be divided into what is termed elastic blows, and dead blows.
In operating by elastic blows, the steam piston is cushioned at both the up and down stroke, and the action of a steam-hammer corresponds to that of a helve trip-hammer, the steam filling the office of a vibrating spring; in this case a hammer gives a quick rebounding blow, the momentum being only in part [111] spent upon the work, and partly arrested by cushioning on the steam in the bottom of the cylinder under the piston.
Aside from the greater rapidity with which a hammer may operate when working on this principle, there is nothing gained, and much lost; and as this kind of action is imperative in any hammer that has a 'maintained or positive connection' between its reciprocating parts and the valve, it is perhaps fair to infer that one reason why most automatic hammers act with elastic blows is either because of a want of knowledge as to a proper valve arrangement, or the mechanical difficulties in arranging valve gear to produce dead blows.
In working with dead blows, no steam is admitted under the piston until the hammer has finished its down stroke, and expended its momentum upon the work. So different is the effect produced by these two plans of operating, that on most kinds of work a hammer of fifty pounds, working with dead blows, will perform the same duty that one of a hundred pounds will, when acting by elastic or cushioned blows.
This difference between dead and elastic strokes is so important that it has served to keep hand-moved valves in use in many cases where much could be gained by employing automatic acting hammers.
Some makers of steam-hammers have so perfected the automatic class, that they may be instantly changed so as to work with either dead blows or elastic blows at pleasure, thereby combining all the advantages of both principles. This brings the steam-hammer where it is hard to imagine a want of farther improvement.
The valve gearing of automatic steam-hammers to fill the two conditions of allowing a dead or an elastic blow, furnishes one of the most interesting examples of mechanical combination.
It was stated that to give a dead or stamp stroke, the valve must move and admit steam beneath the piston after the hammer has made a blow and stopped on the work, and that such a movement of the valve could not be imparted by any maintained connection between the hammer-head and valve. This problem is met by connecting the drop or hammer-head with some mechanism which will, by reason of its momentum, continue to 'move after the hammer-head stops.' This mechanism may consist of various devices. Messrs Massey in England, and Messrs Ferris & Miles in America, employ a swinging wiper bar [112], which is by reason of its weight or inertia retarded, and does not follow the hammer-head closely on the down stroke, but swings into contact and opens the valve after the hammer has come to a full stop.
By holding this wiper bar continuously in contact with the hammer-drop, elastic or rebounding blows are given, and by adding weight in certain positions to the wiper bar its motion is so retarded that a hammer will act as a stamp or drop. A German firm employs the concussion of the blow to disengage valve gear, so that it may fall and effect this after movement of the valves. Other engineers effect the same end by employing the momentum of the valve itself, having it connected to the drop by a slotted or yielding connection, which allows an independent movement of the valve after the hammer stops.
(1.) In comparing steam-hammers with trip or crank hammers what mechanism does steam supplant or represent?—(2.) What can be called the chief distinction between steam and other hammers?—(3.) Under what circumstances is an automatic valve motion desirable?—(4.) Why is a dead or uncushioned blow most effective?—(5.) Will a hammer operate with air the same as with steam?