"Eddy?," May called me seeing the plain face I'm making.
"Huh?... just a moment Aunt May," I said as I rose from the bed and ran towards the restroom, as soon I entered I shut the door and locked it.
'God!! How can I forget about that mind raper and moving magnet, oh my god I can't even think without worrying about he reading my mind,'
"Ed honey are you ok?," I heard a knock followed by May's concerning voice.
"Ye-yeah Aunt May.. could you give me a second, thank you," I replied and got back to brainstroming.
Ahh.. why does it have be so soon I'm not even ready to contact them, the thing I'm worried about is the knowledge I have on the universe, If confronted I can't explain it.
'On the first place why is this guy even here to see me, he would only meet someone if he considers they are a threat or... they are mutants.. wait a minute.. am I mutant then? I don't remember any version of Eddy being a mutant though, am I a anom-,'
No these questions can wait, I bit my nails pondering what to do, either I can hear him or avoid him.
I closed my eyes and calming my breaths, 'Fine, The world is fucked up already a bit more mess won't do anything.. I think?, lets go all in,' I moved to the faucet and turned on the tap.
Splashing a handful of cold water in my face, I looked at the mirror, drops of water slowly dripping from my chin.
"You got this Eddy," I slapped my cheeks with determination in my eyes and.. ouch that was unnecessary.
I got out of the restroom and May was sitting in my bed, noting down things in her pad.
"Ah.. Eddie are you okay? Why were you running?," Tilting her head she asked.
"Its was quite urgent Aunt May I had to take a leak," I said sheepishly rubbing my head.
"Fuu~ .. kid's these days," She sighed and chuckled at me.
"I... You can ask those guys to come in Aunt May, I will meet them,"
Well it's better to meet them and gain something rather than avoiding them and losing it.. yeah there is a con too.. I might get Mindraped.
"Really? I can just say no to them if you feel uncomfortable," May worried about my condition but as I said before I'm only in the hospital because I fainted that day and I would be discharged tomorrow after some test.
"No.. you will be here when they come right?,"
It be helpful if there is a adult in a conversation, if he tries to read my mind or if I feel something's wrong I could ask her help, yeah she may not do much but still.
"Yeah.. I'm not leaving you one second," She said puffing her chest in pride and shaking her head.
I chuckled at her comment as she went out, After a second I calmed down, repeating a single line in my mind.
'You got this Eddie, You have spent a lot of hours of online watching nerds make conspiracy theory about mindreading machines and ways to tackle them, use it this is the time.. Step number 1, think about sex... no it would be creepy if a 10 year old thinks about sex, Step 2, think gibberish while speaking-,'
The door opened leaving me not able to form a plan, May first came in followed by 3 guys.. well 2 guys and 1 woman.
Damn!! She. Is. Hot, a deep shade brown skin, white hair till her back, probably early 20s and those are some bust.. ooh Eddy don't perve on your first meeting there is always a second and third you can perve on them.
The other guy was meh.. he had red sunglass on him, a biker jacket, his face screamed punch me, just a look at him and I knew who it was, Cyclops or Scott Summers same like Storm he must be in his 20s.
I just don't understand what is so great about his face that made beauty's like Emma and Jean to fall for him, I'm telling it again that face is equal to the fatty bastards in hentai.
And finally the man on the chair.. no I'm literally speaking here, he didn't look that old he should be like 50 or something, Charles Xavier, The telepath, the futurist, the Professor not the money heist one though I liked him more than this guy.. okay anddd a fucking manipulator, give him some claps gentlemen.
May came near me and sat at the bed while insisting them to take a seat but they refused.
"This is Eddy and Eddy they are-," May was stopped by Charles as his wheel chair moved forward.
"Hi Eddy, My name is Charles Xavier, this is Scott and she's Munroe," He introduced them both and they waved at me with a smile at their mention.
"Hi," I waved them back.
"He's cute," I heard Storm's voice and blushed at the sudden compliment.
"I-I like your hair," I replied with a fluster still in my voice.
