Cold, terrible cold... I felt it everywhere, on my skin, in my bones, and even in my heart. The chill of a never-ending winter.
When I opened my eyes, I saw a black sky, and faint stars glittering far away.
At that moment, all I could think of was the chill of death. 'Is this the afterlife?' I wondered.
But the cold confirmed something, I had a body. And thus I was not a soul or a spirit. I was alive, in some way.
So I tried to move my body, my hands were numb, my legs trembled, and everything moved slow. I was truly curious as to where I was so I stood up, even if it took all my willpower to move my body.
When I turned my head and observed the surroundings, I saw people in a white world of ice and snow.
At that moment, I knew I was in another's body for the body felt different, lighter, and taller...
I observed the moonless sky and turned at the world of white, no such scenery had ever been close to my homeland, and the stars looked different. 'Perhaps I am in another world... Did I transmigrate after death?' I thought.
"Elion?!" Someone close to me said in shock, I turned my head and saw a fair beauty with pointy ears, golden hair, and green eyes capturing my attention. (Pronounced Eli-yan)
'Pointy ears? Elf?' Questions plagued my mind.
"How are you alive? I thought you were lost to the cold, I am so glad..." The elf was quick to take me into her embrace not giving me a chance to do much. The warmth, however faint, was welcome.
'How can I understand this language?' I thought in wonder for I understood what she said perfectly without having ever heard of this language before. It was bizarre...
I tried to speak, and whatever I desired to say came in words of this language on its own. My brain translating by instinct, my tongue moving with a mind of its own. "What is happening? Am I dead?"
She broke the hug and looked me in the eye, "My dear brother, stay close, you are safe. You still walk the world of the living. The journey is long, and the cold is merciless, we must persevere."
I observed the elf in front of me who claimed to be my sister with a raised eyebrow. 'I have transmigrated, there is no other explanation.' I concluded.
"Nillendil, What is going on?"
A masculine voice reached us, I turned and saw a male elf, handsome and tall, covered in layers upon layers of clothes like the one who claimed to be my sister named Nillendil. I noticed I was the same as well.
"Did he not die to the cold?"
"A miracle?"
"Perhaps the blessing of the Valar saved him..."
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I heard whispers from elves around me, they had all begun to slowly gather around us.
"My brother still lives, lord Fingon." Nillendil said from beside me, her voice filled with joy.
I was taken aback by the implications of what was going on...
'These names, Valar? Fingon? Elves? This can't be...'
The elf I recognized as Fingon approached and kindly put his hand on my shoulder, "Hang on for a while longer, we shall reach Lammoth in days at most..." He slightly bowed to everyone with a reassuring smile and left to check on others.
I noticed that the situation of other elves was not much better than mine, most were freezing; I could even see corpses, and some parts of the ground had cracked and opened, a dark abyss only visible within. It had swallowed some elves, judging by the ones mourning close to it.
"Are you well?" Nillendil asked with concern seeing my blank look, I nodded and tried to smile, my face was somewhat frozen so my lips moved very slowly. The smile was awkward.
Nillendil seemed to not take notice of that, she simply took my hand and squeezed hard. I felt comforted. Yet inside, my mind was consumed by chaos.
'I transmigrated in Middle-earth, and based on what is going on, this must be in the 1st age!'
That was when I noticed movement from the front, the elves began to move, and Fingon returned, "Prepare to move, the fog is clear, there is no time for rest."
So we moved, the only sound was the howling wind and footsteps of elves around me. The only company for everyone was the bone-chilling cold. Countless thoughts raced through my mind...
As I walked in the terrible winter and endured it all, driven by a strong will to escape the bitter taste of death, I gradually came to realize precisely what was going on based on my knowledge of past life.
I was a part of the host of Fingolfin that was trying to cross the Helcaraxë to go to Middle-earth. And with this realization, I understood what awaited me if I wanted to survive.
Orcs, Balrogs, Dragons, Spiders, and all manner of darkness. Worst of it all was Morgoth, Sauron, and Ancalagon. The future of this world was one of war, death, and Destruction; Sorrow, Fallen heroes and kingdoms, and the battle between good and evil.
I had to go through all of that to avoid the pain of death, I laughed mockingly at myself.
'I can barely move and survive this cold with all my willpower, how can I possibly do anything?' I thought and despaired a little, partially at my weakness, and partially at this destiny.
Why did I not transmigrate into a better world? Or at least a stronger person? Why a random powerless elf? And especially why during this age here?
Just remembering death made my heart tremble in fear, I clenched my numb fists as I looked at the endless icy wastes and freezing elves to my front, 'I will not die again.' I vowed to myself.
Somehow, I had to become strong and survive this world.