A few months passed…
Curtis turned four and has had magic lessons for almost every day since Daphne started tutoring him. I have continued to watch them when I can. Sometimes I watch it from inside, but if I do go outside I make sure I am thoroughly protected. Daphne does not care if I come out anymore, instead just gifting me with an ugly look and then ignoring me for the rest of the time.
Summer came and went, and I still have shown no signs of receiving my magic. Everyone, except Darra, is still making fun of me at school. I told Momma about it during the Summer, so at the beginning of the school year she told the school about it. They said they would watch out for it, but nothing like that has happened. I even told my teacher one time, but all she did was give the bullies a verbal warning, and it just made things worse for me. Momma has asked if I wanted to transfer to another school, but I said no because I doubt it would be better anywhere else. Plus Darra wouldn’t be there.
During this time, however, Curtis has been progressing really quickly with his own magic. Or at least that is what I have heard from Daphne, Momma, and Daddy. It took Curtis only four months to master the basics of mana control. Which involved incantations, mana migration, and magic imagery. Normally, it takes at least a year—for kids older than him—to figure it out. Daphne even admitted it took her half a year when she first started learning magic.
Hopefully, Daphne does not think it is because of her teaching that Curtis is doing well. It is mediocre at best. I do not want her to get more big-headed than she already is. Curtis is just frustratingly gifted. If I had magic though, I would probably be the same, or better.
Daphne thought that the entire year she was here would be devoted to teaching him the basics of mana control, and was not prepared to teach him anything beyond it.
Right now she is taking some time off to plan out what she will teach him next. During which, Momma has demanded Curtis to take a break from practicing magic. Curtis of course said he would, even though I could tell he really did not want to.
I turned out to be right, too. Since today, right now, I have caught him red-handed using magic in our bedroom.
Momma had to go to a school thing for Daphne, so they both are not home. Daddy's home, but he is doing some work stuff in his study. Curtis probably thought that this was his only chance to practice magic during his break.
I had been reading downstairs for a bit when I had a sudden urge to look for Curtis. Before he had started the magic lessons, he spent most of his time downstairs either in Daddy’s study or the television room. Which is why I found it odd that he was not there.
When I walked into our bedroom, Curtis had already performed the spell. In his small hands was a staff made of water. I hate to admit it, but it looks cool. The water has a definite shape, but is still moving within. While on the surface, ripples formed whenever Curtis shifted his hands slightly.
“Heh—Hi, Zaya.”
Curtis’s voice is laced with worry. His face and body tightened. I could not help but smile at the display. For the first time in a while, it actually feels like he is his age. Along with his short, messy blonde hair and mix-match clothing suitable for a four-year old.
He knows that I can get him in trouble now. This should be fun.
“What’cha doing there?” I asked Curtis, knowing full well what he is doing.
“Ummm… nothing,” he stammered, fidgeting with the water staff. “Or well, just some magic.”
He knows there is no reason to lie.
“Momma said you can’t use magic right now.”
“I know, but…”
“I am going to tell Daddy.”
I told Curtis that, but I am probably not going to. It is just funny seeing terror flood into his face.
“No, wait,” he pleaded as I turned around, acting like I was about to run down to get Dad.
I felt a sudden intensity behind me.
A pressure wrapped around my stomach and knocked me on my butt. I yelped from the fall. Landing on the carpeted floor. The pain came after.
Before I could even identify what the pressure on my stomach was with my eyes, my hands instinctively went to grab at it. Shockingly, it turns out that it is wet. With that discovery, I immediately looked down to see that my hands were grabbing a water pole. Or well, a water pole that had curved itself around my stomach. It looked similar to the staff that Curtis had been holding moments ago.
I looked back to see that Curtis was in fact still holding his staff, except it was now longer than before. It reached me from where he was standing, curving around my body to make a large cane shape.
Wait, did Curtis just attack me?, I thought. I mean it did not hurt that bad, but he still used magic on me. That’s crazy. Why would he do that? Even his face looks a little scarier. With eyes, narrow and glazed, and lips curled downwards.
“I was just kidding, you jerk!”
A deep anger bubbled its way up. Why did he attack me with his magic?, I thought. Why does he already have magic? That is not fair. Why is he good at magic? It does not make sense.
