As Gavin saw the figure that the loud voice originated from, he couldn't help but gawk with his mouth slightly open. He knew Hagrid was a half-giant and was big, but now that he was seeing him in the flesh, he felt that 'big' was a serious understatement to his humongous frame.
"Bloody hell, he's huge!" To his right, Brandon exclaimed loudly.
Daphne was surprised at Hagrid's size as well but was snapped out of it because of Brandon's exclamation, which made her laugh.
The bearded giant greeted a boy wearing glasses at the front of the group of students, shifting Gavin's attention. Gavin smiled as soon as he saw the boy; it was him: the child of prophecy, the boy whom he had a lot of respect for, and one of his favorite characters in the entire series.
Gavin admired and appreciated Harry Potter because he greatly respected his character when he finished reading the series. Harry was a humble, brave and loyal boy who greatly treasured his friends and responded to every crisis with grit and resolve despite his circumstances. That type of personality garnered a lot of respect from Gavin; people who face their challenges head on.
Gavin also respected Harry because he knew he couldn't be like him, he wasn't that righteous or heroic. Anyone other than his friends or family could die for all he cared…. He knew he was selfish, but he didn't care about it; it was his life, and he was going to live it doing what he wanted, however he wanted. Fuck everything else.
Gavin's thoughts were halted when Hagrid, who was holding a lantern, continued to speak, "Everyone here? Right then! This way te the boats, follow me."
Gavin and the rest of the first years followed Hagrid over to the lakeshore, where he instructed them to get into the docked boats in groups no greater than four per boat.
Since Gavin, Brandon and Daphne were at the back of the crowd, they got onto their boats lastly. No one else had entered their boat so it was just them.
"This is amazing!" Daphne said as she looked at the majestic illuminated Hogwarts castle, standing gloriously under the enthralling starry night sky.
"Yeah, I'm so excited!" Brandon added, grinning from ear to ear.
Gavin used his enhanced vision to look into the lake, trying to see what creatures laid within it. Bonding with Aelia had tremendously enhanced his sight and granted him night vision, giving him the ability to still be able to see even in pitch black darkness, albeit a bit poorly.
He couldn't see any creatures in the epilimnion of the lake so he increased the range of his vision and peered deeper, reaching the lake's hypolimnion.
There, he came across small, horned, and pale-green skinned creatures.
'Grindylows.' Gavin thought, observing the creatures swimming about. He was about to keep looking deeper when he felt the boat stop. He then disembarked the boat, alongside Brandon and Daphne and walked through the pier, only stopping in front of a huge wooden door, which Hagrid knocked on.
A few moments later, the door opened, revealing a witch wearing a pointy hat and dressed in an emerald robe. She had black hair and wore a serious expression on her face.
"Professor McGonagall." Hagrid greeted, nodding his head slightly.
"The firs' years." He then added, gesturing to the group of students behind him. All the students, except Gavin, looked a bit tense once they saw Professor McGonagall's serious face.
"Thank you, Hagrid. I'll take it from here." Professor McGonagall nodded and replied.
She then gestured to the first years to follow her and opened the door to the enormous entrance hall, which was adorned with flaming torches. Its ceiling was extremely high, and it had a magnificent marble staircase, which led to the upper floors, facing them.
The first years were chatting nervously as they walked. Gavin simply took in the sights and inspected the castle, looking for anything of interest.
Professor McGonagall led the students to a small chamber on the side of the hall and gestured for the first years to huddle together so she could address them. She was about to speak when a voice rang out abruptly.
"Trevor!" the voice said, in a tone laced with anxiety.
A black haired boy with chubby cheeks then stepped out of the crowd and grabbed the toad named Trevor. He looked rather happy as he grabbed his toad but froze immediately once he met Professor McGonagall eyes. Frightened, he quickly went back to the group of first years.
'I see Neville is still the same…' Gavin chuckled as he watched their interaction.
"Welcome to Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall coughed lightly and started.
"The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slythertin. Now, while you're here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule-breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup."
