Chapter 3: 3

The fight was over, didn't mean my duty was.

before I did so, I forced my tired body to ghater nearby leaves and made my own humble temporary outfit.

I was lucky that those all only a swarm of weak monsters, such as goblin and orc.

The strongest monster i fight were giant wolferine, the one which i currently taking it's hide. 

There were also , other monster's hides that I carefully choosed from the monster's corpses to tan them and making several simple clothes later. 

Then, another a few hours was spent to completely burried the monster remains to prevent them back to live in a form of zombie.

These tiring work were finally done.

I had just gone in a great defensive war before teleported there to fight these cripple and little works enought to burdened my body and stamina.

So, I went to the most decent Tree I could see nearby to take a rest on one of it's trunk while looking at the night sky.

Its funny, there were more than 10 moons on the sky.

But, My fully healed and rejuvenated body were funnier.

" Strange... "

I mumbled softly as I looked at my little hands that was raised on the sky.

 My eyes was slowly closed as I deeply thought about what should I do to understand my current situation

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