Chapter 17: Secrets

With a curious smile Zhloe looks my way "What would you want to read?"

Scratching the back of my head, I giggle softly "Honestly, too much, but right now about Leone."

Smiling she nods before walking towards her desk and taking a tablet out of the drawer. "It's on a restricted network, so it is possible you're unable to access most sites."

"Thank you" Taking the tablet from her hands, I quickly turn it on and open the browser searching for Leone, yet every result is blocked.


Curious Khloe looks up "What's wrong?"

Groaning softly when yet another site ends up blocked I hang my head "Thirteenth result that's blocked"

She gives me a smile in return "Try the Holy Legion Public Library. HL-PBL.HL"

Frowning about the web address, I type it in only to gasp when the page loads and greets me with a massive collection of ebooks. "Whoa it's huge"

Smiling she nods "It's the go to for any type of book you might need"

Enthusiast I scroll through the massive list of featured books before searching for Leone. Yet when I'm about to open it, something in me hesitates.

[Should I?]

- I wouldn't recommend it, live your own life -

Startling from Leone's sudden reply, I tense up for a moment


Scrolling back up, I click on the news section only to burst into tears as I read the headlines and resulting reports.

Apparently Zhloe noticed my turmoil "Leone, everything alright?"

Slowly nodding I wipe the tears out of my eyes "Y-Yeah… I'm fine, I just can't believe this is trrue"

Khloe frowns "That what is true?"

Handing her the tablet makes her sigh "You were taught the Alliance were our saviors?"


Softly groaning Zhloe sighs "Seeing you're new and not an official agent, I'm not supposed to let you read this, but to ease your mind…"

Holding out her own tablet she gives me a meek smile "These are the reports of our last missions…"

After taking the tablet from her, I scan through the report only to stop and attentively read when it's about the living conditions of people in the Alliance.

Rather quickly I become so tense I begin to tremble "I-Is this truly how it is there?"

Defeated Khloe sighs "Yeah…"

Frowning due to the heavy emotional load embedded into her reply makes her continue. "I've been saved off the streets of the Alliance myself"

In return Zhloe sighs "Khloe is my real and biological sister, but I got saved when the city I was in for my college excursion was annexed… yet Khloe spent three more years on the streets. Seeing I was considered a defector she got shunned and harassed because of it."

Unsure what to say, I can't help but gaze at her with a pitied expression "Sorrry"

Khloe shakes her head "Don't be, I'm saved, I'm happy and the experience just made me stronger as a person. As for you…"

After standing up she opens the attachments of the reports "look at those"

Looking though the pictures and videos I start to feel highly agitated "That's how it truly is?!"

Zhloe nods causing my mind to flood with questions "What about my biological father then? He was an agent as well wasn't he? ARGH why can't I remember the details and why did my mom love Alliance agents so much as my stepfather also was one"

They both fall silent and Zhloe gives me an intense expression "Are you sure you want to know?"

Rather annoyed I nod "YES. Please tell me"

Zhloe takes her tablet back and quickly navigates towards a new report "I haven't read it myself, but.. James Valefor, this is who your biological father really is"

Hearing the name Khloe turns her head as if she remembers something but once I hold the tablet, my focus shifts to the information in front of me.

Reading the report, I near immediately read about his military achievements and rank of high lord causing a frown to form, yet as I keep reading that frown worsens and eventually I can't help but squeeze the tablet between my hands while my body changes from anger. "He lied… To me… to my mom… he was no high ranking commoner… HE'S THE BLOODY SON OF THEIR LEADER?!"

They both remain silent and Zhloe grabs the tablet to look at the report before looking back at me. "Then that means…"

Wildly shaking my head I look up "HELL NO! I might be his daughter in blood, but I definitely don't share that bastard's ideals!"

With tears of frustration and confusion I gaze at the ground while Zhloe groans. "Well… That's news to me"

"Sis… What if they find out?"

Clearly at a loss Zhloe winds a tress of her hair around her finger "I guess I cou-"

Determined I look up "How did you find out about my old name?"

Confused she frowns "By asking some of the others that were captured, I believe someone named Kato identified you."

Feeling hopeful I sit up "So you haven't actually found my ID?"

She shakes her head.

You are reading story Transcendence to Guardian of Subsistence at

"Then if I were to make sure it's never found… and were to make my digital history disappear… would anyone notice?"

Highly confused she frowns "How do you mean disappear? I can only look at your data, not edit it"

Softly sighing I wobble my leg impatiently "I mean, if I didn't start this conversation neither of you would have known about my relation to him, right?"

She nods again.