As Professor McGonagall spoke, Gavin was staring at all the first years, trying to note any new faces that weren't present in the books or movies. He already knew what McGonagall would say, and he didn't really care about the house cup. In his opinion, it was a brilliant two faced scheme concocted by the school; on one hand, it was fun for the students and on the other, it was a ploy to keep them from misbehaving due to pressure from peers.
Gavin's gaze stopped on a particular girl that he couldn't recognize. She had jet black silky hair and gorgeous emerald eyes. Her face looked symmetrical and she had light freckles across her petite nose. She seemed nervous, frightened, and extremely tense as she listened to Professor McGonagall.
'Don't tell me…another new person? Please be from some irrelevant wizard family…' Gavin thought as he observed the girl. If she was from a family relevant to the plot, it would surely give him a headache because it would mean more variables.
Gavin just noted her and looked back at Professor McGonagall as she finished talking to the first years.
Professor McGonagall looked at the first years intently before concluding, "Stay here, I will be back shortly." She then left the chamber, causing the first years to erupt into murmurs, making the place rather noisy. A pale boy with white-blonde hair and silver eyes then stepped forward from the crowd and faced the group of first years.
"So it's true then? Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts?" The boy said as he walked close to Harry.
"I'm Malfoy by the way… Draco Malfoy." He started speaking, and then introduced his goons, Crabbe and Goyle, to Harry.
To Harry's right, a red haired boy sniggered slightly, grabbing Malfoy's attention.
"Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask who you are. My father told me all the Weasleys have red hair, freckles and more children than they can afford." He sneered.
"You'll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." Malfoy added, stretching his hands out for a hand shake.
"I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks." Harry declined cooly.
Malfoy frowned and scowled, he was about to insult Harry and Ron but then ghosts started to pour into the chamber, frightening all the first years. Gavin was intrigued as he observed the ghosts. He wondered if it were possible to use Arithmancy to find out when they died. He noted his idea, deciding to investigate it after his main experiments.
McGonagall then returned, shooing the ghosts away.
"Follow me." She said stoically, as she turned around and led the first years towards the Great Hall. Once they got there, McGonagall opened the doors slowly, revealing the iconic hall. It was gigantic, to say the least. It's ceiling had a projection of the night sky. Multiple candles floated above the four long tables that stretched up to the front of the hall.
Students of different colored robes filled those tables and most were looking at the new first years. Some were whispering and pointing fingers, while others were discussing rather happily, giving the hall a vibrant atmosphere. A long table laid at the end of the hall, on which all the Hogwarts Professors sat alongside the Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.
"I'm really nervous." Daphne said as she moved towards the front of the hall with Gavin and Brandon. She was fidgeting with her fingers and avoiding the gaze of the students who were staring at them.
"Me too." Brandon added, also looking anxious and on edge.
Gavin chuckled as he looked at the two of them.
You are reading story HP: The Enlightened One at
"I have a trick that may help you lot. When I look at people staring at me, I just try to imagine their faces after eating a vomit flavored jelly bean."
Brandon and Daphne fought the urge to laugh loudly and put their hands over their mouths. They eased up considerably after listening to Gavin, turning their nervousness into anticipation.
Once they reached the front of the hall, McGonagall placed a four-legged stool carrying a ragged and old looking pointed wizard's hat in front of them.
Shortly after, a crack opened up on that hat and voice sung out.
Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.
You can keep your bowlers black,
Your top hats sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.
There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.
You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
if you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folks use any means
To achieve their ends.
So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And don't get in a flap!
You're in safe hands (though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap!"
Following the song, a sonorous applause rang through the Great Hall as students cheered and clapped loudly, chatting merrily with each other. Gavin was excited seeing the atmosphere, it sent shivers down his body.
McGonagall then opened a scroll, faced the students and spoke, "When I call your name, step forward and sit on the stool."
She then shouted the first name on the scroll, "Abbot, Hannah!"
A young blonde haired girl stepped out nervously and quickly sat on the stool. McGonagall proceeded to place the hat on her head and waited for a few moments.
"HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat shouted, earning the cheers and applause of the Hufflepuff long table.
Smiling, the girl walked quickly to it.
The sorting ceremony continued as multiple young boys and girls were sorted into their respective houses. Soon, it was Gavin's turn.
"Everhart, Gavin!" McGonagall shouted.