It has been 2 months since I moved to Ben's and nothing happened till now.
I did find about Pym technologies, It's famous for its strict job reviews, true or not I don't know.
Oscorp exist here, it has just started like 7 years ago and it's still in the developing terms, not an equal to Stark's but I know it will change soon.
I once saw a article about the missing plane of Rand industries and their inheritance passing to their family-friend or somebody, which concludes that Iron fist is alive.
Then I found another article about Bruce Banner's Gama radiation alter systems, which is something he invented and I think in two years or so he will turn into hulk.
Other than these I tried everything I could to get more but it's all really in downhill, I would occasionally see reports about mutants getting arrested for using their ability and breaking laws.
Which made me realize two things, one, there must be device to supress the mutation, two, there should be a special prison to hold them, in my opinion must be the icebox.
I have yet to find my mutation but I'm pretty compromised that I'm no Telepath, I have tried a fucking ton of times to read minds but I couldn't.
I got back to school after spending a week in home and have to say, I still hate school even if it's elementary.
It's just too boring, They teach me multiplication for Maths, world map for geography and water turning to vapour for science.
Rather than studying I mostly spend time with my friends, which is not fun as it sounds, one of my friend being Pete, who understands high school level science right now and the other being Cissy.
Cissy Ironwood, that's her name and I'm sure she's not a villain or a Hero, which puts her in title of extra.
While Pete being a nerd, she's the over enthused kid, truth be told Eddy and she were great friend but I don't think I can continue that for much longer, What can I say she's.. too childish and I can't always act like that.
I made some plans about where to start my journey to the Marvel powerhouses, I do have one simple way but It is only simple if the other party is interested too.
"So then Barbie and Ken lived happily forever, Yay!," Cissy's voice got me back from my thoughts.
"Yay!... suddenly one day Ken found Barbie was pregnant and killed her, Yay!," I said under my breath but it some how got to Pete's ears.
"Eddy? what are you talking about? Why would Ken kill Barbie?," Pete asked showing the Ken doll in his hand.
"Because he doesn't have a Pee-Pee how can Barbie get pregnant?," I replied as his face frowned.
"What's a Pee-Pee got to do with getting a baby, you kiss a woman at the night of your marriage and 'Boom' Babies," He said it like he found the truth of the universe.
"Then why don't the couples who are in love but not married kiss and don't get babies?," I replied with a question.
"Haa~.. how are you even my cousin being such an idiot, the rings that they exchange on the wedding are enchanted with special magic,"
'Okay, He's so adorable and I don't want to be the one to break his bubble,' I smiled thinking about his answer.
Special magic... if losing a man's freedom with just two words is magic then of course you're right.
"Ok guys it's time let's get back," Aunt May said waving at us.
"Yeah Cissy, Dad will be early tonight let's go," Cissy's mother joined Aunt May.
I looked at the reddening skies and the setting sun, an unconscious sigh left my mouth.
'I really need to speed up my progress or the universe will devourer me,'
"What's for dinner Aunt May?," I asked as we reached the stone bench they were sitting.
"Hmm.. meatloaf or steak," She said wondering which one to choose.
"Let's go with meatloaf, It's been a while since we ate those," I said moving past her with my hands tied behind my head.
"Hmm.. yeah Aunt May lets go with meatloaf," Pete nodded agreeing to my words.
The night went by quick, Ben had to stuck up at his job and returned late at night, we had to have dinner without him.
Pete and I studied after dinner, I don't know if it's because of my mom's genes as Parker but I can understand and analyse things way faster than before.
After reading for sometime, Pete began to get sleepy and I pushed him into his room and got down to May's and Ben's.
It has become a habit now, Checking the net for any important news before going to bed but nothing today.
Sighing at my luck, I got to my bedroom and with a swift motion jumped in my bed, closing my eyes I started to rehearse everything I should do tomorrow but at some point I fell asleep without knowing.
'What am I doing here again,'
I was back in the endless void of black, I couldn't see anything even myself.
'Hello? Stan Lee?,' I shouted but there was no replies and it echoed multiple times before silence came.
A voice that sounded like a Ego of hell roared catching me off guard.
'H-Hello? Eddy.. Bud are you pulling a prank on me or something? Same side bro,'
'Hello? Where are you? I can't see anything,'
Out of no where my body froze up, I didn't know what a bloodlust would feel like but I was sure this was it and it was coming from behind me.
All the senses in my body was blaring one thing 'you turn you die' and I didn't but my body was automatically turning.
At first I couldn't see anything other than two suns coming to crash the black plane I'm standing but it took me some time to notice they were not suns, they were eyes.