If someone compliments you either you give it back or insult them and I don't feel the need to insult her but if that Mike Wazowski called me cute I would have asked if he was gay.
"Ohh thank you," She said touching her hair with a big smile.
"And sweet," She complimented again but my attention was not on her because of Charles.
"hmm Scott if you can start," Charles gestured Scott to come forward but Scott looked like he was stunned.
"Pro-Professor me?," He asked struggling to do.. whatever he was going to do.
"Yeah, give it a try," What am I to you guys? A lab rat? I'm not buying anything this bastard gonna say.
"O-Okay, Fuu~.. Hi Eddy we are from Xavier's school for gifted youngsters, we are a special school for special students and you are a one special child,"
Okay buddy don't ever do this again, this not your strong hold, you sound absolutely like a third rate con-artist, even Storm facepalmed at his explanation.
"What exactly are you saying? I can't understand it? I'm his Aunt and from what I have seen he's super cute other than that he's just a normal kid," May asked gaining their attention and her doubts are right for his words.
"Oh, oh no I didn't meant that kinda special, he's is-," Scott tried to correct but May interrupted him.
"Who are you guys again," May asked squinting her eyes at his weird behaviour.
"... We are the X-Men," Bruh..? You for real, I thought that was suppose to be secret identity and this guy is spewing it out like a natural thing and like confirming my thoughts both Charles and Storm facepalmed.
Hearing his words May stood up swiftly and with one hand on me she moved back warily.
"W-Why are you here? What do you want with Eddy? He's just a kid," She said moving back with each word while pulling me with her.
Her fear was understandable, I didn't know Mutants existed till a hour ago.. more like I forgot but whatever, But let say I'm a civilian of this world I'm may not know Mutants because of their secrecy but I would have at least heard myths about them and all myths will not be good.
"Mam please calm down we are not here to hurt anyone, Scott I will take it from here," Charles said as glasses backed out with face down not finding what he did wrong.
"Mam let me start again, Eddy here is a Mutant and a strong one at that, I run a school for mutants to help them analyse their gifts and socialise with humans normally," Charles clearly gave a word for what he's here for but my mind was processing this 'Strong Mutant'.
"He doesn't look like a Mutant though," May said doubting his words and what does she mean by looks? Is there a specific way mutants should look in this universe? But they look normal.
"And what exactly a mutant looks like?," Munroe spoke for the first time since the conversation started.
"T-T-They have scales on their body or horns or-or slitted eyes or black claws," May mentioned what she thought as a specifications of mutants and they were bullshit.
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"Hahaha!! I'm sorry but those are just senseless rumours, Mutants can't only be identified by external differences, we are mutants too," Munroe explained and yeah I'm getting a lot of information from this.
"So you're mutants too?,"
"Yes," Ororo nodded at May's question.
"Soo what can Eddy do?,"
"Ahh.. We don't know Mam, We will run a bunch of test and I can give you the answer.. well if you're fine with that but one thing is for sure he's a strong one," Charles spoke and carefully finished his words.
"But he's-,"
"Now Mam, I understand your concern but think about Eddy, he's may look normal outside but it will be really hard for him to socialise normally with other kids, as adults it's our responsibility to give our kids a happy childhood because this is the base of what he will be in the future," And here comes his manipulator side, May visibly gulped hearing his words and eyed me concernedly.
"I-I.. I can't.. Eddy what do you think?," She said leaving the choice to me, after sometime in silence I answerd.
"I-I.. I can't choose anything now, I'm sorry my parents.. they died, I.. just can't, " I revealed my problem.. but basically I just didn't want to join X-Men not yet at least.
"We heard about it and we are sorry for you Eddy," Charles said and with Scott being good licker nodded for it all but Munroe walked to me, kept a hand on my head caressed it.
"Hmm.. I have been where you are now.. I lost my parents in a plane crash when I was maybe couple years older than you, I was lonely and sad before someone helped me, if not for him I wouldn't be here, Eddy see.. you got great Aunt and a family there for you but we are just saying we can give you another one," She said with a sad smile on her face through all of it.
