Chapter 5: The Tail of Animus

Seconds after the chiseling noises start, I hear a crack and as if stung by a bee I gaze at the faint light shining through it, only to be blinded when whatever is above my head shatters into fragments. Instinctively I close my eyes and not a moment to soon as it all rains down on my head.

Audibly groaning from the brightness, I feel my eyes burning despite having them closed. The chiseling continues and I want to look up at what's happening only to hear a crazed laugh and screech.


His loud screech causes the memories of the crazy maniacal doctor to flood my mind, panicked I try to move backwards only to feel my back bump into the wall.

While lost in my panic, I'm suddenly grabbed by my neck and lifted out of the strange liquid making me scream in fear and anger. "LET ME GO! WHY ALWAYS MY NECK?!"

Desperately I try to get loose but try as I might my limbs are too weak to move properly. That same moment the man holding me sighs softly "I'm sorry dear, but it's precautionary protocol"

Taken aback by the genuine empathy in his voice I try to look behind me, but due to his hand I'm unable to.

"Now before we do anything, let's get her dressed"

Distracted by the lively feminine voice, her words and thus the realization I'm no longer wearing clothes fail to register.

A moment later I catch a glimpse of a leg in skin-tight gray jeans before I feel something touching my skin. I try to lift my head to see more but due to the man's grip I can barely move.

"Heh, you could say she's purrfect"

Immediately the doctor's crazed and excited humming stops "You, OUT!"

Cheekily the girl chuckles "But you need me"

Annoyed the doctor groans "Che, Fine but stay silent"

Giggling the girl disappears from my view entirely followed by the doctor. With a defeated sigh I hang my head and simply gaze at the blurry looking white floor.

The man holding me most likely noticed as he suddenly begins to talk. "Now we just do some tests and scans, okay?"

Overwhelmed by the experience itself and the sudden kindness of the man and girl, I'm unable to keep my emotions under control and silently cry while the man carries me away.

With my vision even more blurry from tears, I'm unable to keep track of where we are, but once the flooring changes from plain white to a white polished floor with seams of silver and blue, I somehow feel more at ease.

After a while we pass through a door frame and enter a gray composite paneled room where I'm gently laid down on my back on an examination table. "Please stay down and move as little as possible"

Immediately after being laid down I turn my head and try to look around realizing I'm in a room similar to an x-ray chamber, a moment later my eyes fall on the girl and I try to take a better look.

Mildly tanned skin, casual attire in the shape of a tight white and purple baseball jacket worn above a skinny pair of gray jeans. A wide excited smile adorns her smooth oval face making her look gorgeous yet approachable. Loose silvery-gray hair flows down onto her waist and when she looks down towards me her green eyes sparkle from excitement. Her kind expression and posture ease my mind. With the panic fading I can finally breathe normally and exhale deeply.

Grabbing her attention she bows forward to meet my gaze and smiles even wider while she tucks her hair behind her ear. "She looks so amazing"

Feeling the need to yawn, I try to suppress it yet fail causing the girl to squeal in excitement "Ahw so cute!"

Suddenly the doctor begins to speak and sounds strangely normal "Vitals appear to be slightly higher than normal but stable"

Once again looking around I spot a few cabinets against the wall and a large glass window through which I can vaguely see the doctor moving.

Having calmed down significantly I gaze towards the window "W-What did you d-do to me?"

The doctor raises his finger to silence me yet the girl grabs a stool and sits down beside me. "Are you familiar with Animus?"

Having no clue what she means I try to shake my head but groan softly from the dizziness that follows.

"Careful now, you're very weak. Can you tell me how many fingers I'm holding up?"

Gazing through the blurriness I try to focus on her fingers yet I keep seeing double "T-Two.. no Thrrree"

Slowly shaking her head she smiles "No dear, I'm holding up four"


She lowers her hand and nods "Can you count down from ten to zero?"