I have to stay stronger than him. He is my little brother, he can’t be stronger than me, even if he has magic, right?
“I’m… I’m sorry, Zaya. I don’t—”
Curtis tried to apologize. His face was back to normal as well. He even canceled his magic, making his water cane disappear, but it was too late. I have already made up my mind. He needs to know that I am stronger than him.
From my fallen position, I leap towards Curtis. Not allowing him to finish his apology. I do not want to harm him, of course, I just want to pin him to the ground. Warping my arms around Curtis, and trapping his own, I start spinning around in hopes of making him lose his balance. I had to make sure to stay in the middle of our beds, though. I did not want to run into those.
As I planned, Curtis lost his balance after a few spins, allowing me to toss him to the ground. Giving me the advantage.
Or at least, that is what I thought at first.
Curtis instead rolled and shot back up to his feet before I could get my body on top of his. Which would not have happened if I had thrown him towards one of the beds.
He is also closer to the door now. If he wants, he can escape. I figured it would be all right to throw him in that direction because he would not get off the ground quickly. A mistake that might cost me the chance to prove I am stronger than Curtis. I do not care if Momma and Daddy find out. Most likely I am going to get in trouble anyways.
There was no need to worry however. Instead of running out the door, Curtis came right for me. He did not look angry either, just determined.
“Bla delato plote e-sin!” Curtis breathed before our bodies clashed together.
Being a head taller than him and four years older, I should have the physical advantage. Yet, Curtis and I were stuck in a battle of strength. Neither of us could get the other to the ground. Curtis tries going for my legs, but I smack him off. I try picking him up, but he wiggles free from my grasp. This back-and-forth went on for a bit.
Somehow, he was not getting tired. Whatever magic spell he used must be helping him. All I need to do is to get him to the ground. My next attack will do it.
Breathing heavily, I used my fleeting strength to toss Curtis off of me again. He backpedaled away and kept himself from falling backwards. Before launching my finisher, I need time to catch my breath. Thankfully, Curtis also took this time to take a break.
“Let’s stop,” he said.
Is he worrying about me?, I thought. He sounded concerned. Like if we continue, one of us will get hurt. Maybe Curtis is right. I do not want to hurt him badly in an accident. Even if he has more energy than me, I am confident that I will still win. That is what makes me want to continue. So…
I shut down Curtis’s offer.
Without a moment of hesitation after my answer, I tripped.
Or at least that is what I need Curtis to think.
“Ah,” I cried, trying to make it seem real.
You are reading story The Conqueror’s Sister at novel35.com
If Curtis takes the bait and jumps on me, then I win, I thought. All I will have to do is roll over to pin him. He will not be able to stop that. I am bigger than him, so it makes sense.
I collapsed to the floor, right in front of Curtis. Which I think caught him off guard because he did not move right away. Now, I wait a few moments.
He did not move. Instead, he spoke…
“Bla eskel…”
Water fell. As if a cloud spawned over me and decided to dump all the rain at once. My entire body, except my head, got drenched.
Before I could react, Curtis finished his spell.
My body stiffened.
I can’t move. I am trying but being stopped. All I feel is wetness. A stream that stings my body still. Only my head is free to move. I am stuck looking left since I am laying on my stomach and my shoulders are unmovable. Looking down, I can see a thin layer of water molded around my shoulder.
“Huh?” I couldn’t help but voice my confusion.
This is Curtis’s magic water. He poured it on top of me. But why can I not move? It is just water. Sure it is magic, but I thought it still acted like water. Yet, no matter how much I struggle, it is keeping me down.
“Curtis!” I cried. “What’s this? Let me out!”
“Are you going to fight still?”
No, no, no. Did I lose? That should not be possible. Curtis is smaller and younger than me. Is magic just that strong? Or is Curtis just that strong? If I had magic, would I have won?
No, this is not over. Come on body! Force yourself out! Ahhhhh…
“Zaya, stop.”
His small voice is so deceiving. He sounds like a normal four-year-old, but acts anything but normal. It is so frustrating, but he is still standing over me. I can see his feet. If I could just grab his leg, I can still win.
“I’ll get out!”
“If you had magic, this would not work. You would get rid of it.”
