Once again We see The Start of Another Adventure with Big Gay Pirate: John Joens Wyatt and her Team Of Peoples, including Man. (Joens is said as Jones.) Introducing a Wide Alleged Spaces of Time and Dimension. The Nil Thin Fact that can Set Off the Simplest of Minds deep into The Corridors of Pure Insanity. Unsubstantiated Nil Fact left by So Said Specified but also Unsubstantiated Nil Something. Only seen by The Confined in what "He" calls Subliminal Supplement Lacuna or S.S.L. But what do you Expect to Find in a Place for The Coercive and Affluent? Can that Piece of Nil Fact be that of Defunct?... Or is it Pure Labor under a Figment of Play away Misconception in Infinite Eye? Lies or Misconceptions of Unaccounted Subject of Scrutiny Gouging into Inquiry, Slathered in Skulduggery Pretense with Gashings for The Essential. Naive in knowing Cessation, the Pertinent of Apprehension was Inadequate in Comprehension. The Gates closed in Before Time can always be Open by The One Who Closed It... Alleged Actions coming into Contact with Consequence. Consequences in which "That" doesn't Infinity care for. Maybe it Happened before, The Nil Eye perhaps Eyes, The Do-up which Consumes specified Hatred for that Nil Something which They said ''Should not Exist'' Though seeing with Their very own Eyes. Fact coming Inception to only Static. Hmph... Fact? The Characters have been Strolling in between Dimensions for Days, plus, Why can't We go Float in Space like Normal People? It is Wyatt’s Hoopty, so She will do what She please with It. Oh really? The Room’s Atmosphere quickly became Pass the State of Unsettling as Wyatt and Man begin their Brawl. Joens quickly runs toward Man then Doing a Spin Kick straight for his Face. Man quickly Leans upper Body backwards while Lifting leg to Side Kick a Tummy. Suddenly is Punched from The Side of The Face. Man turns Slightly to The Right, into of Joens’ Fist as She comes back Quickly with a Jab to Man Face. Man moves his Head to The left, Missing the Jab from Joens. Man grabs their Arm still in The Air then Backfists ear with Unquestionable Brute Force causing All the Dimensions there Ship is Passing through to Nullify all at Once. Untroubled by Bash. Wyatt, Palm Punches straight. Right in The Neck, erasing all The Skull Bones in his Head then Kicks to Abdomen, erasing his Whole inside Body Structure. Leaving nothing but an Empty Corpse standing, not a Cell left in his Man Bod. Look at You now. You’re nothing but a Skin Corpse. Fought knowing He can't Damage wyatt. Only Option was to Die... *Enters into Main Ship Room* I got The New and Improved Xed said Persons 1 with Brandnew in Hand. Wyatt tells Them to go Install it. Person 1 is Going on ahead and. The Others are Coming. There just Attending to a Problem in The Cxaps. Alright. Oh, just One Little Question. How do You say those Words? Peoples 2, 3, 4, and 5 are Present. And what is your Problem exactly? I see...I guess I can't Greet anybody anymore. I mean you can still Greet, but you just sound Steamy today. Yes, well this is how It's going to go Down, okay? Sit, strap, and Shut up. Wyatt questions Person 1 if that Thing is Working yet. Person 1 lets a Know of Yes. Yeah? Kust say What you Want to Do and We are outta’ Here. Alrighty then! Person 1 sets It to Fucktfinity Chromosomes. Now setting Xed to Fucktfinity Chromosomes. “Are you Sure you Want to go According to these Coordinates” Xed had just Asked that... Yes, I'm sure said Wyatt. “Okay, now enter-going Fucktfinity Chromosomes.” Xed just said That. So what The Fucks up with Cxaps? Oh not much, I mean, just The Usual. Ah. Hey, did uh...Ya’ know Bosky’s Deal with that “Thing” out in Cxaps or did you Niggas do it because that Shit was looking Pretty Tough if You know what I mean? Well, it Depends on What you Mean by “Deal with” because on One Hand, yes, but on The Other, no. Shit’s still gonna Go down with Us having to Finish it and prevent Dum-Diddly-Dum-Dum. So short answer, Bosky ain’t Shit. I’m sure You can Take care of It. Yeah whatever Bitch because when I see Bosky again, I’m killing his Ass. Not if I get to his Ass first, You Cracky. Bet on that shit?
