-[Young cub, wake up]-
Softly groaning from having my sleep disturbed I try to move but notice I'm unable to.
[Huh?! Where am I?!]
-[Inside the acclimatization chamber. I believe that's what you called it.]-
[They put me inside while I was asleep?]
Softly chuckling Leone replies -[You were half asleep, you walked here yourself.]-
A yawn escapes me and with a soft moan I slowly blink [Ah…]
"Hmm… Leone?"
"Did we talk in my dreams again? I vaguely feel like you told me something important"
With a deep sigh I hang my head "Forget it" Yawning once again I frown when the walls begin to subtract.
For minutes to follow it remains silent [Why aren't they getting me out?]
Closing my eyes I sigh while once again yawning "I could have slept lo- WHOA!"
When the chiseling suddenly starts I can't help but be startled. Remembering being blinded, I quickly squeeze my eyes shut and look down yet once the layer breaks the amount of light entering the chamber burns my eyes nevertheless. "Ehhr…"
"Ah there's our beautiful cat!"
Looking up I groan softly as I try to confirm it's indeed Felix who spoke "Felix?"
Smiling he nods and hunches down "The one and only, we'll get you out in a second, just let Danny remove the last of the resin and we can lift you out without risk of cuts"
Widely yawning I look up with a smile when I see all his bruises are gone "You look healed up"
He nods "I am and so is Happy, you spent five weeks inside"
Feeling a damper on my spirits I sigh deeply and look down only to squeak when Danny lifts me out.
"There there, it's just me"
Softly chuckling I smile when he hands me to Felix who gives me a smirk.
"Say you have to tell me something"
Looking up I turn my head while doing my best to suppress yet another yawn.
"Why didn't you tell me you were THE Dark Knight of Never-Ending Fantasy Online?!"
Having no idea what he's talking about I gaze at his face "Uhh?"
Sighing he shakes his head "Dang, I hoped you remembered"
Oblivious I shake my head as well "Sorry, no idea what you're talking about"
Danny chuckles "He'll show you after we get you scanned."
With another nod I yawn and lean my head against Felix's shoulder "Body is numb, but it's as if my mind and… awareness? Is so much clearer now"
My words cause Felix to beam "That's amazing news, means the acclimatization is as good as finished!"
Smiling I close my eyes for a while only to open them once he lies me down on the table where I stretch.
"Just lie still for a moment"
With a nod I roll on my stomach and relax patiently waiting for the scan to finish.
"What the?!"
Hearing Danny exclaim Felix walks towards him and looks on the screen "Wow… that's quite the change"
Seeing the scan has finished I sit up and look their way "Something wrong?"
Danny shakes his head "No not at all, the opposite pretty much. Your bone density has doubled compared to the last scan. To make a simple comparison, where an average girl of fifteen would have a score of one, yours is currently at ten point three. And your muscle mass is quite high as well."
Giggling from amazement I gaze at my hand "Do I want to know?"
Felix chuckles "Probably not, it might make you afraid to eat."
Curious I gaze his way "That bad?"
He nods "Let's just say… you're heavier in muscle mass than most other women in this facility are with everything combined."
Baffled I chuckle and shake my head "That sounds so unreal"
Looking down at my posture I shrug "Eh, I still look healthy, as long as I'm not so heavy I start breaking scales and furniture I'm fine with it"
Laying down I rest my head on my arm and close my eyes.
[Wonder how strong I am now]
-[Close to my old strength, in raw power even stronger]-
Her reply startles me causing me to throw myself off the table. "Ow…"
Bursting into laughter Felix runs my way "The hell are you doing?"
Sitting up in a daze I wiggle my toes "Leone… she startled me"
Frowning he lifts me back on the table "What did she do?"
Still quite baffled I shake my head "It's what she said… I'm almost as strong as she was apparently, in raw power even stronger."
You are reading story Transcendence to Guardian of Subsistence at novel35.com
With the smile still on his face the corner of my lip twitches "She's kidding right?"
-"No I'm not, the cub's strength will far exceed mine in adulthood."-
Awkwardly giggling I look at Felix and Danny gazing at me in disbelief. "Dear lord… if the writings are correct… I don't want to know what you can do"
Faintly smiling I look at Felix. "What I can do now huh…?"
Widely yawning I giggle "That, that I can do"
My silliness causes them both to laugh and as Danny walks back out of the monitoring room he smiles "Let's go back to the others"
Smiling Felix lifts me up once more "Fair warning up ahead, Khloe is dying to see you again."
