In the green and prosperous land of Hithlum was the great lake of Mithrim, upon the northern shore camped the elves who had followed Feanor.
As the sun rose and the gentle breeze touched the leaves, the tranquility of this beautiful land was to be broken.
At the edge of this camp, two elves rested on the grass beside the lake's calm waters; One was fair and royal, golden hair on his regal yet carefree face, he was Finrod, a prince of the Noldor. He sat beside the other elf, a frown of worry not suiting his appearance on his face, his eyes deep in thought.
The other elf lay asleep without a worry in the world, he even had a smile. He looked delicate in appearance with a strange presence, it was fiery and warm yet not uncomfortable. His eyes twitched which caused Finrod to take notice quickly.
"Are you awake, Elion?"
The elf on the ground slowly opened his eyes, he did not talk to his companion, he simply stared at the azure sky above, strange emotions in his eyes.
"Elion?" Finrod repeated and shook his shoulder.
His blue eyes slowly gazed at Elion, there was something in them as if a visage left behind, older than time, which made Finrod freeze, for a moment, he felt as if he was stared at by one of the Valar. No... This was far above... Finrod was shocked. But that quickly faded and Elion sat up then looked around, "Where are we?"
Finrod calmed down quickly, "We are in Hithlum, I carried you the rest of the way. There was surprisingly no enemy in our path. The nameless was scared away by something I have no knowledge of, could have been the work of the Valar." He thoughtfully said.
Elion nodded but asked in confusion, "That is a good thing, why are you frowning still?"
Finrod sighed and looked at the camp ahead, "Negotiations have... Failed. Worst of all, Feanor was slain by Balrogs and Maedhros was taken by Morgoth."
"Explain to me..." Seeing the look on his companion's face, he sighed again and began talking...
Elion calmly listened till the end, "The sons of Feanor did not welcome us, huh?"
Finrod nodded gravely.
Elion seemed calm on the outside, he stood up and took a deep breath, "Let's try again." He was very angry within and a plan formed in his head.
Finrod seemed unsure but decided to try once more.
They entered the camp, and any elf who saw them followed behind, soon enough, a large crowd gathered behind as they walked to the center of the camp.
As they reached the center, they were greeted by three of the sons of Feanor, "Finrod, you came again? As I told you we can't risk sending elves to the east and weakening ourselves. The enemy could attack us at any moment if we show weakness." Said one of them.
Before Finrod could respond, Elion stepped ahead, "I did not know that the Princes of Noldor, sons of Feanor, were cowards."
Every elf around them was surprised by his words, everyone began whispering to themselves. Finrod looked at him, a little pale in the face.
The one who spoke earlier stepped ahead with anger, "Who are you to call us cowards?!"
He calmly replied, "I am Elion, the master of fire, and come on behalf of Lord Fingolfin to seek the aid of my kin."
Before anyone could say anything, Elion's arm stretched ahead and fire came to life in his palm, brightening the surroundings and silencing all elves.
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His voice grew louder, his eyes firm, "Why do you refuse us? Are we not kin? Are you not elves?! Am I speaking to Orcs?!!"
He didn't feel fear or worry, for he had faced death many times, and he had grown used to it. He was angry at these elves for not caring about their kind, especially in such a world where danger was everywhere.
Deadly silence... Only the sound of the leaves and wind could be heard. Never had any elf dared to talk as such to the princes of Noldor in their lives.
"YOU!!" The sons of Feanor were furious.
Elion ignored them and turned to the surrounding elves, "I seek the help of my kin, I seek medicine for my wounded friends and family, where is your pride as the Noldor if you refuse?!"
He turned to look at the sons of Feanor, confident and cold, "How can you call yourselves princes of Noldor? I refuse to acknowledge you as such!"
Finrod nearly fell to the ground, he was sure there was going to be war soon.
"Enough!!" Loudly said one of them and drew his sword, pointing it at Elion.
Finrod quickly drew his sword and pointed it at the elf, the other two sons of Feanor drew their swords quickly and pointed them at Finrod.
Elion didn't draw his sword at all, instead, he laughed, "Is this who you follow?!" He asked the crowd in amusement.
The elves seemed shaken a little as they whispered to each other.
"Put down your weapons..." A gentle and pleasing masculine voice commanded. The three withdrew and so did Finrod.
"Maglor, they disrespect us as such, we have to regain our pride!" A dark-haired elf said to the newcomer. He was Curufin, the 5th son of Feanor.
He seemed calm and unfazed, he looked at Elion with a slight frown, "I understand your situation, we cannot send any warriors as orcs roam the plains beyond the mountains and a battle is always imminent, only healers with medicine, is that good enough?"
Finrod decided he had let Elion speak enough and stepped ahead, "That is more than enough."
Maglor, the 2nd son of Feanor, curtly nodded towards Finrod. The latter sighed in relief and began turning around to quickly leave with Elion.
"Wait." Maglor said and continued, "That said, we cannot tolerate what has been said. I challenge Elion, the master of fire, to single combat, do you accept?"
Finrod wanted to bash his head into the ground... He was speechless and didn't know what to do. If they refused, it meant they were cowards and it would ruin their image. If they accepted, either winning or losing was not a desirable outcome.
Winning meant they would humiliate the sons of Feanor forever and be enemies, losing meant great shame to them that would weaken their future say in important matters when all elves would hear of it.
He could only look at Elion and hope he would somehow have a miraculous solution.
Meanwhile, Elion looked at Maglor with focus, thinking if he could take him head on, he had never fought an elf before...