Prologue - Caption Foyer: Madman’s River
Midway reaction of The so called "Component" Entering eye with Backwards Memorization. Walking into The Accommodation Comprehending Hazard in this "Somethings" take. Not because it Enter-Goes a Later, not a Later that Nil back with this Possible "That"... This "That" for Care, it doesn't Care for at all. This is not a Nil New Later, just a Nil Unsubstantiated Extension of The Back. Nil has Refinements in which has no Rewind for Logic but is Obsolete with no State of Mind and once Sophisticated in The Faction of Beauty. Staring into It as Something looks Back with Same Consent as "Them" gave to Something... Once that Straight Still again with Something’s Rewind to Outburst in Reasons that if Intruded, would only Provoke to Slaughtery... No Enjoyment. Imagine if you will a Hall, that Hall will Lead you into a so fourth Colleague that with be Known as only *Undisclosed Text* So that Nil Unsubstantiated "Known" will not Inferior said Nil. The maybe there Code. Morse Code. This, Nil Unsubstantiated so called ''Code'' will only bring Secret Substance leaking out The Cracks that only The Proclaimed "Same Gene" that is just Processing Comprehension can See. Alleged Evidence of What is Night Terrors, only on level 5, any Higher would only be...Drastic in The Sectioned Category, though all is Well in The Something, still Feeding off Self Delusion and Conspiracy Theories that had been Spread in Quick Paste, causing It to be Once was. Monologue Solemnity Something’s Inner Conversation... Allegedly Nil to Whom? - End of Madman's River
“We are Almost at our Destination” Xed just said That. Okay, great. Why so Enthused?... You know What, Xed? I think The Guys are Trying to Figure a Way to Kill me said Wyatt. Well...I didn't Think you Cared spoke Xed. I don't, I just don't Feel like Dealing with their Bullshit said Wyatt. Well I'm sure Everything's Going to Fine said Xed with Certainty. Wyatt is Responding to that Shit. Please don't Avoid this. You're going to have to Take a Rain check on that Problem of Yours. To tell you The Truth. They already arrived Ten Minutes Ago. But I'm too Lazy to Go. Quit complaining and Come. Fine lazy Tone. “Shall I call The Peoples?” Xed just Asked that. Believe it?... Don’t care said Wyatt. Made the Destination and as You remember They can't Land, plus no Parachutes, so You know The Deal. Xed will Look over The Ship. Wyatt, her Team Of Peoples and Man all Jumped out of The Ship, into What looks like The Unknown. Could've been Longer. Just look at how Thick this Mist is. It's just Science. Obviously, but it Feels a Little Strange though, This Mist. Yeah, but Look. There's a Light up Ahead. As Wyatt, her Team, and Male enter The Mysterious Light. Nothing was ever Going to be The Same. Uh...What? See, I told You only Bad Things come from Bright Lights. Your just Paranoid. I mean Look! It’s just a Town. Susan, are you Serious? I mean who The Hell knows what that Mist was. Don't you Think it's just a bit Strange? Ow. Hey look! It is a Burdog. Wyatt runs on In. Orders a Quadruple Bubble Guts Burger Extreme... Yes, now would You like a Colossal Keke Soda and The Jumbo Timmy Fries with that Ma'am asked The Burdog Employe. YES!!!, YES!!!, YEAH!!!!!!!! shouts Wyatt at The Highest Volume. That'll be Twenty, please said The Burdog Empolye. Alright, here said Wyatt. Thanks, here You go, Enjoy the Food. Ma'am said The Burdog Employe. Wyatt can't Wait to Eat all this Deliciousness as She sits Down to Get her Grub on. Suddenly all Time and Space stops. Everything is Frozen. Then wyatt Hears a Voice. “Hmph... I see you have Returned, Wyatt. You know where We have to Meet, you Trifling Ass Bitch.”