After discovering a recognizable guild base I messaged everyone to arrive back in the meeting room stating that it was like Walpurgis. The advent of players that don't include us is scary given they are probably on our level of power, while we were definitely one of the more powerful guilds I will not allow us to be sloppy when fighting an unknown enemy.
The meeting room for our mini Walpurgis is being held in a room that looks very similar to the one depicted in the anime, the only difference is that everything is made of Ice, from the massive table to each of the seven chairs.
Testarossa was the last to arrive and take her seat beside Diablo. Deciding it is best to be blunt with the information, is something I do frequently and I'm often hassled for it.
[Guy Crimson]"I, Carrera, and Misery discovered another continent, we have drawn our own conclusions but this isn't YGGDRASIL, the geography is completely different to even Midgard. There are humans, also a lot of demi-humans that actively hunt them, dragons are also common it seems." some of them gasp, some in worry but others smirk at the news.
[Carrera]"That's not the point of this though, while the continent is a big discovery and the prospect of other, life present there is also the distinct appearance of... another guild base... it has been identified as Eryuentiu, a floating castle over the southernmost desert on the new continent." she says with a sigh of exasperation.
[Misery]"Before opinions on what we do from here... we need to practice our abilities, I am aware that Diablo is doing so but the rest of us should follow suit, we have no clue the power level of this world and with other players roaming it is hazardous to test." my sister says with a worrying tone.
[Diablo]"I propose that myself and Guy head to a Demi-Human area, test our abilities on them and retreat if anything happens, we have to leave at some point, "
[Testarossa]"There is one thing none of you have realized, " she says with an apathetic tone.
[Ultima]"What is it?" she says slightly worried.
[Rain]"It can't be that disastrous that you haven't told us sooner, what is it?" my sister says.
[Testarossa]"We don't know these players, which means their race can't be identified as of now, but what if they are human players? they won't live forever whereas we are immortal... thinking that I will live for thousands of years is scary... I mean I'm 26 for god sake. Even if the players weren't present... we couldn't integrate ourselves with humanity, start a family has a husband, and be human. I may just be venting but the seven of us will be at some point the oldest in this world but still look the same. What's hard is I see you all as siblings and I always dreamt to one day be a mother and while still possible, I will still be here 1000 generations from now looking the same, I know it is straying from the topic but it is something for you all to think about." she says letting a tear roll down her cheek.
[Guy Crimson]"I didn't think of that... I am sorry Testa..." I say sadness lacing my voice, her words were worth considering. The only ones who could ensure the possibility of immortal children only we could do so, humans, elves, or others their lives are too short at least for us.
After quite a while of comforting Testarossa we had moved to the previous topic, what we had agreed on was me and Diablo would venture outside the continent equipping a World Item for protection, and the girls would stay behind and train their abilities and get acquainted with world items that were suited to their build if they weren't doing that all but Misery and Rain would patrol the outskirts of the Ice continent. While they were patrolling Misery and Rain would scour the Atlas looking for things we previously missed, they were to report any findings that could prove useful in the future.
With all said and done our very first Walpurgis came to a close, I and Diablo began walking in the direction of the treasury where all of the World Items are kept.
[Guy Crimson]"So, what was your opinion on what Testa said I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the matter," I inquired given he was pretty quiet when the topic was being discussed.
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[Diablo]"Well... do you promise you won't repeat what I'm about to say?" he asked while being a bit fidgety and nervous.
[Guy Crimson]"Oh come on man we have known each other a long time, I can keep your secrets you should know this, "
[Diablo]"I-I kinda had a small crush on Testa before we arrived here, " he said but turned slightly red from embarrassment.
[Guy Crimson]"HAHAHA, oh man but what about now it's not as if she is worse looking than before, and how long have you been refusing to tell her, "I said smirking at his beet red face.
[Diablo]"I-I had this crush for a... a couple of years now but I didn't want to ruin the friend group, because with her being an exception you are like siblings to me, but she is just... different and kinda hurt when I was also classed as a sibling on her part, " he exclaimed with a depressing tone.
[Guy Crimson]"Well, you aren't wrong about possibly making things awkward if you confess and she denies, but then again I've been single all my life what do I know, given what she had just said during Walpurgis she wants to be a mother in the future and only you or I can provide that, all I can say is its a leap of faith as to if she accepts or not, "I say attempting to cheer him up, not letting the depressing atmosphere get worse.
[Diablo]"I-Ill keep it in mind, " he says smiling at my previous statement.
We arrived at the treasury, the door to enter the room was massive towering over any normal-sized person, when the door opened the glow from the room lit up the darker hallway we had just come from.
The World Item that I came here to retrieve was classed as a melee weapon and was made out of the most potent known element inside YGGDRASIL, while the name was nothing impressive it did boast the best stats any weapon the game had.
It was named Demon Sword World and the material that it used was known as Star Heart, it was best used for someone who possessed a negative karma value, the closer the value got to -500 the better the stats were.
It also had the ability to be a direct counter to players, NPCs, and even other traditional mobs that had a positive karma rating with the same sort of principle as before. That means if someone has 500 positive karma while a -500 player is wielding this weapon and are on the same level you are able to kill the target in a single hit.
Diablo picked up a pair of gauntlets that possessed extendable claws, this World Item was very strong for Diablo because this item was like an upgrade on a previous ability he possesses, it deals more piercing and bleed damage and prevents the target from healing from any source like potions and magic.
The item can also be combined with magical properties to make it stronger, enhancing the World Item with any of the main elements gives different effects and debuffs on the target. This World item is named "Devils Hand" and was one of the first World Items we collected as a guild.
[Guy Crimson]"Are you ready to go?" I asked him while strapping the sword to my hip.
[Diablo]"Yes... let us go back to the map room to let them know of our departure, " he said opening a purple portal with the *Gate* spell