Chapter 1: Chapter 1

He turned on the light, and couldn't help but cough. There was dust everywhere.

Normally, this room was unused. He didn't have the time or the mental strength to go in. These days he just wanted to rest after coming home exhausted from work. And although his job was nothing special, it was just very demanding and had long hours.

Months without cleaning, without wiping the furniture, without airing it, the room itself was attacking him at this moment.

Today was the beginning of his vacation, so he decided to take advantage of it and started cleaning. It took him all morning but in the end he was able to finish.

Then once he finished and relaxed, he felt a stabbing pain in his chest.

“One of these days I'm going to end up in the hospital if I don't properly rest.” he said as he related the pain to the lack of exercise and rest, nothing he hadn't felt so many times before.

After preparing a small refreshment, he turned on the TV, prepared what he was going to watch and sat down on the sofa.

The anime called One Piece started to play, right now the opening was playing, then the chapter started.

At this moment, the anime was in the part where Rosinante's tragic past was explained.

After leaving Mary Geoise, and trying to live like ordinary people, the locals, who were filled with anger against the celestial dragons, took it out on them.

They were chased, lynched to an abandoned house surrounded by garbage.

He was engrossed in the anime when suddenly a sound interrupted.

*Ring Ring Ring*

It was the sound of an incoming call.

“Ugh… Did I forget to silence it? Oh, that's right, it's on silent for everything except important calls. I should have turned it off”

He grabs the cell phone and prays it's not who he thinks it is.

“No, no… This week was my week off! He always does the same thing, this time I will ignore him. Yes! That’s what I’ll do!”

It rang once, it rang twice, it rang three times... It went on and on.

Then it stopped, he gave a sigh, and relaxed again.

*Ring Ring Ring*

It rang once, it rang twice, but this time, on the third time, he could not contain himself any longer, he thought to himself, "I need the job," although he knew damn well that was an excuse and answered.

“John, are you there? I need you to come ASAP, the person who was going to replace you this week is sick. Take a cab, I'll pay for it. About your vacation, we'll sort it out later.”

I didn't even get to say hello before he hung up on me.

All John could do was sigh.

He changed his clothes and when he was calling a cab, in the middle of the call his chest began to hurt. He clutched his chest and then lost his strength. He started to fall to the ground.

As he fell, he thought how great it would be to be able to live in the world of One Piece.

Then, he lost consciousness.


“Rosinante... Don't worry. Your mother… Your mother will recover.”

A tall man, with dark blonde curly hair that reached his shoulders was kneeling on one leg in front of me. As he spoke, he put a hand on my shoulder.

His trembling voice lacked conviction, he obviously did not believe in what he was saying.

“Rosinante, go to sleep. It's late.”

The man called me back with the same name, one that was obviously not mine, but was very familiar to me.

The man turned his head slightly, then looked at me and spoke again.

“Don't worry about your mother, I'll keep an eye on her.”

The place was completely dark, there was no illumination except for the moonlight that was coming through all the many holes in the place.

I moved my head a little to one side and looked where the man briefly stared.

The moonlight shining through the non-existent window shone on a woman with a haggard face. This woman, who was bedridden, had a small rag on her forehead. The woman was sick, maybe it was a fever, but it was hard to see in such poor lighting.

Then, when I focused my vision to get a good look at her, something appeared above her head.

A name enclosed in brackets and a "critical condition" in dark red.

You are reading story One Piece: Reincarnated as Doflamingo’s brother at

[Donquixote Merry] [Critical condition]

I was stunned, I couldn't believe what was happening in front of me.

I started rubbing my eyes.

I didn't understand what was going on or where I was, and those letters above her head didn't help either. None of this made any sense except for one thing, the surname…


I knew very well who that word referred to but that couldn't be possible.

As I was analyzing my situation, the man gave me a little push towards the bed.

I started to move towards the bed as I didn't understand what was happening yet, but not before giving the man, or rather the top of his head, a glance.

[Donquixote Homing] [Severe Condition]

The surname Donquixote… The way the man called me… And that bedridden woman.

No way... no way... no way… I don't want to believe it. Besides, Doflamingo is yet to appear. Until he shows up, I can't be sure of anything.

I must be dreaming. Yes, that must be it.

Okay, I'll go to sleep, and tomorrow I'll wake up in my bed, in my house or in the hospital, either one of the two.

The bed was not very comfortable. It was just a collection of dirty rags on a couple of wooden boards. It had an awful smell, but even so, I climbed up and rested my head on it all while holding back the urge to throw up, or rather, this body was so tired that it didn't even have the strength to.

Before closing my eyes, I took a last look around me.

Doflamingo's father was there, next to the bed, holding the hand of the woman who was sleeping, which is probably the mother.

Doflamingo was nowhere to be found in the room.

His younger brother, Rosinante, was not there either, but from the way the man addressed me, I have no choice but to accept that I am dreaming as if I were Rosinante. The younger brother of the antagonist Donquixote Doflamingo, Donquixote Rosinante.

But it’s okay, this is all a dream and I will wake up in my comfy bed in a few moments once I fall asleep.

Thinking like that, I finally closed my eyes and fell asleep immediately.

The next day I woke up in my comfortable bed, then I made myself a cup of coffee and left for work… or that's how the story was supposed to go if I hadn't woken up again in this abandoned house on the verge of collapse.

I sat on the bed, thinking for a while. It seemed that this dream was going to continue.

I looked at my surroundings. Now with the sunlight everything was clearer.

The house, if it could be called that, was a single room surrounded by four wooden walls. There were holes everywhere, and most of the wood was rotten.

It was a miracle that it has not yet collapsed.

Homing was still there, asleep but holding the woman's hand. As for the woman, she was still sleeping but every now and then she would be writhing in pain and groaning.

It seems that her situation did not improve at all during the night. Well, it's not like a wet rag on her head will cure her.

“So, what should I do?”

It was a very realistic dream, I could feel the rough texture of the sheets against my skin, I could smell the foul odor of the place, I could even hear the sound of the waves breaking in the distance.

Hold on... Waves? If I can hear the sound of the sea, then....

Right! Why didn't I think of that before!

I have to take advantage of this dream and go exploring!

I stood up on the bed and raised both arms to the sky, all while I shouted, “Let’s go!”.

My scream echoed throughout the place, causing something to fall and brush against my cheeks. When I looked, it was a piece of wood from the ceiling.

A red liquid began to fall and it was at that moment that I began to feel a stabbing pain near my face.

Doflamingo's father and mother had reacted to my shout but before I could cry out in pain, the door of the house suddenly opened. Someone had entered.

A boy wearing a button-down shirt with a low collar, shorts, and sunglasses he never takes off.

It was at that moment that I realized that maybe this was not a dream. That man, or rather, boy, was none other than Doflamingo when he was a kid.

*About the mother: The name was never given so I chose one for the mother.