“Well, I don’t, but I will still get out.”
“No, Zaya—”
“I will! I’ll… I’ll…”
Did Curtis’s magic water get to my eyes?
No, those are tears. Is crying all that I can do right now? Of course I am sad and frustrated. My little brother is already stronger and better than me. The bullies at school are right. I am a weak Weddler. Even if I end up getting magic, I will still be puny. It is too late now. I realized this a long time ago, but I did not want to admit it.
Is this going to be my life? Never being able to take care of myself. Always made fun of for my lack of magic. While Curtis will just get more powerful. Momma and Daddy will never have to worry about him. He will be praised for his strength. I will be forgotten in his shadow.
“Zaya, I’m sor—”
The stream calmed. Curtis’s magic water dispersed. Leaving the pathetic me, a soggy sock, sprawled in a puddle. The magic is gone, but I do not want to move.
“It isn’t fair, Curtis.”
I decided to talk after soaking up for a few moments.
“You are only four, and you already have magic. Not only that, you’re smart and strong. I don’t think any kid your age could do this. You’re such a pain.”
“Zaya, s—”
“I’m so jealous of you!”
Did Curtis try to say something? I do not know. I just want to talk.
“I’m jealous… Did you take my magic? I don’t know if that is possible. If it is, maybe you don’t know that you did. It just doesn’t make sense! Why are you gifted magic, while I am forgotten? The doctor said my manucible is healthy, but it still has not awakened. I’ll never forgive you.”
“Zaya, stop! My head!”
What is Curtis saying? As I was talking, I balled myself up, mimicking a roly poly to the best of my ability. I do not want to see or hear anything outside my shell.
“It hurts.”
What hurts? Uncurling, sitting on my knees, I expected to see Curtis staring at me. Arms crossed with some annoying look on his face. Probably thinking about how pathetic his older sister is. I was not expecting to see him collapse and scream into oblivion.
His little body rolled across the ground. Periodically stopping to violently stretch or heave. All the while Curtis yelled to stop or his head was hurting. It was a frightening display. Curtis’s hands were wildly scratching through his sweaty blonde hair. While he constantly blinked his eyes and tightened a gradually reddening face. All I could do was watch as this unfolded.
“Curtis? What’s happening? What are you doing?”
“Zaya, Curtis, what are you guys doing up there? Are you alright?” Daddy called from downstairs. His voice booming from downstairs.
Oh, right, Daddy. Daddy is a doctor. He can help. Curtis’s magic is starting to leak from him as well. Coming in weak and powerful spurts from random spots on his body. It is starting to look really serious. Why is this happening? Curtis was fine just a moment ago.
“Dad—Daddy! Come up here! Curtis… Curtis is—”
Wait. What is this feeling? It is suddenly chilly. My goosebumps are responding to the wetness of my clothes. My room feels like a freezer. The cold is making everything slow down around me. Daddy’s footsteps are a distant echo. Curtis’s movements are leisurely painful. His screaming an unhurried ring. Only the chattering of my teeth is correctly paced.
I need something warm. In front of me, I can feel something warm. What is it? I need it. It can only be Curtis or the door. I need to get closer.
As I crawled forward, the warmth increased. It has to be Curtis. Heated air surrounds him. His skin is making a faint glow. Now, if I just hug him, this chilliness should go away. I spread my arms around Curtis and pressed my body against his. The freezing air slowly switched to a comfortable warmth. Then, it went black.
I felt nothing. I hear nothing. I smell nothing.
Am I dreaming? How long have I been here? I can’t tell.
Eventually, I saw again, but I was no longer in my room.
POV: ???
There used to be an Evil Conqueror that ruled another world. A world where magic is unheard of, but superpowers are common. There is a larger percentage of people without superpowers in this world, but those with superpowers tend to live better lives. Some use their powers for good. Some for evil. Others use it to rule. With a fickle power balance, this world rarely knows peace. Those born to rule constantly fight for supremacy. Even the Evil Conqueror, who had the entire world in his palm for the longest period of time, ended up being defeated. He was known by many, and referred to by various names and titles. Though, the only relevant name and title now for this Evil Conqueror is Curtis Shyes, Zaya’s little brother.