||Chapter 2: WHERE AM I? ||
For what felt like a eternity pain drizzled down throughout my entire body, the purple, bright light shun upon my eyes with purity. Within a matter of seconds, something within the form of a cloud started to enter my view. The wind bloomed and slashed with no hesitation but rather something that felt like an awakening. I had absolutely completely no idea of what was happening, but what I did know was that something big was about to happen, and that came from my thoughts as an experienced manhwa creator, with that, my eyes closed.
I began to open my eyes as I repeated, "what's happening? Uhh I feel so weak within my body... Arghh!" Pain, death, agony all spread throughout my mind, flash backs I had no familiarity with started to expand throughout both my mind, and body. Some of the flashbacks included someone I felt like I had seen before, yet he had a blurry face. It was like it was purposely blocked away from me. Other flashbacks mostly included a family I did not know calling me within the range of words 'SON' of course the words were hard to hear as well and after a few minutes, my eyes opened.
The bright sun shun upon my eyes which had seem to become more observant, I had no idea what I was on top of. It felt really uncomfortable and seemed to be extremely hard, my body felt paralysed but after what seemed like a perpetuity I finally was able to get up. As soon as I began to get up I saw my own hands, but they weren't mine? I could almost tell instantly that something was different, I began to slowly look around, to find something like a book, or whatever could've gave me information of what was happening.
I could not handle my curiosity and had found many items which I would've never thought I would see in my life. There were items labelled 'Magic potion's ', 'The Book Of Arcane', 'The Unknown Hunter', and of course many more. I tried to investigate more information but they were written in an unknown language. At some point I just gave up, there was no point in investigating a dead end. But within a matter of moments, something peaked my interest, and that was the fact that there was a mirror. I knew something was wrong with me so obviously I quickly went over to it.
But as I took each step, my heart began pumping faster, it got to the point where I was only half way there, yet I was about to have a heart attack, but I calmed down. I took a couple more deep breaths, then progressed closer and closer to the mirror. The mirror was built very interesting, it seemed to be made out of stone, and the edges of the glass which were in my sight were transparent. It had been painted white and black which reminded me of darkness, and with that. I was onto my final step.
I began to wonder, "what happened? Where am I?" As I began to take the final step. My heart was in so much pain, my curiosity had reached it's peaked and finally I took the final step. I was looking at my shoes, then realised I was looking down. I began to look up with wonder and as my eyes reached the blurry figure, I screamed. "WHAT WHO THE FU-"
|| To Be Continued ||
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