Chapter 12: New Struggles

Startled from Zhloe's words I gaze into her eyes "Special agent?!"

While a faint smile shows on her face she nods "We are a military facility, while you're in the research center, it's still governed by the military. This is because most Animus awakenings result in a large increase in fighting capability"

With a deep sigh I hang my head "And the research being led by the military is part of the reason I've been involuntarily subjected to it as well?"

Flustered she tenses up for a split second before sighing "Yes... Yes it is. Since the new Legatus came to power, the animus treatments have been severely reduced in number, partially because you now have to be above twenty-one to be allowed the treatment, but you also need to apply for it two years in advance."

"During which most people learn about the risks and decide not to?"

With a nod she continues "Exactly, yet the main reason would most likely be that involuntarily treatment is seen as a crime against humanity and will be punished with the most severe punishment there is"

Groaning softly I rub the right side of my face "Almost sounds like a fantasy novel, Naomi the geeky fourteen year old schoolgirl to Leone the special agent"

With a chuckle she shakes her head before looking back up with a comforting smile "Don't worry too much yet, you'll most likely attend school for some time before becoming an agent"

Laughing from awkwardness I cover my face "It rreally makes no sense for me rright now"

Softly stroking my head she makes me look up "Even that is quite a while away, first we get you to acclimate. So don't worry too much."

Sighing deeply I nod and look back up "I'll trry"

Her comforting expression makes room for a more excited one as she stands up "Want something to eat?"

Feeling the emptiness in my stomach I rapidly nod "Yeah quite badly if I'm honest"

Chuckling she stands up and motions me to follow "Come, I readied some clothes for you, assuming you wish to change that is"

Looking down at the vaguely gray once white dress I take a sniff causing my face to turn sour "Oh god…" Coughing softly I look up causing her to burst into laughter. "Yeah… a change would definitely be a good idea, maybe even a shower"

Still laughing she points to the room "There's a bathroom attached to the room, so feel free to take a shower. Maybe even a bath, let me check"

Excited I follow her into the rather spacious room of about sixteen square meters. On my left against the wall next to the door is a very large built in closet with white sliding doors, on my right stands a small empty composite carbon fiber look desk, while immediately next to that stands a dresser made of the same material. Not far past the dresser is another sliding door which I assume leads to the bathroom. While in the middle of the room against the back wall stands a large double bed made with soft gray and white covers.

"Whoa.. luxurious"

Chuckling she walks towards the sliding door. "It's an employees apartment, so it's designed to be comfortably used nearly all year long." A moment later she walks through the door "Oh, no bath it seems, yet quite a large shower."

Rapidly dashing towards her I gaze inside only to see a relatively small yet spacious bathroom. The floor is tiled with deep black natural stone while the walls have a light brown veined tile. On the right a large rain shower system has been mounted on the wall behind a glass door. Right in front of me stands a white marble and charcoal composite double sink vanity while on the left are both a toilet and a towel rack.

"Seeing the excited expression on your face I guess a shower is fine, take your time and enjoy once you're out I'll have something to eat for you"

Happily nodding I smile widely "Thank you! I loved showers"

Smiling she walks out of the room. Looking into the cabinets of the vanity I quickly find a towel and place it on the top, quickly tear off my dress before stepping into the shower while letting out a soft moan of excitement.

[Oh showers… have I missed you so much the past few days.]

Turning on the shower I'm surprised by how quickly it gets hot and the steam spreads through the room. I eagerly step underneath only to feel my skin crawl and all of my instincts urging me to get away causing me to scream out loud.

But a moment later an alarmed Zhloe runs into the bathroom "Leone! What's wrong?!"

Realizing I'm completely naked I immediately turn bright red and try to cover myself up before grabbing the towel and hiding behind it. "It.. It felt so weirrd and wrrong"

Softly giggling she looks from me to the shower and back "I guess now that you're part feline you'll have to get used to water feeling different as well"

With a groan of frustration I hang my head and watch her disappear from sight. Looking back at the shower I sigh deeply before walking towards it and carefully poking the water.

[Why did it feel so weird? I mean, this seems to be fine…]

Carefully sticking in my arm I still feel fine, only when my head gets wet shivers run down my spine which only get worse once my tail gets soaked.

You are reading story Transcendence to Guardian of Subsistence at

"Aaah this feels so wrong"

The shower that followed might have been the shortest and most rushed shower of my entire life and I can't manage to relax until I've thoroughly dried my head and tail to the best of my ability.

Faintly shivering from the cool air in the bathroom a faint smile forms on my face [Way better.]

With a sigh of relief I walk back into the room where I see a small stack of clothes on the bed. On top lies a pair of briefs with a hole on the back.

[Wait… why's there a hole in the ba- oh… right.]

With a ragging smile on my face because of my own stupidity, I quickly put on the briefs before carefully guiding my tail through the hole. Looking back at the pile I quickly put on the matching bra and white shirt only to notice there's a pair of jeans and a skirt.

"Hmm… Jeans!"

With some effort I manage to squirm myself into the black jeans and after making sure my tail is free I shake my head

[Never thought I'd ever have to worry about the hairs of my tail getting stuck in a seam.]

With a faint chuckle I stretch my back and yawn. Walking back into the living room, a girl with a complexion similar to that of Zhloe looks up and smiles "Enjoyed the shower?"

Realizing it's most likely Khloe, I take a better look now that I'm no longer too tired to keep my eyes open. An equally soft but slightly lighter tanned skin as her sister, yet both her hair and eyes are a different color. Deep ocean blue eyes paired with light ginger colored shoulder long hair makes her look completely different yet peculiarly similar to her sister. She appears to have an equally slender well proportioned build, this combined with the slight touch of makeup on her face make her appear rather cute.

Seeing her head turn makes me realize I've been staring at her for quite some time causing me to turn slightly red. To hide this I wildly shake my head "Not at all it frreaked me out"

In return she giggles softly "It's freaked, try it"



Groaning I desperately try not to roll the 'r' "Frreaked"

"Try to relax, it's just freaked"

Sighing deeply from annoyance I hang my head "I can't help it!"

Giggling she smiles "Yes you can, I believe in you. You're already making progress, try it again. Freaked"


"Almost had it there"

"Freaked" Realizing I finally managed to pronounce it without purring I squeal softly.

Widely smiling she nods "See, told you."

Slowly making my way to the couch I drop myself down only to squeak when I hurt my tail. Pulling it from underneath me I groan softly. "It's so strrange, I really feel like I'm a completely different person now"

Looking up she gives me an emphatic smile "Zhloe mentioned you have troubles with memory loss, what do you remember of who you were?"

Timid I shake my head before gazing at my knees which suddenly seem to look more solid than they used to. "Barely anything, the only thing I can clearly recall is my best friend Emma, yet even there I feel a lot of memories are vague or missing… I can't remember who my parents were except for a vague blur of their appearance, nor do I remember my house, my school or even my neighborhood. I only remember always having done my best to be able to migrate to the Alliance in hopes for a better life, yet that turns out to have been based on lies and deception giving false hope."

Suddenly Khloe turns her head towards the inlet of the room and yells "Say Sis, do we know where she lives now?"

Zhloe immediately responds "Yes we do"

Looking back at me Khloe smiles "Would it help to see your friend once again?"

Baffled by the fact they know exactly who I'm talking about I gaze at her before I turn red from embarrassment at the realization of my current situation.