You are reading story Transcendence to Guardian of Subsistence at

Faintly nodding I relax my body and gaze at the scanner above me "Ten, n-nine, eight, s-seven, six, f-five, fourrr, thrrreee, t-two, one, zero"

Softly chuckling she nods "Good, aside from a little stuttering, you seem to be well. Now, a slightly more complicated question. Do you know who you are?"

Taken aback by her question my first thought is that'd be obvious yet when I try to think of my name, I can't recall a thing causing me to groan "I… I know I-I'm me, but…"

Alarmed she turns her head while her eyebrows slowly furrow together "But?"

"I can't rrremember my name"

While her frown deepens she moves her stool closer "Do you know who your parents are?"

Thinking for a moment I sigh "I think I know the last name… but…"

Disappointed she shakes her head "Forgotten their names too?"

Slowly nodding I begin to feel incredibly sad yet guilty and look up "S-Sorrr-"

Holding up her hand to silence me, she simply smiles "Naomi, Mithra, Estelle, Mary, Vivianne, recognize any of them?"

Having no sense of familiarity with any of the names she mentioned I remain silent for a moment before shaking my head "No…"

Looking back into my eyes her expression softens from pity "Your name is Naomi Valefor"

Unsure what to do with the information I give her an empty stare "It is?"

Meekly smiling she nods "Well… it used to be, seeing you're no longer the person you used to be, you'll be given a new name. So don't worry about not remembering"


Stunned by her words I simply gaze towards the scanner, I want to raise my hand to place it on my forehead but she gently pushes it back down. "Don't, you need to rest"

Overwhelmed by the information I've just received I simply sigh "Okay…"

Her lips once again curve into a kind smile "Thank you, now I know all of this is incredibly confusing and that you already feel overwhelmed, but to give you some answers I'll explain it as simple as I can. We humans here on earth, are all children of the gods. However as there are many other planets like ours some more dangerous than others, we have been granted special powers by said gods. Not everyone has these powers and in most cases it will never awaken. We call this power Animus."

With a wider smile she gazes into my eyes "Still able to follow?"

Despite a raging headache I try to nod but my body feels so heavy I can't manage to move. Instead I slowly close my eyes "uhu"

After a gentle chuckle her expression turns rather grim "As for those you have seen when you were brought here..."

Having no idea what she means, I gaze into her saddened eyes. A few seconds later I feel my body turning cold and my eyes widen when I suddenly remember the rabid mutated people in that dark, blood-stained room.

With a deep sigh she looks away for a moment before turning back "It seems you remember.. Well to explain, while Animus sounds amazing it has quite a few drawbacks. First because it almost never awakens, we need to be brought in an unconscious state while we're injected with a mixture of chemicals which forces the animus to awaken. We need to be unconscious because sometimes the body changes so much both the pain and change itself cause a person to lose their sanity and in some cases resulted in the death of the patient."

Hearing her explanation, I can't help but swallow a lump down my throat before once again focusing on her words.

"Secondly, Animus can have two charges, respectively Angelic or Demonic, named after the effect it has on people. In a very simple comparison you could say that Angelic animus causes a person to become quite passive, reluctant of conflict and yearn for peace. While a Demonic charge causes the exact opposite. Depending on the balance, willpower and desires of the patient the greatest horrors can be born, from a simple selfish person to criminals to mass murderers, it all depends on those factors."

When she pauses for a moment, I can't help but frown when fragments of past memories flash through my mind.

[Balance.. Didn't they mention that? The perfect balance? Yes, that's what they called it.]

Not knowing how to feel about those memories I decide to try and speak.

[For better or worse, I need to know. I don't want to turn into a rabid monster.]

"W-What about me? D-Didn't they say I had the perf-"

With a beaming smile she nods before grabbing my hand making me realize she has incredibly soft skin. "What about you? We've been looking for someone like you for decades! You possess an incredibly rare trait. A perfect balance between Angelic and Demonic, equal to the millionth percentile. A trait which legends claim to allow you to reach divinity"