. Everything then Returns back to Normal. Whatever they Got in this Drink has to be some Pretty Strong Stuff. Wyatt thinks They just Hallucinated. Still wildly Eating. Exits outside with a Mouth Full of Food due to being Called by Man. Look around, Everything is Dead, including The Town. Okay? The Peoples also suddenly Disappeared at The Same Time this Shit happened. Oh. I see, and I should Care, why? I am not asking You to Care, I am asking You what Happened, because I know you Know. It's almost Night Time and That's when The Darkness Goons come Out along with The Shadow ones. Who's voice was that Talking to You back There? asked Guy. Well I don't know about You, but I'm going Goon Hunting and you can Join if Wish. Wyatt walks Off into The Pitch Black Void. I have a Darkness Goon in My Sights. BOOM!!! Wyatt shoots The Darkness Goon in The Head. Now that's about eh... Five Hundred Points through Stereo. Aren't they Supposed to be Investigating? Just calm Down. Everything's alright. I mean Yeah, but don't You wanna Find out What happened? I mean just Look around. Nothing but Deeper than Deep Death and Nothingness. Why are you so Hyped on The Problem? I'm not. Okay, then Go out and have Fun killing Goons and They will meet Back up at Burdogs. Wyatt and Man split up. Adventuring around in Death. You’re right, I am broke. Let’s just go Hunt some Goons. The Voice in an Indonesian Accent. Man is met to Aasif. Oh okay, so What does He want from Male? But man Came Aasif. If I recall, Aasif appeared to Male, not The Other way around. See, this is your Problem. Your memory. You're not The First to say That. Why can't you Take anything Serious? I am being as Blunt as Possible. Do you even know how Fucked up your Mind is right Know? Well on a Scale to Negative One to Infinity. Shut up. It is Obvious that you Came to Me so I can Treat your Mind. Yes, I see. Ok then, Patch me Up, Doc. Seriously? Yes. Let's get Started. Twenty Seconds later. Why are You just Standing there? I've done my Part. How and When? You really should Wake up, You're surrounded by Goons. Suddenly man Awoke to find Himself surrounded by Shadow Goon. Closes his Eyes and Took a Deep Breath then Quickly Opened his Eyes, and when He did, a Colossal Force pushed through The Whole Area. Disintegrating every last Shadow Goon. Man wipes The Blood coming Out of Eyes, off his Face... Hello, anyone There asked Aasif. Man promptly Comes back into Realization with Where he is. Aasif is Still here. Never left. Male on The Other Hand, took a Little Detour through a Little Place called Self Delusion City. If it was so Little, why did it Take so Long? Oh come on Now, Man. Don't get Lazy on Me. Male stands There in Silence. Listen, The Reason why you Stepped out of your Mind is because You went Deeper into It. Male still stands in Silence. Male’s problem is his Past, and his Mind of Course. It's been Suppressed to The Extent of Nil. I thought “She” would have Treated you when She found You, but... Knowing her. I'm assuming. Assume what Exactly? Assuming that You can't Really do Anything but give Advice or Information. What's wrong with That? The fact that you Lied about being Able to Fix my Mind. Yes. See, here's The Thing. I already Told you How to Treat your Mind. Looks like my Job is Done here. I'll be Going. After that, Male is Back in The Pitch Black Forest. Not like He left in The First Place. Well male just Standing there. Welp, guess It's time to find Wyatt. Man disappears into The Pitch Black Darkness. As Man is Walking- Then twelve Shadow Goons surrounded Him. Puts his Two Fist up as The Shadow Goons dashes toward Him. Quick Triple Air Jab at The Three Shadow Goons in Front of Him, killing Them. Four Shadow Goons from Man’s left Come up with The First One doing a Fly Kick to Man’s Head. Second One doing a Slide Kick to Man’s Feet and The Third grabs The Fourth Bullet, throwing it Straight towards Man. Twists himself Up in-between The Second and Third Shadow Goon, dodging Them. While still in the In-Between Twist Dodge, Man punches a Hole in The Second Shadow Goon’s Asshole then with his Right Arm. Elbows the Third Shadow Goon’s Head out of Existence. Just as Male’s Feet touch The Ground. The Fourth Shadow Goon was very Close to Head Butting him in The Chest but then Man quick as Fuck, Jumping Round Kicks it’s Face causing The Shadow Goon’s Head to Bend backward to it’s Neck, killing it. Lifts the Third Shadow Goon with an Invisible Force, crushes It into a Huge Ball Of Spikes then Throws it at The Three Shadow Goons to his Right. Those three Shadow Goons dodges The Ball Of Spikes but then The Spikes on The Ball extended and Pierce straight Through. Killing them. The Four Shadow Goons behind Male merged Together