"I... I'm not really sad about my father dying," I said looking down and there was a sudden silence in the room.
"Eddy?," May's voice sounded broken by my words but I know she know why I said that.
She was the only friend my mom had and I have seen memories of countless nights where my mom would cry in her shoulders, She couldn't do much and I don't blame her even my mom couldn't do anything, 90s was period like that.
All eyes in the room except mine were on May expecting an answer for why a 10 year kid is not sad about his father's death.
"His father... He was not a good person, He is a-," May was going to swear something in anger but looking at me she stopped.
"My dad.. was-," I turned around while sitting with my back now towards them I slowly took my shirt off and when it was just my bare back I heard their shouts.
"Oh My God!!,"
"What the hell!!,"
There was bunch of scars running from my waist to shoulders and some purple spots here and there, I was uncomfortable the first day sleeping so I checked it in the restroom mirror and.. I wish nobody have a father like that.
Munroe slowly reached her hands to my back and brushed over them but unknowingly she touched a soft spot.
"Ahh," I winced in pain and she immediately retracted it.
"I'm Sorry!!," She swiftly exclaimed.
I slowly put my shirt back and turned around, I could see May and Oro had tears forming in their eyes with Oro covering her mouth while Charles and Scott had disbelieving looks, seeing all this I just giggled.
Oro stood up and left the room immediately, tears dropping from her cheeks but Scott didn't follow neither Charles said anything.
"This.. This is inhumane" Scott said seeing me smile, After his words silence enveloped the room once again.
"I suppose, Mrs.Parker.. I- We think it's not a good time, I hope Eddy be in your care and I wish he be happy.. if Eddy happens to run into any problem regarding his mutation, we are more than happy to help, this is my card please contact.. Scott," Charles said finally breaking the silence.
At his name Scott was unresponsive at first but then moved forward and started to push Charles out but right before leaving Charles stopped.
"Ahh Scott wait.. Mrs.Parker I would like to leave a stopper in case Eddy's powers ran wild and he does something he will regret.. is it okay with you?," May was totally gloomy but she just nodded.
Charles raised a hand to his head and keeping it in a corner of his forehead he-.
Both me and Charles cried at the same time, I didn't know why he did but for second there My head felt like it became a pinball machine and my brain being the ball getting hit from all sides.
"What-What happened? What did you do?," May asked coming out of her stupor at my cry in pain.
"Professor? What happened?," Scott was also in his knees checking on a Charles panting.
"Ha. I tried to set a connection in case he activates his ability but.. his mind blocked my side and started to shatter it unconsciously.. Ha. if not for me shutting it down my mind would have shattered.. he's a telepath," Charles explained.
"Please don't do it.. just don't," I said holding my head, it was now better but it felt like I had a sudden blood rush.
"Yeah.. I know, Scott we can go.. sorry Eddy," Charles left the room saying that.
[10 minutes later] [Outside The Hospital]
In a black car three individuals were sitting silently not disturbing each other thinking about their interaction with Eddy.
"So Scott What do you think you did wrong with the introduction?," Charles asked trying to light up the mood.
"I.. I don't know Professor," Scott sighed thinking about that.
"Hmm.. You shouldn't have said the thing about X-Men Scott," Charles said seeing his student's sorrow filled face.
"..But I thought our popularity would make them friendlier with us," Scott rebutted his point.
"Popularity is double edged Scott, just as how much they know about us they also know about the threats we face it will give a irresponsible outfront to someone who's ward we're going to take in," Munroe spoke out her words but her voice was still saddened.
"Right you are Oro," Charles smiled hearing it.
"You fine now?," Charles asked turning to Storm who was in the back seat.
"I.. I have been fighting big things for a decade now that I feel like I forgot about the small yet cruel things happening around,"
"How can there be someone so cruel Professor, he was just a kid," Scott agreed with Storm.
"Hmm.. there are all kinda of demons in this world Scott, we can't only consider someone evil just because they are destroying the world.. if somebody destroys a world someone else hopes for they are demons too," Both Scott and Storm nodded at his words.
"Let's go home shall we,"