Taking out his keys he opens the door before heading inside "For information about Fira, you can look in that book, however we know very little about her. As for Leone, try this one" He grabs a large and thick book out of the shelf and groans softly.
Quickly walking towards him I hold up my hands "Here let me help"
Smiling he lets me take the book from his hands before motioning to a desk. "I know I may sound rude with all my questions, but may I ask about your balance?"
Slightly taken aback at his insecurity and care for my feelings, I chuckle softly "It's fine, I can sense you mean it in a respectful but curious way. But it's a fifty-fifty balance."
Squealing he hops on his feet from excitement causing me to giggle and take a better look at him. Dressed in black flannel like pants, a white blouse and dark purple lined black jacket embroidered with the logo of what I assume is the library. His half-long blonde hair occasionally covers his right eye while his gray eyes sparkle from enthusiasm. "Really?!"
Khloe nods "Yes"
Gasping he takes another look at me while his eyes seem to relax like he's staring into nothingness. "And the density of the Animus… it's as if…"
Making sure the door is shut Khloe replies "As if you're standing next to a young God?"
When he nods a soft sigh escapes my lips. "It seems like I'll be the next Warrior Goddess."
Falling silent he grabs his phone.
"What are you doing?"
Smirking he holds the phone to his ear "Calling a certain someone who has asked me again and again to join her facility as a researcher… But let's say the appearance of a Goddess among people may have swayed my mind."
Khloe giggles while I near completely ignore him as my mind is occupied by an image of Leone. Slowly I stroke my fingers over the picture and sigh "It really is just how she looked before me…"
Khloe smiles "Although there are some differences between the two of you."
Perplexed I stare at the image and nod "There are, while I seem to have received some of her features, the shape of my face is slightly different. not to mention..." Gazing down at my rather underwhelming chest and curves a mild groan escapes me.
Khloe remains oddly silent and when I look up I can see a mild blush appearing on her face while she refuses to make eye contact.
[Who's the uncomfortable one now huh?]
Shaking my head with a faint smile and swallowing a lump down my throat I scan through the pages only to stop when my eyes fall on something interesting "She… wasn't from here?"
Khloe frowns and steps next to me "What do you mean?" Pointing at the text in question makes her gasp "Huh…"
Shaking my head I keep reading, yet the more I read it's like I'm reading her personal diary. Completely silent I keep on reading about how she grew up, where she grew up and the fact that she wasn't the first Leone either."
[Huh so she inherited the name as well. From her teacher no less, yet her teacher wasn't the Warrior Goddess huh? I wonder if I could consider h-]
Suddenly my train of thought is broken up by Khloe who rubs her hand over my back "Don't overexert yourself dear."
"It just… it somehow brings back memories"
Smiling the man looks up from his desk next to us. "Seeing you're both from the facility, I can officially loan it too. So if it helps, feel free to bring it home."
In thought I nod slowly "Yes please"
"Stay here and read, I'll make sure you can take it home"
Khloe chuckles softly at my mind's absence and replies "Thank you"
I keep reading and it doesn't take long before tears roll down my cheeks
"Sorry.. I just.. can't understand how someone who has gone so much as her.. came to be our protector.." Sighing from amazement I dry my tears with my sleeve before seeing something interesting. "Huh..?"
Khloe frowns "What's up?"
Pointing to a small fold I gently peel it open causing a letter to fall out. When I pick it up and try to read, I groan in confusion "What is this.."
The door opens and closes again "What do you have there?"
I point to the small fold "It was folded in there, yet this seems like gibberish"
Taking the letter from me he frowns "Hmm.. I have seen this before..."
He places the letter on the table and grabs a few books from the shelf "AH! Here it is..." Placing the book on the table he quickly flips trough "Indeed, it is N'miran"
Khloe and I both frown in curiosity "N'miran?"
He nods "It's a language of another planet.. and it would seem N'arath and Leone share the same planet of origin, however.. it will take me some time to decipher this"
You are reading story Transcendence to Guardian of Subsistence at novel35.com
Khloe smiles "But you could decipher it?"
He nods "Yes" Once he looks at me he smiles "I shall inform the Admiral as well"
Faintly smiling I quickly return to reading yet not much later I grab my head and groan.
"You okay?!"
Slightly bewildered I nod "Y-Yea… just.. too much to process"
Softly groaning she sits down next to me and holds me tight "Tell me"
As she holds me a faint smile forms on my face "Seems she had a similar youth to me, always busy, little friends, and sometimes shunned by others, yet.. she was chosen by Leone as a pupil, instead of inheriting her powers"
She frowns "Wait.. so Leone isn't Leone?"
I shake my head "Leone, our Goddess is Leone, and the one who predecessed me. However her teacher was also called Leone, apparently it's a title there."
She smiles "So what's more?"
"Her master let her feel love and compassion, and told her she wished to take her along with her travels around the world. But I haven't been able to read that far yet"
She smiles and stands up to grab the book "Then let's continue"
Standing up I nod and as I begin to read, my eyes widen because of the horrible events that happened on their very first day, I want to continue but she places her hand on the text. "Tell me, after that, what do you feel?"
Shaking my head I stare into her sapphire eyes "I'm not sure.. strangely calm, yet deep down I feel disgusted by what happened. But I also understand why it happened"
She smiles and removes her hand "Go on"
I nod and continue reading, only to shiver as for the first week there's nothing but murder, rape, war and other kinds of terrible violence on their path. Surprisingly Leone never broke and as I keep reading I begin to understand why. "I get it now..."
Khloe frowns "Get what?"
An excited smile forms on my face "Why I was and am so calm"
Confused she furrows her brow "Just ignoring the fact you just described yourself as both entities... Explain"
"You see, take the murder in the inn they entered on their third day. The man who murdered the person inside the inn, did so because he was betrayed by that man"
"Yes, he yelled that as he killed him"
Nodding I continue "However… when you think about it, the man that was killed betrayed the killer because of the local lord holding his wife and children hostage. Yet despite he betrayed the killer, his wife got killed by the lord."
She nods in reply "If I were to pick the bad guy here it would be the lord"
"Yes, but as Leone realized the lord also had reasons for doing so, most likely not all for his own gain, seeing the world was shrouded in chaos"
Confused she nods slowly "But isn't that just excusing his behavior?"
I shake my head "No because he definitely isn't innocent of his crimes, however, there is a reason why he committed those, unless we know that reason, can we truly judge in all honesty? Or should we look for the answers and then judge"
She groans "But.."
Looking back at the book I sigh softly "It's far from perfect and in most realistic situations that is near impossible, if not completely. Yet it still remains the truth"
Still looking confused she slowly nods "I think… I understand"
Smiling I continue reading only to look up when Khloe groans and looks away "Huh? What's wrong? You okay?"
She nod "Yea.. but how can you be so calm while reading that?!"
Gazing at her with a blank stare I shrug "No idea, it is as if my emotions seem to have calmed down and regressed to the background, I still feel disgusted and angered or even excited at times. However seeing I'm simply an observer.. it doesn't hit me.. if you get what I mean"
She nods "I understand sort of.. and I don't but.. go ahead"
Insecure I smile faintly "I'm still learning, sorry"
She pats my head and shakes her head "It's okay, this is mainly so you can find out who you were"
With an understanding nod I want to continue reading when the man runs into the room and locks the door behind him, wildly signaling for us to be silent.
Khloe immediately grabs her phone and types a message asking why, in return he softly whispers "ALA attack, inside library"