Chapter 10: Consequences

Hearing her words a shiver runs down my spine "Subjects?"

Realizing her slip up she groans "Sorry, I didn't mean to use that word. Officially you're all registered as subjects. Although I despise the term, HQ won't let us change it. Officially you're registered as Subject Zero Zero Three, Alias Leone"

A bit nervous I fiddle with my thumbs "I see… Why that numberr though?"

Hearing my curiosity she smiles and pushes me out of the room "The first number can range from one to four, one being pure angelic and four being pure demonic, the zero is for a balance with less than half a percentage deviation to either side. The last two numbers are simply the number assigned to your case. Meaning you're our third patient with less than half a percentage deviation. But aside from the fact you're the closest to a perfect balance, to us you're just Leone"

Hearing her words calm my mind a little and while she pushes me through multiple hallways, I just close my eyes and try to calm my tense heartbeat and breathing.

[Haa... Who would have thought this would happen after being woken up from that dream by Emma…]

Balling my hands I slowly shake my head and sigh.

[It's in the past now, time to look at the future, or rather… reality. Zhloe and Danny mean well and they're quite kind, but that doesn't exactly change the fact I'm a living science project. I wonder how many people have gone through this…]

After a few more minutes, she stops near a large four meter wide window. "Look, these are the forty-eight, fifty-two's"

Curious about their name I look up causing her to smile "It refers to their balance, as you might have gathered by now, the closer to a perfect balance the less risks involved to the treatment. While generally speaking the closer to the balance the more potent the results, aside from core staff, the people here are the strongest and best trained in this facility"

Peeking inside I see a large living room of about sixty square meters, filled with multiple comfortable looking couches made from a gray cloth, a large and solid looking dinner table made from a type of metal with a wooden top, while on the side there's even something that resembles an air-hockey table. Taking a better look at the people sitting on the couches, I realize multiple of them have non-human features, like ears, horns or even scales.

Slightly baffled I look back at Zhloe "So I'm not the only one with cat earrs?"

Chuckling at my rolling 'r' she shakes her head "No you're not, yet you're one of the handful with a tail and the only one with the complete package. I can actually only think of one other person with a tail combined with other features."

Intrigued to hear about that person I look up, but when she shakes her head I simply look back into the room. "So basically everryone has one orr the otherr?"

With a smug smile she nods "And none of them speak like you do"

Audibly groaning I hang my head "Don't make fun of it"

With a chuckle she shakes her head "I'm not"

Unconvinced I look up and raise an eyebrow causing her to giggle "Okay.. I was, but it's kinda cute"

Sighing I shake my head in defeat only to nearly leap out of the chair when a loud crash sounds as something smashes into the window on my right. Startled I immediately look to see what it was only to gaze into the hazel eyes of a brown haired girl wearing a wide smile while she points at me before sticking up her thumb. "CUTE!"

Blushing brightly causes both the girl and Zhloe to laugh "That's Samira, the only other patient here with a zero rating."

Looking at Samira and waving back once she waves goodbye I look back up at Zhloe "So what makes her special compared to let's say.. other patients?"

Smiling she follows my gaze inside "This actually goes for almost all of the patients in this group, but they're basically normal humans, slightly faster, slightly stronger than 'normal' human limits."

Nodding in understanding she continues "Where as you.. well frankly we can't tell as of now. You're super human in speed and strength, a day after waking up you'd wipe the floor with any of them. It kind of makes me wonder if the legend really is true"

Thinking about her earlier words while gazing into the living room, I sigh softly.

[Gods and divinity huh.. This sounds like some weird fantasy novel, even compared to my dreams this is getting weirdly specific.]

Most likely Zhloe noticed my inner dialogue turning for the worse as she suddenly chuckles and pushes me back down the hall. "You'll most likely meet some of them in the coming days, but first I want you to rest up properly. Tomorrow we'll do more testing to actually find the limits of your physical abilities okay?"

Appreciating her distracting me from my depressing thoughts and kind words I nod while a faint smile forms on my lips "Yeah"

Halfway back to my room, we encounter Danny who looks rather grim "Zhloe, hold on"

Frowning she stops and looks up "What's wrong?"

You are reading story Transcendence to Guardian of Subsistence at

Groaning his expression turns even worse before he rubs his forehead "Order from HQ, we're to re-acclimate Leone"

Zhloe instantly loses her composure and nearly screams in return "THEY WHAT?!"

With a deep sigh he looks towards my confused face before looking back at Zhloe "I had the same reaction, but it's the rule after…"

Her face pales and she hangs her head in defeat "So..?"

With a grave expression he nods "Yeah.. It's the head of research Kae"

Dreading the answer I look up "So..?"

Zhloe turns her head towards me and wears a complicated expression "Remember how I said there were some in critical condition?"

While I give her a slow nod, cold sweat breaks out and I feel my back getting soaked.

Seeing Zhloe has trouble saying it, Danny hunches down before placing his hand on mine. "It would seem.. either your claws are poisoned or there were still traces of chemicals on them from the treatment."

Realizing what he means my eyes slowly widen while my face turns pale, my heart feels as if it can be crushed under the weight at any moment. "I.. I k-killed somebody..?"

When he nods it feels as if the weight on my shoulders quintuples and is about to swallow me whole. The sweating gets worse, my hands begin to tremble while tears form in my eyes. A knot forms in my stomach and my throat feels as if it's being squeezed shut.

Unable to do anything I gaze into nothingness while my brain is trying to process it all. I have no idea how much time passes until I startle from feeling a hand cup my cheek and see Zhloe hunched down before me. "Calm down darling… This isn't your fault. You told them to stay away when you realized you were losing control, you did all you could. Even protocol states they had to wait for reinforcements before entering yet they did anyway. While it's true your claw is the cause, it isn't your fault any more than it is mine."

Her words somewhat ease the pressure causing me to look up when Danny sighs "However.. HQ still insists we re-acclimate you"

Confused I look up "Which means?"

Zhloe stomps her foot and seems to be fuming "Completely unnecessary, but it's the chamber you came from"

Immediately all of the blood that had returned drains from my face once again "W-Why?"

They both shake their head but Zhloe is too angry to reply so Danny gives me a compassionate smile "It's proven to stabilize the Animus in patients, however in your case it's already more stable than we've ever seen so I really don't get the use of this."

Zhloe curses indistinctly before sighing deeply when she sees the tears rolling down my cheeks.

Defeated I hang my head, my mind is eerily silent and I only feel that strange pressure eating away at my conscience "Just.. just do it"

She grabs my hand "Don't you want anything to eat of drink before?"

Listless I shake my head "Just do it"

With a very deep sigh she softly strokes my head "Alright then dear, we'll see you in three days. Danny, could you?"

He nods "Yeah.."

Gently lifting me out of the chair he sighs "Sorry darling"

Remaining silent, my gaze is set into the never ending distance that clouds my mind. An agonizing time later, he stops before giving me a kind yet complicated smile. "I'll make sure to have something nice for you when you wake up"

Flat and listless I gaze at his smile and despite the fog clouding my mind, I experience some support from his genuine compassion.

He then gently lowers me into the gel that fills the chamber. After giving me a tickle behind my ear, he pulls back his hands and a moment later the chamber closes quickly followed by a sting in my stomach which fills me with a strange burning sensation that slowly fades together with everything else.