"So… if I were to change my name into unknown… nobody would?"

She frowns but shakes her head "In theory nobody would indeed, Khloe, Danny and I are the only ones who know about your full name."

Smirking I snatch the tablet out of her hands "Good. As I remember something after staring at the logo of this tablet"

Clearly surprised she remains silent while I tap through a series of menus, applications, options and files. "Found it!"

Confused her voice squeaks "Found what?"

Holding up the tablet in a demonstrative manner, I erase the name 'Valefor' and enter 'Unknown' before smashing the enter button. "There!"

Handing the tablet back causes her to gasp and look from me to the tablet and back "How did you…?"

Giggling softly I place my finger on my lips "Shh, I did nothing"

Khloe laughs while Zhloe stares at me in disbelief "Did you just hack our database?"

Innocently gazing at the ceiling I nod "Recalling some memories I tried to before…multiple times even, you know the whole ordeal, but I was never able to get into the internal network as they're physically separated, but seeing your tablet is connected to it…"

Alarmed she sighs "If someone looks at your file can they see it's edited?"

Smiling I shake my head "Not if they haven't looked at my last name specifically before. Easily explained, I basically copied the file, edited it, changed the system date of the tablet to the same date the original file was created. Then overwrote the original file while deleting all connected server logs. So if someone were to analyze it, they'd see the file has been changed, but on the same date it was uploaded. Other than that, even I wouldn't know how to find out if I didn't know in advance. The only issue lies in the backups, as long as they're there, someone might find out it's been changed yet even then it wouldn't be tracked back to your tablet"

She groans and drops herself next to Khloe on the couch "Don't EVER do something like that again"

Slowly nodding I look at my knees "I promise I won't, it was a bit of an impulse as I suddenly remembered you were holding an Archbox and remembered how to do all of it."

Rubbing her eyes she remains silent for a moment before sighing "So where's your ID?"

In thought I gaze at the ceiling "If it isn't here, I'd guess my bag wasn't with me when I was taken. So it'd probably be at the place I was taken."

Groaning softly I grab my temples as images of that day return "Fuzzy… an underground corridor? YES THERE! I ran into soldiers of yours while trying to flee. One of them emptied my bag in that corridor, I guess it fell out there."

Khloe groans and gives Zhloe an uncertain look "If somebody finds it…"

She groans as well and sighs "I'll talk about it with Danny"

Rubbing my temples I try to focus but only manage to give myself a headache by focusing too much "There's more… there was a reason I didn't want to hand over my bag… but I can't remember"

Zhloe smiles "Just take it easy, I don't want you collapsing on me, okay?"


Softly giggling Khloe gazes my way "How did you know what to do?"

Shrugging I look back at the ceiling "Not entirely sure, I used to be a geek"

Zhloe hums for a moment "Okay, I think I have an idea, I'll try and make contact with Emma."


She nods "Yes, as your best friend, she might be able to shine some light on your past and help us secure your ID and possessions."

Exhaling loudly I motion to my myself "I just don't know how to explain… this"

Khloe smiles "Easy! Just like we explained it to you"

Baffled at her enthusiasm I sigh and hang my head "But I don't even know what I am…"

Zhloe giggles and pats my head "Tired, that's what you are, take a nap for now, I have some other things to do first either way"

Looking up I give her a faint smile "Can I eat something first?"

She holds out her arm and looks at her smartwatch "Hmm, not yet. But Khloe can give you something to drink."

Eager I look at Khloe who smirks "Hold on, I got something!" Jumping up she dashes to the kitchen before coming back with a dish filled with milk. "Thought you'd like it"

Softly giggling I look at the dish in front of me while my cheeks turn slightly red "I shouldn't… but oh well"

Kneeling down next to the table I sniff at the liquid and purr softly when I recognize the smell of milk. "ooh!"

Sticking in my tongue I giggle "Okay this doesn't work at all" I carefully lift up the dish and place it against my lips before taking a small sip, purring loudly as it tastes great.

Zhloe chuckles "Alright enough fooling around, now go take a nap okay?"

Yawning I nod and get up before slowly walking to my bedroom. Inside I lie down on the bed and curl up. Yet as minutes pass I grow rather annoyed as I can't get comfortable.

[Nyeh.. can't sleep.]

With my eyes wide open I gaze around the room for a solution only to notice the protruding closet "Hmm… I guess I could…"

Grabbing my pillow and blanket I throw both on the closet before leaping up top. Realizing the space is much wider than it seemed, I lie down the blanket, curl up on top before wrapping the remainder around myself. Resting my head on the pillow it takes but seconds to fall asleep.