Chapter 4: Ch4 a joke of fate

Tal moved closer to the spot of happening and took out a chair, a table, somw wine and his trusted pipe. 

He began to pour some into a glass and lit the pipe on fire. As he looked up he saw the people who were arguing and screaming seconds ago looking at him with astonished face.

"Go on! I'm just here to observe! City life is the best. I'm not even a minute here and got to see something interesting."

Tal talked with a big smile as oppossed to the people in front of him. The thughs were trembling with fright because only royality had space rings and the father and daughter pair was happy that someone of that status saw this scene. The thugs would have to be braindead to make any more moves.

"You miaunderstood your highness! We are just training for a theatherplay we have to conduct soon! Right lads?!"

The boss looking thug gazed at his underlings and at the pair they wanted to harm. His eyes told them that if they even dared to say anything rlse they would regret it.

The father understood the meaning and knew that now they had maybe some luck but what after that? The daughter on the other hand almost burst out in complete rage.

"How dare you lie to royality! After blackmailing me and my father, now even wanting me to warm your filthy beds for you! Your highness please be the judge of these scums!"

The father wanted to vomit blood as well as the thughs. Read the mood girl!

"Isn't it just to warm their bed? It's not like you have to kill yourself or sell your body. Also I'm not that royality you think about. I don't have anything to do with some kingdom."

Ar first they all were scepitcal. You don't know what warm your bed means, right? After hearing the latter half the expression of both parties changed. One to an evil grin and the other as if they fell into a trap which lead to their demise.

"You two rough him up, also get me that ring! I will "talk" to the girl here hehehe"

The boss looking thugh gave his order and turned to the girl in her fathers embrace. Maybe it was because he didn't think straight or just didn't catch a hint. The person who he wanted to rob had a space ring and didn't belong to royality. If it was combined, about 80% of all living beings would only think about what realm the holder was. Sadly he didn't but soon he regreted his trail of thoughts.

Before he could even approach the girl did a muffled sound rang in the street. As he turned around he saw the man still sipping on the wine but his two underlings weren't to be found.

What was going on?

Tal put down his glas and looked at the boss thugh with a annoyed face.

"Can't you just do your things and let me watch? If there is a thing i hate is people overestemitating themself.

Tal waved his hand and the thugh finally understood what was going on alas it was too late.

He and the other gang members with him vanished with a dull sound into nothingness.

Tal sighed and downed the last drops in his glass before standing up and putting everything away.

"Seems I should watch from further away next time. Ahh well, the day is still young. Maybe the adventurer guild will have some fun."

As Tal was talking to himself, the pair of father and daughter were shocked. What did just happen? Where were the thughs? The girl was first to react after a second.

"I thank your highness for this saving grace! If there is anything I could to pay back this debt you only have to say thw word!"

Her father and Tal were stunned. Bith for another reason. The father because he didn't knew that his daughter had such a side to him and Tal because he completely forgot about them.

"Ehm, who are you again? Little girls in the lower realm are weird."

It wasn't that Tal didn't remember what just happend but he didn't remember how they looked. Who could different ants when they were looked at?

The girl with blond hair was first stunned and than bowed.

"My name is Lara Einzel, this is my father Bob Einzel. You just saved myself from demise. For this I'm really grateful your highness."

You are reading story General Store at

"Can you stop saying your highness? I try to live a normal life here, you know. Also I remember that, I don't have memory loss. Didn't rember your face though."

Tal didn't lie, he could only remember the face of the little boy. Stefan, right? Wait how did he look? Whatever, there are only two people cultivating the Mindless Art. Shouldn't be too hard to find him.

Off the track, what should he do with the girl before him? He did a quick scan of her physique and mind and was immediately stunned. 

"What the fuck?!?"

The outburst didn't go unnoticed by the pair, they didn't think the man before them could have such an expression.

"Girl, I mean Lara, let's say you could oversee the stars atop from the highest mountain. Would you give up your family and be willing to walk a bloody path?"

The father was slowly getting irritated. Sure the man saved them but was what that about leaving her family and bloody path?

Lara made a quick conter question to Tals one. "Is the sight from there beautiful? So beautiful that it's worth doing it?" She didn't know why but since this man came she had an explicit feeling that they were somewhat connected.

Tal was happy about this question. If anybody of his few friend saw him smile like this they would haveshuddered to their bones.

"Heheh girl, if you don't climb it yourself. How should someone tell you how beautiful the sight is? As for me, I had tears in my eyes once I first saw what laid beyond."

The father couldnt help but to step in at that moment because he had enough.

"I also thank you for saving us but this is enough. Lara let's go!" He tried to grab hand of Lara but only felt emptiness, what was going on?

He stood in a blank space and saw the man still standing before him but everything else was gone.

"She is not even your daughter, your only a lowly servant of the Rink Family of the upper realm. To think the little girl that once betrayed me would have filial love. Tztztzt  you can be happy that I obly will wipe your memories and you can live in the Upper Realm again."

After that the man woke up in a bustling ciry in the Upper Realm confused as how he got there. Why did he think he forgot something important?

Lara didn't know what happend she was immersed in her thoughts, heard her fathers voice and he was gone.

Before she even could say something the man before her spoke in a monotone voice.

"What a graceful father,he knew what you cpuld achieve and let you study under me! Now come little girl, we have to find a shop to rent!"

Tal walked along the street but stoped after several steps and turned around. She didn't buy it? He could have sworn that his lie was good!

"Where is my father? Did you..did you also kill him because you want my body?" Scared as she was, she took several steps back and was about to run away.

"Your body? What wpuld I want with that? I'm contend with mine. Also if you really want to know. That wasn't your father, just someone who was tasked with upbringing you. Now come, if you want to know everything you have to climb the peak I told you about."

With that said he turned around again. If she didn't follow so be it. He only "cared" about her because she had her bloodline and also his. He didn't know if she was the child or grandchild of them. One was his nemesis and the other s person he would say, family.

To have met someone in the lower realm to be a descendant of them was more than a joke of fate.

Lara was unsure. Her father was gone and the man whom she didn't even know walked leisurly away. Told her to follow him and see the truth for herself. Just why was her mind yelling at her to trust him, that he didn't want anything bad.

"Just go all in Lara, you don't have anything more to lose anyway."

With big strides she walked till she was a step behind the man and followed him. She didn't know where their goal was but she wanted answers and maybe see for herself if the place high atop the peak was really that beautiful.