Another giggle escapes me "Can't wait to see them either"
Danny chuckles "Zhloe and Happy are waiting for you, Khloe… well let's just say she rushed out of school and is on her way here"
"I see… School…" Thinking of going back there a shiver runs down my spine.
Clearly not having noticed it, Danny smiles "If you want, you could go with her for a day or two"
Taking aback I wildly shake my head "R-Ratherrr not!"
Chuckling Felix nods towards my ears "Because of those?"
Nodding slowly I gaze down at my knees "I know how cruel people can be… And while I know they won't be able to harm me… I don't want to end up hurting them."
Smiling he resolutely looks forward "I'm sure it'll be alright, you're strong in body and soul"
In agreement Danny nods before opening the door to the living room where Zhloe immediately jumps up from behind the desk smiling once she sees me "Hey there Misses Kitty! How was the acclimatization?"
Slightly exhausted I smile "Think it went alright"
Felix laughs while walking towards the couch "Alright she says, her origin talked to her. Saying she's stronger than she was"
Zhloe and Happy both gasp in disbelief "What?!"
Felix lowers me onto the couch where I curl up in the corner and smile as it feels incredibly comfortable.
Danny looks at Zhloe "Her bone density doubled and her muscle mass increased significantly"
Zhloe makes a thoughtful noise "Let me see the report."
Lost in thought I'm suddenly startled as I see something flying towards me before I'm hit by a chocolate chip cookie.
Looking up Happy smiles "You look so far away"
Grabbing the cookie I nod "I'm thinking…"
Like a cannonball Felix drops himself on the couch next to Happy causing her to nearly get launched off. "About what?"
For a moment I remain silent during which Happy slaps Felix's cheek, once I see Danny appear in the corner of my eye I look up and smile when he hands me a cup of coffee. "A latte macchiato, seeing you've been asking for it for a while, make sure you enjoy"
With a nod I sniff and take a sip purring softly. "What you said earlier… Dark Knight? It reminds me of something…"
Chuckling Felix grabs a tablet from the table "I would have loved logging into your account… but aside from the standard password and two factor authentication you also had a biometric lock on the data stick so I couldn't. But this is you, or better said your character in the game."
Looking at the tablet I gaze at a young and tomboyish looking girl with cat features. Her hair jet black tied up in a wild knot, her equally black tail pokes through her abyssal black armor that has a few purple accents. Yet all of these become just minor details when my eyes fall on the large, heavy two-handed greatsword almost as long as the character herself. Painted black it has a purple flame like glow and seems to come straight from the abyss itself.
Feeling oddly familiar I keep gazing at the tablet "That sword…"
Smiling he takes the tablet back and taps on a few things before giving it to me "There, that's the sword itself it's called the Abyssal Chaosbringer."
Excited I take the tablet out of his hands and gaze at the sword feeling something click in my subconscious.
Zhloe nearly leaps off her chair from the startle "Whoa Leone calm down"
Wildly I shake my head and nearly throw the tablet back to Felix "No… I saw this!"
Enthusiast I stand up only to nearly fall over again.
"Leone wait." Felix stands up and gently sits me back down handing me my coffee which I surprisingly didn't knock over "Talk"
Taking the cup I take a big sip thinking deeply about the sword "I think… I saw it while I was inside"
Happy and Felix frown while both Danny and Zhloe join them near the couch to look at me. "In a dream you mean?"
Rapidly I nod "Yes, yes! Sort of."
Happy chuckles "Sort of?"
Downing the last of my coffee I place the mug back on the table "I'm nearly there… just…" I tightly grab my head and groan when a massive headache begins to spread while I scour my broken memories. Groaning louder I cringe together from pain causing Zhloe to be alarmed
"Leone! Stop it, you're overdoing it"
Shaking my head I continue thinking "Nearrly there…"
Feeling a hand on my back I startle slightly but ignore it. As I keep thinking the headache suddenly disappears as if someone flipped a switch, yet a strange sensation begins to form in my right hand.
[What the..?]
A moment later I squeal loudly and look up as I remember where I know the weapon from.
Holding up my right arm with my palm raised to the ceiling, a faint golden glow spreads from my palm before a huge two-handed sword similar to that of the game takes shape in my hand causing everyone, including me to gasp.
"What the actual f-"