You are reading story Marvel: Rise of Venom at
Two big red eyes glaring at me and a black iris in the middle, my body felt like it was burning and burning.
Suddenly the eyes closed and gone like it never existed but the moment it did, a black wave of spiral energy flowed towards me, getting bigger second by second.
"-hhhhhh," My eyes shot open as I woke up, I was panting, sweat all over my head.
'It was dream? No it felt too real, what was that?,' I thought as I shook my head.
That's when I noticed the fluffy feeling of the bed that I should have felt behind my back was missing, I turned around to check.
"Woahhhh!!!," I was floating above the bed, at reflex I stretched my hands waiting for the impact of my fall but it didn't come.
"Woahwoahwoah," I said continuously staring at my bed, I could move my arms but I was not falling.
"Okay ok slowly go down, go down," I couldn't understand the situation I was in and this is the only thing I could do and it worked.
I was slowly descending and the moment my fingers touched the bed, I felt the gravity coming back and me falling but I Immediately forced my arm and rolled away from the bed.
Standing at the floor, My eyes were darting between the place where I was floating and the bed where I slept, forgetting the dream I had a while ago.
'I was... really floating right?,'
"Is it my mutation?," I asked aloud, I have read before that some mutations work unconsciously, so is my mutation flight then?.
'Haa god I need to think,' I thought as I walked out of the room, I went downstairs and got my running shoes, wearing them in a flash I left the house.
I jog away from ingram street with my mind full on disarray, weirdly enough for some reason I could think clearly when I work out rather than being normal.
'Okay lets start it chronologically,' I said as I took a right crossing a guy on skateboard.
'The Dream, was it truly a dream or was I in a mental plane or dimension of somebody?,' I thought about it but I couldn't really come to a conclusion of who I saw back there, so I had to leave that subject.
'Okay, second I was floating and there is no way I'm denying it, was it my mutation? Hmm should I try it some where alone... yeah let's do that,' I thought as I jog continuing to look out for a lone alley and it's really hard finding one with the streets busy in the morning.
I knew place like that and I was jogging towards it but right before the turn I have to take, my steps halted.
A man fell on my path, I wouldn't have paid heed to him if that was any other guy but I knew him.
'He?.. I know him, the guy from apocalypse movie, what was his name again?,' I thought as he stood up while another man came out from the shop he was kicked out from.
"I had enough with you Caliban,"
'Yeah Caliban!!, the guy that refers himself in third person,'
"Please Mark, you can't do this to Caliban, Caliban helped you a lot, please... just three months, give Caliban three months," Caliban pleaded with his hands combined.
"Are you even hearing yourself, Three months? Letting you stay here is a big help than you think," Mark refused to hear any of his words.
"Please Mark, three months Caliban will settle it all," Caliban said trying to convince the man.
"Huh?... hmm.. three months?,"
"Yes three is enough,"
"Fine for old times sake but you better get my money," the man said shutting the door with a bam.
Caliban sighed and sat down, shaking his head, he did something with his fingers and stood up, while I was watching it all leaning on a light post.
He started to walk away but he stopped, his eyes darted every where around us before stopping on me.
He squinted his eyes and looked me up and down.
"Hey kid you should get moving this neighbour hood is not kid friendly," He said to me before starting to walk.
But I know this place rather than not friendly they just hate kids but those things aside.
Now what should I do with him? Well there is not much I can do with him and I don't know about much him, from what I remember he's a information broker and... that's all, I don't know if he's a good guy or bad guy but one thing I know for sure is he was definitely rich than what I saw just now.
Shaking my head I started to move away, let's just say I met one more character of X-Men universe.
*Bam, Bam, Bam*
The continues horn sound made me turn to see a mini van rushing down the steep without control and at the end Caliban, who will get hit for sure.
'... should I save him? Naa.. nice knowing you Mr.Caliban,' I said as I turned around but, 'Damn it!!,'
I ran towards him shouting but he didn't turn a bit, the van came so close and I knew I couldn't reach him anymore so I gave out one last shout.
"HEYY!!," and now this bitch look me, his eyes widened seeing the van but before it crashing him something happened.
There was fist mark on the van's front bender and it was floating not that high just a centimetre or so but I could clearly see it floating.
He stumbled back and fell on his butt panting, his life must be flashing before his eyes but that's when I noticed his eyes they were staring at me.
I let a sigh seeing him alive and took in the hand I extended while shouting and the van dropped with a bam.
'Wait.. I did that?,'
Hoo~.. today is going a little too fast.