and became a Shadaōw Goon. The Shadaōw Goon, Lightning Dashes toward Male with a Quadruple Punch Wave with Man easily Dodging it. The Shadaōw Goon does a Jumping Spinning Crescent Kick but Man dodges by Leaning backwards and as Male dodges. The Shadaōw Goon does a Dragon Tail Sweep. Dodges by Jumping up and as Male was still in Mid-Air he Elbows the Top of The Shadaōw Goon’s Head with so much Force that It’s Head exploded. After that. Male just Walks off like Nothing ever Happened. Sniping these Darkness Goons is Getting real Boring. Well, could go Investigate this Place’s Problem. Yes, it has been a While since They left him to Himself. Wyatt leaves her Sniping Ground to go Meet back up with Man, I got a Question. Give to Me then. Why didn't you Tell me We are Walking in Loop Thought you already Knew? I did, but I Forgot. Do you want Me to use Console Command? No, let's have some Fun. Wyatt turns around and looked Behind, then Back in Front. Now, that's Better. My, says We are in The Same Place. Yeah, I know that. It only Looks like We are in a Different Place because We are in between The Loop. I eye. We should be Out of Here in no Time. What's the Rush, Señora? Fuck off. Why so Soggy? I have no Intent of Assail. Wyatt leaves The Scene without even Noticing. We're almost Out of Here anyway. Alright, so if I go Left it will Take a Long Ass Time to Get out... But if I go Right, It's the Short way. Why do you Have to Stall all The Time? Wyatt teleports Out of The Side Dimension and Straight to Man. Well I think it's Time we Get to Business. Now while you Were out in The Forest, Touching yourself, I found a Loggia. Why didn't you Go and Explore it Yourself? I went to go Quickscope some Darkness Goons, that’s Why. Yeah, of course. You know what, I'm going to Do you a Solid and Teleport us There. Whatever floats your Boat. Good, because We are Already here. Don't rush Me. Wyatt and Man are now Entering the Mysterious Loggia, but What is this Ominous Feeling that Thickens the Atmosphere? This place doesn't Look that Bad. Seriously? Hey, see that Long looking Hallway over There? Man, this is One long ass Hallway. You know, it's not The Fact that it's Long, it's just We're going The Wrong way. Then what's The Right way? First off, do You see that Statue? Achoo!!! If you Notice every Time we Passed it. It was Pointing in a Different direction. So what you're Saying is, We stumbled into an Endless Hallway? You have to go Forward, backwards, Forward, You keep Doing this until You see a Door. Basically just Follow what The Statues say. Well I don't know about You, but I'm going to Suicide Run this. You know I'm about that Suicide Run Guy. Wyatt and Man, yeah, Suicide their Way out of The Endless Hallway, without Breaking a Sweat. Now if you would Look on your Left, you will See the Way out of The Hallway. Hey guys, I see you Made it to The Party. Why won't you stay Dead? I'm a Leo, we're Incompatible. Male leaps in The air at Ezra. Punches him in The Face causing his Whole Body to Bit and Bounce off The Ground like a Big Booty Basketball, Y’all. Yee haw! Going backwards. Male then kicks Ezra upward into The air, Stands in Waiting for Leo's Body to Hit the Ground. Leo's Body hit The Ground and Bounced up. Male punches Him straight in The Gut, causing Leo's Body to Slide backwards in Front of Male. Before Leo's lower Half could Hit the Ground, Male did a One Eighty Slide with his Foot, hitting Leo into The air. As Leo's Body is Coming down, Male grabs Leo's b- SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!! The Door is Open now. Male and Wyatt enter into The Next Room. Suddenly the Door behind Them shuts, Leaving them in a Strange Room. Well this is just Dandy. Guy then tries to Jab his Clone Self in The Face. That's not Going to Work. Yeah, I can see That. Hey! What are you doing? Oh crap, it's Sarge. Ass Naked Dice runs Off. After that Confrontation with Those two Strange Individuals. Wyatt and Man find Themselves in a Strange Corridor. Damn this Hallway's long. Well we've been Walking in Circles, even though There's no Ring-A-Round and We're not even Moving, yet We are, all at The Same Time. So?...
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